Category Archives: Lifestyle

Tornado: The disaster nobody expected…

Wearing: Shoes: Puma, Dress: Allsaints, Bag: Nini Molnar, Blazer: ZARA

Here I am strolling down the streets of London but it is only few days ago when I was in Czech Republic 10 mins away from a disaster that nobody expected. The whole preparation for this trip was very stressful. We knew we needed 15 covid tests in total for my family but until the last minute I was not sure if my husband who has Irish passport is allowed to enter. There is so much confusing information online but luckily the trip was pretty smooth in the end.

Little did I know that the summer storms they were predicting for the region where I come from will turn to a disaster and nightmare for many people. And there it was I was looking out of window at scary looking sky and looking at the biggest hail stones I have ever seen in my life whilst 10 mins away from us several villages were hit by a strong tornado. That is something so rare and so unpredictable and something we Czechs do not have much experience with. And it is also something you cannot prepare for. You do not know where it will hit and how it will end up. You may think your house is well built but it does not matter. There were hundreds of houses seriously damaged and people were left with nothing, there were lives lost and people were injured. The villages looked like there was a war zone. It was a sad sight and I pray for all these people to get through this nightmare as soon as possible. My village only experienced electricity outage, cable tv and wifi outage but now I have to laugh at it as in comparison to those poor people it is the smallest issue. I cannot even imagine what they must be going through.

I was driving following day for my pre-flight covid test and what I saw was very sad. There was chaos, ruined houses and people already busy clearing what they could. I personally contributed to several families and if you want to do so as well here you can have a look at stories of those affected. You never know when you will need help yourself and we must realise nature is much stronger than we think.

Na fotografiich si to kracim Londynskou ulici a v te dobe, kdy jsem fotila tento outfit, jsem nemela ani poneti, co nas ceka pri nasi navsteve Ceska. Jestli me sledujete na Instagramu (evglamazon), mozna vite, ze cely vylet byl trosku stresujici, cekalo nas celkem 15 covid testu a hlavne jsem si az do posledni chvile nebyla jista, zda ma muj manzel, ktery ma Irske obcanstvi povelny vstup. Internetove zdroje byly matouci, ale nakonec se ukazalo, ze rodinny prislusnik, muze bez problemu pricestovat. Nebudu vam lhat, hodne jsem si oddechla.

Pocasi nam vyslo na jednicku a koncem tydne nas cekala letni bourka, v te dobe pouze jeden zdroj tvrdil, ze pri takovych teplotach se casto tvori tornada. Ale koho by to napadlo ze? Je to neco, co se v nasich koncinach vidi opravdu malo a navic je to neco, co se neda jednoduse predvidat a ani tomu zabranit. Zatimco ja jsem jsem pozorovala z okna ty nejvetsi kroupy, co jsem kdy v zivote videla, deset minut od nas zazivali lide nocni muru. Stovky lidi prisly o domovy, o majetek a nektere rodiny i o sve blizke. Nedokazu si ani v nejhorsim snu predstavit, co museli vsichni prozivat. Predstava, ze tento zivel sebere moji rodine strechu nad hlavou a mozna i neco vic je desiva. Zatimco u nas vypadla elektrina, kabelova televize a wifi, tak druzi s hruzou sledovali, jak jim tento zivel bere celozivotni shanu a v nekterych pripadech i zivoty blizkych. Tech pribehu je tolik a nektere az zenou slzy do tvare.

Nasledujici den jsem jela na pred odletove covid testy a takovou zkazu jsem nikdy nevidela. Domy bez strech, znicene podniky, vsude polamane stromy, smeti a uz pilne pracujici postizeni, kteri se snazili odklizet co se dalo. Jedna vec je o tom cist, ale druha je to videt to na vlastni oci. Ja sama jsem prispela nekolika rodinam a pokud i vy chcete pomoci, muzete tak ucinit napriklad tady. Solidarita byla obrovska a to je dobre, jelikoz nikdy nikdo nevi, co se stane jemu a priroda je silnejsi, nez si obcas pripoustime.


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Is work-life balance a thing during pandemic?

