Category Archives: Shopping

Please Santa

I have been a bit quiet here but that is purely that most my energy and time is going into vlogmas on my youtube channel. So if you have not subscribed yet and you would like to win amazing prizes you know what to do.

Anyway as every year I put together a little wish list of things I would love to find this year on Christmas day. Well, you know it is not about materialistic things but you know what I mean. I think sunglasses in general are a great present. I love changing mine and I have been wearing my classic Celine shadow so much so thought would be great to try the Celine Thin Shadow. And you know how much I have been craving some nice velvet Saint Laurent bag. Well, we always want something right? Here is a little wish list and you may find some things you like too or you could perhaps purchase for your loved ones.

Trosku to tady utichlo, ale to je hlavne tim, ze veskera energie i cas jde do vlogmas na mem kanale na youtube. Kazdy den muzete vyhrat krasne ceny, takze pokud jste se jeste neprihlasili k odberu, urcite to nepromeskejte.

Kazdopadne jako kazdy rok jsem Vam chtela ukazat, co bych si prala od Jeziska. Vim, ze to neni o materialnich vecech, ale proste mam rada hezke veci a tyhle by mi udelaly velkou radost. Ja si treba osobne myslim, ze slunecni bryle jsou super darek, ja opravdu moc nosim moje klasicke Celine shadow a zjistila jsem, ze existuje i novejsi model thin shadow a ty me zaujaly. Jenom uz z toho duvodu, ze ty klasicke nosim opravdu porad. A jak asi citite z mych insta stories a take vlogu, tak jsem si opravdu udelala zalusk na nejakou hezkou kabelku Saint Laurent a idealne sametovou. Zkratka ty prani nikdy nekonci co? LOL 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Black Friday Fever

Wearing: Shoes: Gucci, Bag: Chanel, Coat: Zara, Jeans: Topshop, Top: Asos

Few days ago I was walking down the street of Florence and now I am straight in the shopping madness. How does it happen every year that the biggest shopping day comes around so quickly?

Black Friday is for me that day when I know that Christmas shopping officially started and there is no time to sit around and wait. So pour yourself a cup of tea and if you do not want to go and fight with the crowds in the shops just turn on your laptop, ipad, mobile and go for it. I want to share with you the best discount codes and deals out there. Whether you want to shop luxury or more affordable pieces. I have done some selection for you but you may grab different pieces you will madly love.

Pred par dny jsem si to prochazela Florencii a ted jsem zpatky a hned v nakupni horecce zvane Black Friday. Nechce se mi verit, ze dalsi rok je za nama a den, kterym pro me zacinaji oficialne Vanocni nakupy je opet tady. 

Ja sama hodlam nakupovat a taky si pravdepodobne poridit kombinovanou pracku se susickou, protoze susit v malem byt v zime je opravdu orisek. Kazdopadne jsem s vama chtela sdilet slevove kody a akce a treba i vy neco tento vikend poridite. A nemusite ani nahodou ven bojovat mezi davy nakupujicich. Takze si udelejte salek caje ci kavy, zapnete pocitac, ipad ci mobil a jde se  na to.  Vybrala jsem nektere kousky, co se mi libi a mohly by se libit i vam, ale treba si zrovna u jednotlivych znacek najdete zrovna uplne neco jineho. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas is only few weeks away and I get to ask a lot if I finished my Christmas shopping. I am myself probably half way now but as always I wanted to share with you some ideas of great presents for  beloved ladies in your life. It may be your mum, grandma, aunt, sister, friend, sister in law. Whether you are looking to spend little or a bit more I tried to include some ideas. I personally always love to include a bit of luxury and if you are on a budget beauty and makeup is the best way how to give somebody bit of luxury without breaking the bank.

Some of these are great Christmas stocking ideas as well and so affordable. And if you feel this is not enough to chose from you can always look at my pinterest board where I am adding new ideas regularly.

