Tag Archives: Celine

Outfit: How to shop my Instagram outfits via Liketoknowit

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Shoes: Versace, Trousers: River Island, Jacket: Storets, Bag: Chloe, Sunglasses: Celine

Instagram is a platform that most people love and where lot of people look for inspiration including me. I can openly say that I rarely look how I would style things in magazines. I go online and social platforms to look for the best places to eat, trending items, travel destinations and pretty much everything else.

Interestingly although so many people use Instagram including my friends I get to ask often what is that Liketoknowit and what is that little heart in the circle on my photographs. Well Liketoknowit is an app that is part of Reward style. Reward style is one of the largest affiliate networks that gathers influencers and enables us to get a tiny commission if  we influence a sale of a product. Trust me the price of the item we are wearing or promoting does not change. So you are not affected. In my opinion if I find something I love thanks to other influencer I am absolutely up for giving them a small reward (and plus it does not come out of your pocket anyway). That is called business. I may have not found the item at all so it is perfectly fine.

If you want to know what I am wearing on my Instagram pictures or are curious about other influencers you can usually tell either by hashtags or the little heart in a circle on the pictures. That means that the influencer is using Liketoknowit. You can simply download liketoknowit app and follow me there (evglamazon) and every time you like my outfit or certain item just take a screenshot of the Instagram image. You can go back to it anytime and save time asking over and over again where is the skirt from, what lipstick are you wearing etc.

You save so much time and energy by one download and by following your favourite people on the Liketoknowit app.

So happy shopping!!

Instagram je aplikace, kterou spousta lidi miluje a hleda v ni inspiraci a to vcetne me. Muzu vam otevrene rict, ze uz se temer vubec nedivam na to jak nastylovat obleceni a na novinky v mode a kosmetice v casopisech. Na Instagramu vyhledavam zajimava mista, dobre restaurace, trendy, typy na styling, kosmetiku a taky destinace na dovolenou. 

A prestoze tolik lidi Instagram pouziva, tak i moji pratele se obcas zeptaji, co je to to Liketoknowit a jak to funguje a taky co je to male srdicko v kolecku, ktere mam tak casto na fotografiich. Liketoknowit je system a aplikace, ktera spada pod tzv. Reward style, coz je affiliate platforma. Reward style shromazduje influencery a diky nim pokazde, kdyz influenceri ovlivni prodej urciteho produktu, ziskavaji influenceri maly podil z prodeje. Opravdu se jedna o par korun za produkt, takze takove ty obavy jak nekteri maji, ze kdo vi kolik jim za to tricko da ci neda, mit clovek nemusi. Pokud to teda nekoho trapi. Cena produktu se pro nakupujiciho vubec nemeni. To male procento, ktere influencer dostane jde z kapsy firmy, ktera produkt prodava. Ja osobne jsem stastna, kdyz diky nekomu objevim neco super, takze to, ze mu firma zaplati par korun z toho, ze me ovlivnil v nakupu je v naprostem poradku. 

A jak tedy na to? Pokud pouzivate Instagram a chcete vedet co mam ja, ci jini blogeri na fotografiich, tak je to zcela jednoduche. Fotografie oznacene v rohu dole malym srdickem v kolecku jenom znaci, ze influencer pouziva Liketoknowit a ze se muzete dozvedet, kde dane produkty koupit. Takze si muzete stahnout na mobilu aplikaci Liketoknowit a pokazde, kdyz se vam nejaky outfit libi udelat screenshot dane fotografie. V aplikaci liketoknowit staci sledovat influencera, v mem pripade me najdete jako evglamazon a u kazde fotky z instagramu vzdy najdete i linky na jednotlive produkty. 

Je to opravdu jednoduche, rychle a prakticke. Sledovatele pak nemusi psat v komentarich odkud je ta sukne, odkud je kabelka atd. Tyhle dotazy a komenty jsou casto prehlednutelne a navic diky jednomu stahnuti aplikace si muzete uz navzdy usetrit cas a uz se nemusite ptat se vsech vasich oblibencu odkud jsou jednotlive produkty. 

Takze happy shopping.

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Another reason why you should do what you love

Pictures by Hazel Hurley 

Wearing: Boots: Stuart Weitzman, Bag: Stella McCartney, Shirt: System of Motion, Skirt: River Island, Sunglasses: Celine, Earrings: Lipsy via Asos

I go through phases when I am shopping like crazy and then through phases when I do not. My intuition (that is actually very good) tells me that this year I will be shopping a lot. (haha) Good news for the economy right and actually good news for me as I will just ticking of items from my wish list that gives me lot of satisfaction.

Of course I am also very lucky that thanks to this job I get gifted lot of amazing items from the most amazing brands. I have go the best clothes, skincare, designer items and that it thanks to this wonderful job I do. It is just such a dream.

Looking back at those years when I blogged and also had a full time office job I must admit I shopped a lot a lot just to compensate how stressed and overworked I was in my old job. It was getting something to cheer myself up because I had a hard week or conflict with clients. A bit like when people compensate troubles with drinking or food. Well, last year when I went full time blogging I really felt that I was thinking more about spending money as I did not have the inner pressure or something that was pushing me to do it. I just enjoyed days and what I do for living.

So my message to you is that you should do what you love as it can really make a difference in the areas of your life you would not even expect.

And also if you feel like it you can watch my latest Get unready with me video. 

Casto si prochazim obdobim, kdy mam obrovskou chut nakupovat a pak treba zase ne. Minuly rok to nebylo s tim nakupovanim az tak hrozne, ale moje intuice (a tu mam hodne vyvinutou) mi rika, ze letos to rozjedu asi vic. (haha) No pro ekonomiku je to dobra zprava a pro me asi taky, protoze miluju hrozne moc, kdyz si muzu z mych wish listu odskrtavat.