Wearing: Tracksuit via Femme Luxe, Shoes: Puma, Bag: Strathberry, Blazer: Zara, Sunglasses: Longchamp

Work-life balance is a word I used to mention daily at least hundred times when I worked in recruitment. I used to sell that dream to my candidates but looking back I am thinking…who was I kidding? I did not have work-life balance myself and most of the people I spoke to neither. In one job I used to come to the office at 7 in the morning and leaving at 9 on most days. When I got home I just jumped to bed as my body just could not do anything else.

I started to think about this again today when looking at these pictures where I am wearing my casual uniform of tracksuit and trainers. Yes got the same one from Femme Luxe in another colour and I truly love them all. It simply made me think about this as covid changed the way how we dress, how we spend time so let’s see if how we work also shifted. How has work-life balance changed? If we work from home did things get better or worse?

London and big cities are the worst when it comes to work to be honest. People are praised to work overtime and are celebrated when they come to the office very early. I just think it is so wrong as it is about productivity and results. The question is how is it now when we can’t see to people’s homes. One thing that definitely helped to people in big cities is the time you save on travel. However, it only depends on what they do with that time? Will do an hour of yoga instead or sleep longer or jump straight to laptop to do more work. And how about the key workers? Surely they had to work harder than ever and that includes medical staff but also couriers and delivery drivers. The demand was bigger than ever. Looking at my husband who worked at home at start and then he had to go to the office and projects nothing changed for him. He works crazy hours and even if working from home he easily turns on his laptop 6:30 and switches off 8 pm some days.

Perhaps people feel more rested as we saved time on other things like going out and doing all sorts of activities but everybody still works very hard. On the other hand the people that were lucky to have a job are probably very grateful. Lot of people lost their job and the aftermath of this will take time.


Work-life balance je slovo, ktere jsem pouzivala denne, v dobe kdy jsem pracovala v personalistice. Snazila jsem se prodat onen sen, kdy mate dost casu na sebe, ale zvladate i praci snad kazdemu potencialnimu kandidatovi. Dnes se zpetne divam a rikam si, komu jsem nalhavala? Myslim, ze i sama sobe. U jednoho z mych predchozich zamestnavatelu jsem prichazela do prace v sedm a odchazela v devet naprosto bezne a nekdy i pozdeji. Kazdy vecer jsem akorat prisla domu a unavou padla do postele. O nejakem balancu mezi pracovnim a soukromym zivotem nebyla rec.

Dnes jsem se zpetne divala na tyhle fotky v me covidove uniforme a dalsi teplakovce z Femme Luxe a premyslela jsem prave o praci. Jak jsme na tom s balancovanim prace a zivota v dobe pandemie? Je to lepsi ci je to horsi? Jsou veci vyrovnanejsi, protoze vetsina pracuje z domu? Covid zmenil tolik veci at uz jak se satime, jak travime cas a tak premyslim, zda prisla i zmena ve work-lifebalancu.

Velka mesta jsou urcite horsi, od lidi se ocekava brzky prichod do prace a nejvic se oslavuje ten, kdo odchazi z kancelare posledni. Ja v to jaksi neverim, je to prece o vysledcich a produktivite. A jak je to tedy dnes v dobe pandemie? Miliony lidi pracuji z domu a do jejich oken nevidime. Jedno je jasne, ze spousta z nich ziskala cas pro sebe navic tim, ze nemusi dojizdet. V meste jako Londyne je to klidne hodina i vice jednim smerem. Je ale na nich jak tento casu vyuziji. Nekdo si mozna da hodinu yogy pres zoom ci si pospi dele, ale spousta lidi urcite skonci k pocitaci. A pak tady mame key workers, kteri urcite mohou na work-life balance v dobe covidove zapomenout. Spise pracovali vic nez kdyz predtim. Muj muz napriklad pracoval behem prvniho lockdownu z domu a pak uz ne a muzu rict, ze i kdyz obcas pracuje z domu, zapina pocitat v 6:30 a nekonci drive nez v sedm ci osm vecer. Myslim, ze naroky jsou porad stejne pro tolik odvetvi a mozna i horsi.

Myslim, ze lide pracuji porad hodne i v dnesni dobe, je to jenom jina forma. Na druhou stranu ti co maji praci v teto dobe jsou vlastne statni lide, protoze pandemie prinesla velkou krizi a ta tady bude jeste pekne dlouho.


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Will it be just before and after pandemic?

