Tag Archives: autumn 2019

Four 2019 Autumn Trends

We are very close to August and although it may not seem like it Autumn isn’t that far. So for some fashion enthusiasts it may be normal to start to consider some first purchases for autumn. I decided to do a nice selection of what is currently available to purchase amongst luxury and high-street shops and online shops so you can be one step ahead. Here are 4 trends you will see in the shops and on the streets in autumn 2019.

Srpen je pomalu za dvermi a mozna se to tak nezda, ale podzim se blizi za par tydnu. A pro modni nadsene je to bezna vec, ze zacnou uz ted premyslet, co na sebe jak se ochladi. Neni tedy na skodu si osvezit co bylo na videni na prehlidkach a co se bude nosit na podzim 2019. A tak jsem udelala vyber obleceni od luxusnich i cenove dostupnych znacek. Vsechny tyto kousky jsou momentalne k zakoupeni. 

1 . Dark Florals – As seen on the catwalk like  Balenciaga, Prada and others

Florals have always been around as majority of trends but many designers are bringing lot of autumn florals on darker dresses, blouses etc. We can expect some gorgeous dark tone dresses with variety of floral prints.

1. Kvetinovy potisk – Balenciaga, Prada …

Kvetinovy potisk jako takovy snad ani nevychazi z mody, ale vetsina je ma spojene spise s teplejsim pocasim. Navrhari ale letos prinasi spousty krasnych potisku a to spise na tmavsich podkladech. Je to skvely kousek na podzim a napriklad maxi saty s kozenou bundickou ci sackou jsou klasikou, ktera se nosi velmi dobre. 

2. Bright colours and Neon – As seen on catwalks of Jaquemus, Prada, Off-White, Fendi and others

Bright colours are fun. I must admit I am not the most colourful person but over the years I got definitely much better. I personally think it is so refreshing to see bright shades of purple, green, yellow, orange when the temperature drops. As majority of people in the streets just tend to wear neutrals. It just brings a bit of fun to fashion.

2. Vyrazne a neovone barvy – Jaquemus, Prada, Fendi…

Vyrazne barvy jsou nahodou velmi zabavne a to hlavne v dobe, kdy vetsina lidi presedla na neutralni tony jako bezova, cerna a hneda. Letos ale uvidite v kolekcich vyrazne barvy jako fialova, zelena, zluta, oranzova, zelena a jine. 

3 . 70’s Bourgeois  – Victoria Beckham, Gucci, Chloe, Balenciaga and many many

I have always loved 70’s. If you have followed me for a while you will know and this is one of the favourites trends for me this year. It is chic, love the colours and how much you can layer and play around. Imagine chic pleated skirts with blouses, sweaters and blazers. Loving the boots with midi skirts and it reminds me of Paris and chic style so much. I am really excited to take out my pleated skirts this autumn.

3. Burzoazni sedmdesatky – Victoria Beckham, Gucci, Chloe, Balenciaga a spoustu dalsich

Tohle je jeden z mych oblibenych trendu. Miluju sedmdesata leta obecne, vidim v nich tolik inspirace a fakt, ze tolik svetovych navrharu letos prinasi tento trend klasicke mestske holky ze 70. let mi dela fakt radost. Je to chic, je to elegantni, vidim v tom Pariz, jednoduche neutralni barvicky, kostkovana sacka, plisovane sukne, sem tam nejaky potisk v mensi mire jako leopard, ci satek s potiskem a je to zkratka parada. 

4. Disco – even for the day – Chanel, Celine, Dior

I adore this trend. This reminds me the time when I moved to UK years and years ago. I loved how girls wore sequins for the day. You could rarely see this amount of sparkle in Czech. And we are talking sequins for the day. It is so cool to wear it for special occasion but even cooler to pop on bit of glitter with your jeans or white t-shirt. I mean so much sparkle and disco fun on shows like Chanel, Celine, Dior or Gucci. Love it.

4. Kralovna Disko – I pres den – Chanel, Celine, Dior

Trend flitru a vubec cokoli se trpyti je pro me. Pripomina mi to me zacatky v Londyne. Byla jsem nadsena, kdyz jsem videla holky ve flitrovych vecech jenom tak pres den. Ne zadna specialni udalost ci ples…proste takhle hodit neco flitroveho k dzinum a triku. A presne tohle bylo k videni na prehlidkach jako Chanel, Celine a Dior. Gucci ma ted k prodeji cool flitrovou bundu a jsem si jista, ze neco takoveho bude brzo i v klasickych retezcich.