Vanoce jsou tady za par tydnu a kazdy se me pta, zda uz mam vsechny darky. Mam asi polovinu, ale rikala jsem si, ze nebude na skodu napsat clanek s tipy na Vanocni darky pro zeny. Jestli uz premyslite nad darkem pro mamu, sestru, kamaradku, tetu, svagrovou treba vam z meho vyberu neco sedne. Zahrnula jsem darky levnejsi i drazsi. Ja osobne rada davam trosku luxusu a financne nejvhodnejsi je urcite luxusni kosmetika. Nebude vas stat tolik a ostatni snad potesi. 

Je tady spousta napadu na mensi darky, ktere se vlezou i do Vanocni ponozky. I kdyz tohle neni uplne Ceska tradice, presto jsem to kvuli zahranicnim ctenaru do vyberu zaradila. A pokud Vam nic nepadlo do oka, muzete se podivat na moji nastenku na Pinterestu, kde pridavam napady postupne. 

And in case you want to splurge badly here are some gorgeous items I would love to find myself under the Christmas tree. I guess I am not asking for much right? LOL

A pokud chcete utracet ve velkem, tady je par veci, ktere se mi opravdu libi a nevadilo by mi je najit pod stromeckem. Skromna moc nejsem ze? LOL 

Accessories that change your outfit this season


Ok, I love summer but I equally love other seasons. When the wind gets stronger and the temperature goes down we may not be able to sit outside of our favourite coffee shop for too long but think fashion. Just thinking about all the extra accessories we can wear…any fashion lover must be over the moon.

Of course we have the typical hats and scarves but there are so many models you can wear. Think fur or faux fur scarves, cool ear muffs or even fluffy gloves. You can find some great oversized scarves on Esprit and other affordable retailers. If you look here you will find great scarves of different prints and textures. Certain trends that change the outfits instantly do not have to cost you a fortune.

And lets talk about hats. Dior really made those berets alive again right?  I have been huge fan for a long time and still have some really ones from years and years ago. If you are struggling with selection and not sure which brand lyst is a great way to browse. Sometimes we can get overwhelmed with the choice but it does not have to be. Just look at whats on offer and think how each model would work with your existing wardrobe. I would not mind something bright or different. Perhaps pearl embellishment.

And all these beautiful things make me love autumn and winter so much more.

Miluju leto, ale stejne tak miluju i ostatni rocni obdobi. Kdyz vitr nabere na rychlosti a teplota spadne dolu, tak mozna nam pocasi nedovoli vysedavat na zahradce oblibene kavarny, ale moda v tuto dobu, ta je spickova. Kdyz jen clovek premysli, kolik mame navic uzasnych doplnku, tak kazdy modni nadsenec musi zajasat.

Samozrejme mluvim o klasice jako cepice a saly, ale i ty existuji takove, ze nebudou kricet “nuda”. Ja mam rada kozesinove (mam hlavne umele) saly, libi se mi koziskove klapky na usi a treba i chlupate rukavice. Saly nemusi byt tez jenom jednoduche, co tak obrovske saly? Treba Esprit ma tady hezky vyber doplnku celkove. Ja jsem objevila hrozne moc salu a satku ruznych potisku, barev a textur. Proste raj do chladneho pocasi.

No a co teprve navrat baretu? Dior opravdu zamichal karty a ja jsem rada. Barety jsem vzdy milovala, prijdou mi sik. A jsem rada, ze ty me stare, co mam snad sto let muzu oprasit. Pokud si chcete nejaky vybrat lyst je super k rozhodovani, ktery a jaky model. Ja mam zatim jenom klasicke barvy, ale je dobre se porozhlednout a mozna vybrat neco trosku jineho. Mozna si poridim nejakou vyraznejsi barvu ci prvek jako zdobeni perlickama.

Ale i z techto duvodu mam proste tohle obdobi rada. A co vy a doplnky na podzim a zimu? 

Love Glamazon xoxo