Tracksuit: Femme Luxe, Boots: Allsaints, Hat:Nike, Bag: Polene, Coat: American Vintage via Brand Alley, Earrings: Zara

I do not know how about you but I am dreading a little bit the return to normality. I know it will not be fully as it was before for a while. Or the question is more if it will be ever the same as before? Is it going to be one of those things that will create before and after pandemic?

Anyway, I simply got used to so many things that resonate with comfort. Whether it is spending lot of time in the comfort of home, the comfort of deliveries, the comfort of online shopping, the comfort of online workout classes and really everything that has been huge part of our lives in the last year. Comfort is my second name and I realised how easy it is to get used to it. I am not rushing anywhere all the time. PR events are organised over zoom and although I miss social contact I quickly got used to it. For any event I can just put on cute top and keep on comfortable trousers and the travel is from sofa to my laptop on the table which takes just seconds.

Do I miss going out and seeing friends? Yes big time but also it feels like I forgot how to dress up and my body feels great in tracksuits and leggings. This tracksuit is the newest addition and it is from Femme Luxe. I have it in a different colour but this creamy one is perfect for spring. The cut is perfect, it has that oversized feel and I am over the moon with the fabric. It looks great after several washes too.

Do not get me wrong I am lusting to go on holiday and go to Czech to see my family but at the same time it feels almost not natural in my head. I start to feel dressed up in anything that does not scream comfort and although I do create content for social media I often catch myself in the baggiest trousers and top. I am excited for social life but at the same time I am seriously worried that I simply got lazy.

Comfort just became huge part of our lives. I mean who is missing the ugly side of everyday life. I bet not many of you miss the packed tube or crowds of people waiting to get served in a tiny sandwich shop. Well, let’s just hope we manage to find a lovely balance when we slowly go back to things as we know them before.


Ja nevim jak vy, ale trosku se bojim navratu do reality. Obecne si teda myslim, ze normalita jako takova nenastane ihned. Vse uz bude jine, otazkou je jestli na porad ci na jak dlouhou dobu? Ja pevne doufam, ze bude zase normalni si zajit do kina ci do narvaneho klubu ci proste jenom na Vanocni msi do kostela bez omezeni, rezervaci, gelu ci masek. Jenom jsem si za ten roz zvykla na pohodli. At uz je to pohodlne obleceni, donaska do domu, nakupy jenom online, zoom eventy a vsechno je to zkratka o pohodli vaseho zivota a domova. Usetri to spoustu casu, spoustu planovani a cestovani a dokonce i cviceni je jenom z domu. Nedavno jsem byla fotit s fotografkou a uprimne me to celkove strasne vysalo. Ze by si moje odvyklo na ten muj shon pred pandemii?

Dalsi vec je oblekani. Nejak jsem si zvykla na vice pohodlne outfity, nic komplikovaneho a hlavne na teplakovky. I kdyz mam spoustu krasneho obleceni, casto se pristihnu, ze saham opet po leginech ci teplacich. Tohle je muj novy prirustek a mam ji v tmavsi barve. Byla jsem moc spokojena s materialem a s tim jak vypada a sedi, ze jsem si poridila dalsi barvu.

Samozrejme snim o cestovani, o tom jit ven na veceri s prateli bez rousek a omezeni, o plazi a ceste na Moravu. Snim o tom, ze pujdu do kina, divadla a do galerie. Je toho tolik. Zaroven mi predstava krasnych satu a nejake poradne akce prijde jako vzdalena predstava. Na pohodli si clovek zvykne velmi rychle. Prestoze tvorim obsah a oblekam se na tvorbu, foceni ci videa, tak se v beznem zivote velmi casto pristihnu ve vytahanych dzinech a XL tricku.

Pohodli se zkratka stalo soucasti naseho zivota. A ve spouste vecech to ma sve vyhody. Myslim, ze spouste z nas nechybi narvane metro v dopravni spicce, kdy vam dychaji dalsi tri lidi na zada. Snad se nam podari najit prijemny balanc az se pomalu budeme vracet k beznemu zivotu jako pred pandemii.


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Happy 2021 and Looking Back at 2020

Wearing: Shoes: Aquzzura, Belt: Black & Brown, Bag: Strathberry, Blazer: Vintage, Sunglasses: Dior, Skirt: Zara

I would say many of you would agree that 2020 was a hell of a year. It was a like a rollercoaster of events and situations you could never even think off. Well, at least some used it to their own advantage like Netflix that created a movie based on last year events. And this is my thank you to Netflix for making 2020 much easier for many of us. What would we do without all the amazing shows they created.

