Here I am strolling down the streets of London but it is only few days ago when I was in Czech Republic 10 mins away from a disaster that nobody expected. The whole preparation for this trip was very stressful. We knew we needed 15 covid tests in total for my family but until the last minute I was not sure if my husband who has Irish passport is allowed to enter. There is so much confusing information online but luckily the trip was pretty smooth in the end.
Little did I know that the summer storms they were predicting for the region where I come from will turn to a disaster and nightmare for many people. And there it was I was looking out of window at scary looking sky and looking at the biggest hail stones I have ever seen in my life whilst 10 mins away from us several villages were hit by a strong tornado. That is something so rare and so unpredictable and something we Czechs do not have much experience with. And it is also something you cannot prepare for. You do not know where it will hit and how it will end up. You may think your house is well built but it does not matter. There were hundreds of houses seriously damaged and people were left with nothing, there were lives lost and people were injured. The villages looked like there was a war zone. It was a sad sight and I pray for all these people to get through this nightmare as soon as possible. My village only experienced electricity outage, cable tv and wifi outage but now I have to laugh at it as in comparison to those poor people it is the smallest issue. I cannot even imagine what they must be going through.
I was driving following day for my pre-flight covid test and what I saw was very sad. There was chaos, ruined houses and people already busy clearing what they could. I personally contributed to several families and if you want to do so as well here you can have a look at stories of those affected. You never know when you will need help yourself and we must realise nature is much stronger than we think.
Na fotografiich si to kracim Londynskou ulici a v te dobe, kdy jsem fotila tento outfit, jsem nemela ani poneti, co nas ceka pri nasi navsteve Ceska. Jestli me sledujete na Instagramu (evglamazon), mozna vite, ze cely vylet byl trosku stresujici, cekalo nas celkem 15 covid testu a hlavne jsem si az do posledni chvile nebyla jista, zda ma muj manzel, ktery ma Irske obcanstvi povelny vstup. Internetove zdroje byly matouci, ale nakonec se ukazalo, ze rodinny prislusnik, muze bez problemu pricestovat. Nebudu vam lhat, hodne jsem si oddechla.
Pocasi nam vyslo na jednicku a koncem tydne nas cekala letni bourka, v te dobe pouze jeden zdroj tvrdil, ze pri takovych teplotach se casto tvori tornada. Ale koho by to napadlo ze? Je to neco, co se v nasich koncinach vidi opravdu malo a navic je to neco, co se neda jednoduse predvidat a ani tomu zabranit. Zatimco ja jsem jsem pozorovala z okna ty nejvetsi kroupy, co jsem kdy v zivote videla, deset minut od nas zazivali lide nocni muru. Stovky lidi prisly o domovy, o majetek a nektere rodiny i o sve blizke. Nedokazu si ani v nejhorsim snu predstavit, co museli vsichni prozivat. Predstava, ze tento zivel sebere moji rodine strechu nad hlavou a mozna i neco vic je desiva. Zatimco u nas vypadla elektrina, kabelova televize a wifi, tak druzi s hruzou sledovali, jak jim tento zivel bere celozivotni shanu a v nekterych pripadech i zivoty blizkych. Tech pribehu je tolik a nektere az zenou slzy do tvare.
Nasledujici den jsem jela na pred odletove covid testy a takovou zkazu jsem nikdy nevidela. Domy bez strech, znicene podniky, vsude polamane stromy, smeti a uz pilne pracujici postizeni, kteri se snazili odklizet co se dalo. Jedna vec je o tom cist, ale druha je to videt to na vlastni oci. Ja sama jsem prispela nekolika rodinam a pokud i vy chcete pomoci, muzete tak ucinit napriklad tady. Solidarita byla obrovska a to je dobre, jelikoz nikdy nikdo nevi, co se stane jemu a priroda je silnejsi, nez si obcas pripoustime.
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