Category Archives: Lifestyle

Learn how to love yourself first

There are many beliefs in life, many religions, theories and philosophies and although I am not an expert or anything I started to be more interested in some of them. Purely as I want to feel happy, I want to become a person that has got ability to control their thoughts, I want to be able to feel love no matter what, I want to be able to always see the positive even if negative things are happening.

And the reason why I want to do this is to achieve what I want to achieve in life and help others. Yes help others. It is said that you cannot help others unless you help yourself first and love yourself first. That seems to be tricky right but there is definitely some truth in that. I realised after looking more in to this I was doing things wrong in life for a long time. I simply was not introduced to any other way. Everybody deserves to be happy, everybody deserves to feel love and be loved and do whatever they want to do. And so do I.

So I am on a mission to love myself, to put myself first, to build up a positive energy around me and aura that shines miles and miles around me.

Imagine I have to now forget the things I thought all my life, things I heard, I was told, I read. Things that may become beliefs. Changing these beliefs may not take a day or week or a month. It is a process and you have to practice and not give up. I have noticed huge change in one month in my behaviour, reactions and views on certain things however yesterday I had a crisis. So yes, I  can tell it will be a long journey.

Here are some things I am planning to work on:

Don’t care about how you look –  Easier said than done especially in the age of digital world where we see perfect images from thousands of sources. It does not have to mean you stop caring it means you do not take it as seriously. It also means you stop beating yourself up for not being skinny enough, have super long legs, great teeth and so on. I know what I like the most on myself and I will treasure it. I will focus on things I like about myself.

Don’t Compare yourself to others – This is one thing I have to work on probably the most. And I keep saying to myself – comparison is the thief of joy and it could not be said better. You are unique and there is nobody like you. That is already a huge plus right? Why to be like somebody else when you are such a unique jewel? Look at you how many amazing things you have others don’t and how many things you can do that others can’t?

Know your worth – This is a key in relationships, work, life and anything really. You are worth it and you should realise this at all times. Set your value in life. Nobody’s life, value or time is bigger than yours. Do not undervalue yourself just because somebody is trying to do it. You stand behind your beliefs and put yourself on pedestal. That does not mean putting yourself above other people as I believe we are all equal but just do not put yourself down.

Say yes to yourself and learn to say no to others – I am still working hard on this but I guess the last year or two were much better than in the past. I wanted to please everybody. I worked for free on the blog, I met friends even I knew I should rather rest, I did lot of favours when I knew there will be no return and I was just being used. You have to say YES to yourself more. Listen to your body and your intuition. It does not mean you stop seeing your friends or compromise it purely means you say YES yourself more.

Look after yourself – Your body is your temple. Look how much it does for you daily, your legs carry you, your brain functions, it gives you so much joy in life and yet we don’t treat it well. People eat badly, stretch themselves, work too hard and long hours, put lot of stress on their mind and soul and body. Why? It is OK to have a glass of wine or eat bad food at times but why to turn it in a regular thing? I think for me stress is one thing you work on and improve. I slowed down so much in August and I can see how much better I feel. I meditate and spend more time in the parks where I feel recharged. I workout for fun and health but If I do not feel like it I just do not go. I listen to my temple.

Do what you want not what others want – I am trying to get better with this. There is so much expectations from us based on other people. Your parents, your boss, your friends and people around you constantly force something on you. Stop thinking things like “What would mum say if she saw me doing this now”? We constantly do what the society expects from us. I am now not saying to go and become an “outsider” I am talking to do more things you want to do at the time you want to do. Even if it is small things like eating soup for breakfast which I did last week almost every day. I feel that people in UK were always surprised by my breakfast choices LOL and so what. If I feel like missing out on an amazing party I will do it and happily swap it for a cosy evening at home. Just do what you want and trust me you will feel more free than ever.

I simply decided to go with Love. Perhaps it is because I do what I love for living, perhaps it is because I am a mother and I managed to escape the wheel of tiring lifestyle and craziness of two jobs. Who knows? I just feel happier and better and I want to feel like that at all times.