At start of each year I create a vision board of things I want to achieve but that also includes things like personal development, happiness, health and it is not just about material world for me. It is safe to say I traveled nowhere apart from my February trip to Czech which I am very grateful for and several trips within UK. However, I can say it was a good year for me. It helped me in so many ways of my personal development. It helped me to calm down, to relax more and be even more thankful for what I have. I was counting my blessings every day. I was so grateful for every single thing in my life whether that was morning coffee, weather, our garden, food, love, my family, health and just simply everything. In situations like that you do realise how beautiful life is and how you can easily live without so many things. I am extremely happy that my parents managed to come and spent few weeks with us.

2020 gave me so much in my personal life and finally made me slow down. If you have followed me for a while you know I am very active person. I am early riser, I like to have things done and I just find it hard to sit still. It was so new to me that I am home but I got used to it and learnt how to be productive home (it would not be me just sitting around LOL). So no I was not just relaxing, I started to learn new language, I did several online courses, I was working, I worked on my fitness and more. However, the fact there was not much going on I really slowed down and it is simply amazing.

I am starting this year productively but I am staying very open minded. We can create a lot for ourselves by positive thinking and actions. I know if there is a lockdown and travel ban I cannot travel however I can make the best out of it. I can work on other areas of my life. I can enjoy my family and do many wonderful things. We are limited in a way yes but count your blessings and you will see where life leads you.

Happy 2021 to you all.


Myslim, ze se vsichni shodneme na tom, ze rok 2020 byl opravdu necekany. Bylo to jako na horske draze a nikdo by asi nikdy nevymyslel takovy scenar. Jsou i ti, kteri se toho chopili jako Netflix, ktery podle lonskeho roku natocil film. Jeste v unoru 2020, kdy par lidi z meho okoli melo strach, by me nenapadlo, kam nas cela situace zavede. Kazdy rok si tvorim v lednu svoji vision board a na tu si davam veci, kterych chci v danem roku dosahnout, at uz je to cestovani, osobni rozvoj, pocity ci materialni veci. Uprimne jsme z ni moc nedosahla, alespon co se tyce cestovani. LOL

Pres vsechny strasti, jsem mela rok dobry a jsem za to velmi vdecna. Dekuju kazdy den za vsechno, co mi rok dal a co uz jsem ve svem zivote mela. Clovek si v techto situacich uvedomi, ze ma ve svem zivote spousty pozehnani. Denne jsem dekovala za samozrejme i nesamozrejme veci at uz to byla ranni kava, pocasi, nase zahrada, to ze mam u sebe svoji rodinu, ze mam strechu nad hlavou a zdravi. Rok me hodne posunul v osobnim rozvoji a hlavne jsem zklidnila svuj zivotni styl, coz bylo v mem pripade potreba. Nyni muzu rict, ze jsem od prirody velmi velmi aktivni clovek a lonsky rok me donutil zpomalit a vice odpocivat, relaxovat a uvedomit si, ze je v poradku byt doma, ze je v poradku pracovat min, ze je v poradku nebyt rozlitana od rana do vecera. Jsem stastna, ze jsem v unoru stihla navstevu Ceska, ze rodice v lete prijeli do Londyna a ze jsem mohla cestovat alespon v Britanii. Byl to rok tezky pro mnohe z nas, ale je treba jit dal a verit, ze rok 2021 se bude pomalu priblizovat staremu normalu.

Muzeme jenom doufat, ze rok 2021 nas bude pomalu a jiste priblizovat k lepsimu, ale je treba nechat veci plynout. Pokud nase vlada nastavi lockdown a zakaz cestovat, je potreba vyuzit cas a energii jinak. Ano positivni pristup udela hodne, ale nemuzu bouchat hlavou do steny, ze nemuzu jet na dovolenou a je treba vyuzit teto doby k jinym uzasnym vecem, at uz je to cokoli. Kazdy z nas muze delat to, co ho tesi a klidne nedelat vubec nic. Kolik vam zivot dal v zivote prilezitosti, ze vlastne nic nemusite :) Takze spravnym krokem vpred a snad nas rok 2021 mile prekvapi.