Existuji ruzne formy viry, ruzna nabozenstvi, teorie a filozofie a prestoze se nepovazuju za zadneho experta, zacala jsem se o nektere vice zajimat. Zacala jsem delat veci jako meditace a jsem odhodlana poznat vic sama sebe a poslouchat sama sebe. Chci se stat vyrovnanym clovekem, ktery dokaze kontrolovat sve myslenky, chci citit lasku at se deje co se deje, chci se divat na veci ze spravneho uhlu, i kdyz se to mnohdy zda nemozne.

A pokud si rikate, ze jsem se zblaznila, nezblaznila. Clovek ma dat na sve pocity a je mi dobre, kdyz se pomalu vydavam na cestu sebepoznani a lasky a navic, komu tim skodim? Rika se, ze dokonce pokud chcete pomahat ostatnim, tak musite zacit mit nejprve sam u sebe. Existuje spousta duvodu a teorii a myslim, ze do jednoho clanku se vsechny me myslenky a postrehy v zadnem pripade nevlezou. Kazdy z nas ma pravo na krasny zivot, zivot plny lasky, naplneni, poznani a radosti. A techto veci se dosahe lepe, pokud se mate radi, najdete pozitivni zpusob zivota. 

A tak mam pred sebou misi. Chci se mit rada, chci sebe davat na prvni misto, chci byt ztelesnenim pozitivnim energie a chci aby moje krasna aura zarila na mile daleko a mela pozitivni dopad na vsechny kolem. 

Ale takova mise neni jenom tak. Predstavte si, ze cely zivot vam nekdo neco rika, az tomu zacnete verit. A kdyz to nekomu trvalo roky vam urcite myslenky a nazory dat do hlavy, nestane se prece ze dne za den, ze se jich zbavit a budete se milovat a videt vse ve spravnem svetle. 

A tady je par veci, ktere se budu snazit dodrzovat.

Nereste vzhled do takove miry – Ted se asi pousmejete a reknete si, je to blogerka. Ta by mela brat svuj vzhled v potaz. To ano, ale nehrotit to. Myslim, ze za posledni rok jsem se konecne naucila chodit ven i bez makeupu. Kdyz nechci, nedam si ho. A je mi dobre, citim se hezky i tak. Prestala jsem resit vahu a vycitat si, ze si dam neco “zakazaneho”. A prestala jsem se psychicky trestat za to, ze nejsem dost hubena, dost krasna, nemam dokonalou plet. A vite proc? Protoze mam dalsich x veci, ktere mam dobre. A soustredim se na ty. Jsem za ne rada, delam z nich sve prednosti a ucim se mit rada sama sebe. 

Nesrovnavejte se – S timto porad hodne bojuju a to hlavne v dnesni dobe digitalniho sveta. Vsude na me cihaji dokonale fotografie, dokonale tela, dokonale vse. Ale pomalu si uvedomuju, ze ja jsem unikat. Nikdo neni presne jako ja. Nikdo nema takove vizualni citeni jako ja a najdou se lidi, kterim se libi presne to co ztelesnuju ja. Ti ostatni zase nemaji to co vy. A to ze se srovnavate vam akorat ubira radost z veci kolem. Predstavte si, ze jste treba na dovolene a prozivate absolutni extazi na plazi s koktejlem v ruce a projde kolem vas super fit kocka a vas to zaboli u srdce, protoze ma treba o cislo mensi velikost. No a co? Ten moment vam prave vzal radost z momentalni situace. A pritom treba vubec nevite v kolika vecech jste mozna lepsi nez ta zena. Mate jine prednosti a talenty a tak nedovolte, aby vam nejaka srovnani ubrala ani spetku radosti. 

Vazte si sebe a drzte si svou cenu – Znat svou cenu je velmi klicove ve vztazich, v praci a vubec obecne. Neponizujte se, nedelejte veci zbytecne zadarmo, nenechte se vyuzivat. Ja jsem leta delala na blogu zadarmo, delala lidem otroka, protoze jsem se chtela zavdecit. A k cemu? Pokud pomuzete to je normalni, delat veci z lasky protoze chcete. Ale musite si neustale hlidat svou cenu. Vsichni jsme si rovni a tak se nenechte ponizovat tim, ze vasi hodnotu nekdo nerespektuje. 

Naucte se rikat NE a rikejte ANO sobe – I dneska obcas citim vinu, kdyz nekomu reknu ne. Ale vzdy si reknu, ze v tom pripade sobe rikam ANO. Neznamena, ze jste spatny clovek, kdyz urcite veci odmitnete, ale nejde vsem porad dokola rikat ano na vsechno a vsechny pozadavky. Zatezujete tim sve telo a svou mysl. Tim nechci rict, at se z vas stane sobec, ale jenom vice zvazujte situace. Pokud jste unaveni a reknete kamaradce, ze s ni nepujdete na vino, tak to nevadi. Myslim totiz, ze lepsi spolecnik budete az na pristi schuzce, kdyz budete odpocati. 

Starejte se o sebe – Nase telo je nas chram a presto se k nemu tak nechovame. I kdyz vime, ze je lepsi jist zdrave, dobre spat a zit bez stresu, tak se k nasemu chramu chovame jako odpad. Ja nerikam uplne vypustit vino a nedat si uz nikdy nic smazeneho. Jenom rikam, ze je dobre se o ten nas chram starat. On nam to vrati ve forme energie, zdravi a stastneho pocitu. Uplne nejvetsi jed dnesni doby je stres. Lide jsou prepracovani, nechaji se vytocit a nedaji telu ani moment kvalitniho odpocinku. A to si ten nas chram nezaslouzi. Ja zacala trosku meditovat a cvicim pro pocit. A take chodim na dlouhe prochazky a po kazde z techto cinnosti je mi opravdu dobre. 

Delejte co chcete ne to co se od vas ocekava – “Co by na to rekla maminka/sousedka/sef/ucitelka”? Znate to? Vsichni v nasi spolecnosti maji urcita ocekavani a za ta leta se clovek nauci jakoby delat veci, ktere se spolecnosti jevi jako “normalni”. Zena pripravi cele rodine veceri, i kdyz se ji nechce, je nemocna ci unavena….! Prijde vam pozvanka na party a nechce se vam a stejne jdete, abyste potesili ostatni. Proc? Myslete vic na sebe, mejte se rada a kdyz vas neco ucini v ten moment vic stastnou tak to udelejte. Tim opet nerikam prestat svym dete varit, ale kazdy z nas ma mit urcitou svobodu. A lide by si meli delat co se jim chce. Ja jsem treba minuly i predminuly tyden snidala porad zeleninovou polevku, i kdyz to neni uplne tradicni snidane. No a co? Mela jsem pocit, ze mi v ty rana proste nejvic prospeje. A pak jsem se dovedela, ze je to vlastne jedna z nejlepe zvolenych snidani, jenom to neni rozsireny zpusob. Britove jsou hrozne udiveni pokud clovek snida “trochu jinak”a  bylo mi to vzdycky jedno. LOL

Ja jsem se proste rozhodla se mit vic rada, chovat se k sobe hezky, ke sve mysli a svemu telu. Proc se zbytecne zatezovat spatnym a cernotou. Mozna je to i tim, ze jsem zacala delat praci, kterou miluju, ze mam dite a ve spravny cas vyskocila za prokleteho kolobehu dvou praci a unavneho zivota. Kdo vi. Ale je mi urcite lepe. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Treating my mum to some cake and PANDORA

Mum and I have always had a very special relationship. And I know anybody can say that about their mum however I really do feel that I have an extra special bond with my mum. She can of course be difficult at times but that is normal in relationships of all kinds.

I am a first born and looking back at old pictures for almost five years it was only myself and mum against the world. She tells me so often those were one of the best years of her life (sorry sis LOL). We all know she doesn’t mean it badly but I love to tease my sister.

When I was growing up she has always supported my choices. As a teenager I was scouted to be a model and during those years of my life she was such a huge support. When I made the choice to start blogging, my mum was by my side with nothing but encouragement. She invested so much in me and sacrificed a lot for me to pursue my fashion dreams. Our mutual love of fashion is a topic we have discussed over and over again, my mum has a great style herself.

Her fashion choices inspire me a lot. Although our styles are very different, there is one thing I definitely learnt from her. Getting older does not mean that you have to stop wearing the clothes you love. And then there is the love of shopping that we share. Whether I look back at the time when I lived in Czech or now when she comes to London to visit me, there is always shopping involved. It is like our special ritual. And this ritual is always followed by coffee and something delicious to eat. Just what girls like.

With Mother’s Day approaching I really wanted to treat my mum to something special when I last visited my homeland. As I mentioned in my previous post, I have collaborated with PANDORA jewellery to celebrate the occasion. I gifted her a beautiful jewellery set which I hope will remind her of my appreciation of her each and every time she wears it. Sticking to traditions, we also enjoyed delicious cake and flowers, just like the old days. I am so pleased I could include my beloved mum to be a part of the PANDORA DO campaign as she does represent strong, fashionable and supportive women. And although she hates being photographed, she knew how much this campaign meant to be, once again supporting me in what I do and what I love and let me to photograph her for this lovely occasion.

Thank you mum.

Vzdy jsem mela se svoji maminkou hodne silny vztah a byla mi vzdy spise kamaradkou. Je jasne, ze se obcas chytneme, to je ale normalni v kazdem vztahu. Obcas mi i rika, ze kdyz jsem byla hodne mala, asi do ctyr let to bylo jeji nejkrasnejsi obdobi v zivote (sorry segro haha). Urcite to tak nemysli, ale bavi me sestru timto trosku skadlit. 

A moje mama me take vzdy podporovala ve vecech, ktere jsem se rozhodla delat. Kdyz jsem byla mladsi byl to modeling a ted je to blogovani. A pokud to nebylo na ukor skoly, mela jsem v ni stoprocentni podporu. A navic uz i v ranne puberte me sama vedla k mode. Kdyz se me lide ptaji, kde se ta laska k mode vzala, je to urcite od moji mamy a taky babicky. Ta ma ve skrini pomalu vice dobre padnoucich kostymu nez jakakoli jina zenska, co znam. A moje maminka je na tom uplne stejne a take mame spolecnou vasen a to je nakupovani. A jestli me naucila jedne veci, je to urcite, ze zena se ma o sobe starat v kazdem veku a muze se oblekat mladistve (tim nema ale na mysli leopardi minisukne v sedesati letech, ale spise mladistve a stale vkusne). 

Jeste kdyz jsem zila doma a taky pokazde, kdyz jsme spolu at uz v Cesku nebo v Londyne, dokazeme travit treba cely den nakupovanim. A k tomu samozrejme vzdy patri i cas na kavu, jidlo ci dobry zakusek. A tak s blizicim se svatkem matek, kdyz jsem byla naposledy v Cesku jsem se rozhodla zopakovat nasi tradici a darovat ji take neco predem ke svatku matek. Vybrala jsem tuto sadu od PANDORY, koupila ji krasnou kytici a nezapomela ani na kavu a neco sladkeho. 

A jelikoz momentalne spolupracuji s PANDOROU na jejich kampani DO jsem moc rada, ze i moje mama mohla byt jejich soucasti. Je to totiz jedna z nejsilnejsich zen, ktere potkate a ty prave tato kampan oslavuje. A i kdyz se mama strasne nerada foti a nekde takto presentuje, tak to pro me i tentokrat udelala a podporila me v tom, co me bavi. 

Dekuju mami. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Fighting post baby issues with GP Nutrition

Sometimes I wish I could be one of those women that said they fit in their jeans two weeks after having a baby and left the hospital lighter than before getting pregnant. Or one of those women who say their baby slept through the night at 12 weeks. And trust me there are lot of people I know that had it this way. Unfortunately, I am not one of them.

Six months later I can finally fit in my jeans but I am still not there and I am up 10 times a night whilst I need to look after a child and run fully this blog. I need a fully functional body, I need energy and I need to lose weight. Who doesn’t?  As these are typical post baby issues most women have to deal with. Well, I cannot get more sleep as there is nobody to look after my child. I have no family here or nanny and my husband leaves 6:30 in the morning for work and comes back at 7 the earliest.

There is a next option that would definitely help and that is to eat clean food. As you can see I have gathered few books over the time and I know exactly how body works. It is about giving your body the right nutrition and balance everything out. It is a longterm solution for healthy body, great skin and sufficient amount of energy. However, these things can be so hard to maintain especially with lack of time. And then there is the other option to try to help and support your clean eating with supplements of different types. So I have partnered with GP Nutrition to try their offering to help me to fight all my post baby issues.

If you go on their site you have the option to do a test what programmes are the most suited to your needs. After doing the test I discovered (which is not a surprise at all) that my top ones are programmes SLIM Me, RESTORE Me and BOOST Me. These should really help to bring the best to my body and help to increase endurance, restore vitality, stabilise sleep patters and also balance my nutrition.

It is honestly perfect solution for busy lifestyle. Yes in my head I am always about cooking super clean dinners but the time does not let me to do it. Also on the days when I had an awful night with the baby I tend to eat badly and grab pizza instead of beetroot salad. I am sure you know the story.

What I loved about the package when it arrived was that the brand enclosed very clear intro about each programme but also easy instruction of how to use them. I am the laziest person when it comes to reading about these things so it was very handy. Second great thing is the packaging. No more excuses that the box is too big as everything is split into smaller sachets so you can take these with you. It is perfect even for a small bag or travelling. Very smart right?

And if you ask me if all this works? Yes, I have definitely seen some improvements and I have only been using these for two weeks or so. The biggest different I have noticed is when I used My Gel from the SLIM Me programme I feel my cravings are gone and also I am not that hungry. Isn’t that what we need after all?


Nekdy si preju, abych mohla rict, ze jsem jedna z tech zen, co se dva tydny po porodu vlezla do starych dzinu a odchazela z nemocnice s min kily nez pred otehotentnim. A nebo jedna z tech, kterym miminko spi celou noc uz od dvanacti tydnu. A sama mam ve svem okoli nekolik takovych zenskych. Ja to  bohuzel nejsem. 

A o sest mesicu pozdeji konecne muzu prohlasit, ze se vlezu do starych dzinu (i kdyz to jeste zdaleka neni ono) a hlavne jsem vzhuru v prumeru tak sestkrat za noc. O to je to tezsi, kdyz prakticky nemate materskou, protoze uz po dvou tydnech jsem jela naplno s timto blogem. A verte mi, ze je to prace na plny uvazek. Spanek nespanek telo musi fungovat. Jako kazda mama musim rano vstat (nekdy i ve ctyri) a uz jede klasicky kolotoc – dite, jidlo, pleny a to vse bez chuvy, babicky, sestry a jedinou oporou je muz, ktery vyrazi do prace 6:30 a vraci se nejdrive 7. 

Jak vidite za nejakou dobu jsem shromazdila nejakou literaturu o vyzvive, jidelnicku apod. A presne vim jak telo funguje. Princip je jednoduchy a da se rici, ze dosahnout idealni vahy, dostatku energie, krasne pleti a zdravi je hlavne o jidle. Jde o to se vyhybat polotovarum a jist nutricne vyvazena jidla v nich je jenom to co si telo dokaze opravdu odebrat a vzit to nejlepsi. Je to trosku slozitejsi, ale to si samy muzete precist a zjistit. Kazdopadne tyto veci muzou byt slozite, pokud mate uspechany zivotni styl jako ja. A pak existuje druha moznost a to podporit vase “zdrave” stravovani vyzivovymi doplnky. A to hlavne pokud jsou vytvoreny na presne podobnem principu jako “clean eating”. A proto jsem se spojila s GP Nutrition, ktera nabizi nekolik ruznych programu. A spousta z nich vam pomuze se zbavit presne takovych problemu jako mam ja po diteti. 

Na zaklade testu, ktery si muzete udelat na jejich strankach, jsem zjistila, ze nejvhodnejsi programy pro me budou SLIM Me, RESTORE Me a BOOST Me. A neni to snad ani prekvapeni. Diky neprospanym nocim potrebuju vytrvalost, zvyseni energie, zvysit kvalitu spanku a take upravit svoji zivotospravu. Nemyslim si, ze jim uplne spatne, ale napriklad v ty dny, kdy mam za sebou krusnou noc a ceka me spousta prace a schuzek a to jeste s ditetem velmi casto sklouznu k zabijakum jako je pizza, kava, vino apod. Bohuzel. 

Po vybrani nejvhodnejsi programu pro vas vam bude balicek dorucen a k nemu jsou prilozeny take instrukce a benefity vaseho programu. To se mi strasne libilo, protoze vse vypada prehledne a strucne a ja jsem ten nejhorsi clovek co se tyce procitani si nejakych letaku a vyhledavani toho, jak se vyrobek pouziva. Dalsi vec, ktera me nadchla je tak baleni. Nemusite se vymlouvat na to, ze vam produkt prisel ve velke krabici, kterou nechce tahat sebou. Vse je rozdeleno do mensich baleni, ktere si muzete vzit kazde rano ci do letadla. Jsou tak kompaktni, ze se jednoduse vlezou i do male kabelky. 

A po vyzkouseni techto programu musim prohlasit, ze jsem spokojena. Nejvice jsem si vsimla toho, ze kdyz opravdu pravidelne pouzivam My gel z programu SLIM Me, ze mam mensi zavaly chuti na sladke a vubec mensi hlad. A o tom prave je vyvazena strava a dulezite veci jako vyvazeni hladiny cukru v krvi. Vsechny tyto produkty jsou navrhnuty tak, aby vase telo bylo vyvazene a pokud jste jako, ze nemate cas si pokazde pripravit super zdrave jidlo, GP Nutrition je skvele reseni jak do tela dostat dulezite prvky a zbavit se ruznych problemu a to nejen tech po porodu. 

Pokud vas produkty zaujaly, muzete je poridit se slevou 10 %, kdyz zadate kod Glamazon1.

LOVE Glamazon xoxo 

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The ultimate girly day at St Martin’s Courtyard

If a massage appointment pops up on my phone calendar I am the happiest person in the world. So imagine full day of pampering, good food, shopping and great wine. I am beyond happy and more than that (simply find it hard to describe it with words). So let me take you on the journey of a day like that and introduce this nirvana for Londoners – St Martin’s Court Yard.

There is nothing better than an ultimate girly day packed with things most girls like. Whether you decide to take your sister, best friend or treat your dearest mum for upcoming Mother’s day this is the place to do it. I have never realised how handy it is to have all these facilities nearby each other and how easy it is to create a perfect day. If my mummy lived in London this is where we would be hanging around on 26th March for sure.

So let me take you with me on a little tour around St Martin’s Court Yard and make you forget that it is Monday today. I had the best time yesterday with my friend Joanne and as we are both mums this was an incredible treat. It has been the longest time I have been separated from Liam but it was so worth it.

Kdyz mi v kalendari na telefonu naskoci upozorneni, ze mam dneska masaz, tak me zaplavi pocit stesti. Takze si predstavte, ze zjistite, ze vas ceka cely den plny uzasnych veci jako kadernik, masaze, nakupy a dobra snidane a obed. Nikdy jsem si neuvedomila, jak jednoduche je zvladnout vse v jeden den, pokud se rozhodnete tento den stravit v St. Martin’s Courtyard na Covent Garden. 

Miluju takove holcici dny a tohle bylo asi nejdele, kdy jsem byla oddelena od Liamka. I kdyz se mi styskalo, tak jsem si vcerejsi nedeli opravdu uzila. Vydala jsem se na den plny zazitku s kamaradkou Joanne, ktera ma dve deti a vubec se nam nechtelo domu. Brzy nas ceka svatek matek a takovy den by byl uzasny darek pro maminku, ale treba i pro kamaradku k narozeninam ci si uzit den jenom se svoji sestrou. To uz je na kazdem.

A v dnesnim postu vas chci vzit na takovou mensi vypravu, kterou jsem si vcera vyzkousela ja. 

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