Samozrejme tady nebudu psat, ze si kupuju naprosto vse. Dostavam od firem, se kteryma spolupracuji diky teto praci naproste uzasne veci. Mam opravdu stesti, ze delam, co me bavi a diky tomu dostavam luxusni kosmetiku, obleceni a dokonce uz i designerske kousky. Je to zkratka sen. 

Kazdopadne mam pocit, ze jsem casto nakupovala hlavne v dobe, kdy jsem jeste pracovala v kancelari a vedla tento blog a nakupovala hlavne v dobe, kdy jsem mela tezky tyden ci den ci se citila prepracovana. Jakobych si kompenzovala stresove situaci novym trickem ci kosmetikou. A to se opravdu zmenilo v dobe, kdy jsem zacala blogovat na plny uvazek. Nebyla uz potreba, protoze jsem delala denne to, co me bavi. Ted urcite pracuju vice a stale mi nestaci cas na vse, co bych chtela, ale i tak nemusim zahanet konflitky v praci nakupovanim. Delam zkratka to co me bavi. 

A tak vam chci rict, ze pokud je to mozne, zkuste delat praci co vas bavi, protoze nikdy nevite, jake jine zivotni sfery vam to obohati a vylepsi. 

A taky kdyz se vam bude chtit, muzete se mrknout na me posledni video a vecerni rutinu tady v CR. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Share the love on social media

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Belt: Gucci, Shirt: Shein, Coat: Armani Exchange, Bag: Chloe, Shoes: Gucci, Sunglasses: Celine, Jeans: Topshop

I have not slept since 3:30 AM and it is becoming more and more common when my little Liam wakes up that I cannot go back to sleep (I still love him guys though). I am writing this from my home town where I am visiting and I kind of have more time here than in London. I have time to reflect, think, work, workout and enjoy the company of my family.

And so then I started to scroll down my instagram feed in the middle of the night and going through tweets of my favourite people and just cannot believe how much love is missing from social media. Influencers offending each other, bloggers talking about people hating them, rude messages they get. I believe the more attention you give this the more it will stick.

Social media should be for spreading positive energy, spreading love, motivate and support. Life can be stressful as it is so when you tune on your favourite platform after work you should feel good and not read negative things. Or am I wrong?

And sadly even articles on blogs talking about negative things happening in the blogosphere are driving a lot of traffic. I just cannot get my head around it. I could sit down and write something similar but I chose not to as I really want my space to be positive space. I want people come here and feel good. Even writing this is a bit controversial as I am touching that topic but I simply want to tell you to share more love where ever you are and whenever. Give that like for another nice picture, share love in the comments and support each other. Good things will keep happening then.

And if you want to know more about my trip to Czech and more about me in general you can watch my latest video and subscribe to my channel. Thank you.

Od 3:30 od rana nespim, v posledni dobe, kdyz se Liam vzbudi v noci, nemuzu uz usnout (nebojte, mam ho rada porad stejne). A tak jsem uprostred nudy zacala prochazet Instagramem. Jsem ted na 2 tydny v Cesku a mam tak vic cas premyslet, pracovat, tvorit, cvicit a taky koukat na Twitter a Instagram.

A nemuzu tohle proste nenapsat, ale pripada mi, ze z Instagramu a socialnich siti se uplne prestava vytracet laska a pozitivita. Ja jsem vzdy chtela vest tento blog positivne, nestezovat si, motivovat druhe a inspirovat. A samozrejme i ja mam sve dny, ale neprestavam se divit jak na sebe lide utoci na socialnich siti. Blogeri urazi druhe blogery, mluvi o tom jake sokujici zpravy dostavaji a moje jedina rada jim zni, proste to ignorujte. Cim vic afektu tomu budete venovat, tim vice se to na vas bude lepit. 

I tento clanek je pro me trosku kontroverzni, ze to vubec zminuju, ale moje zprava vam zni spise at se mate radi. Moje predstava je takova, ze kdyz clovek prijde domu, ma sam sve strasti behem dne, tak snad nechce cist jak se nekdo hada na socialnich sitich at uz je to o volbe prezidenta ci o tom, ze jeden bloger urazi druheho. Ja chci cist hezke veci, ktere me daji do klidu. 

Takze se mejte radi, davejte dal liky a hezke komenty a drzte se zasady (pokud je to mozne), kdyz nemam rict co pekneho, nerikam radsi nic. Toho se drzim ja. A to se teprve budou dit veci. Pozitivni mysleni a chovani prinasi jenom to dobre. 

A pokud chcete vic vedet o me navsteve CR, mrknete na posledni video a prihlaste se k odberu. Dekuju.

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Where Next?

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Boots: Daniel, Bag: Chanel, Sunglasses: Celine, Skirt: Shein, Jacket: Boden, Hat: Asos

How fast is January going? I feel I even did not blink and my first trip of 2018 is here. It is not exciting hot destination however I am heading to my home country Czech Republic. It will be nice to see the family and also have help with Liam and mainly to see my new niece who arrived just before Christmas.

And with travel first dilemmas are here. What do I pack, how am I going to fit everything in, how am I going to entertain lively toddler on my lap for two hours and so much more? See, it is not just about packing your outfits but you need so much for the baby and to handle all the luggage and a child on your own it kind of puts you off from overpacking.

Well, challenges are good right? I always say at least we then appreciate those small luxuries like when you go to restaurant without a little one, drink coffee when they are asleep or travel sometimes without them. It does not mean we do not  love them it simply means we appreciate these moments so much more. I kind of hope he will sleep on the plane and as always we manage just fine.

Anyway I am planning to do another vlog from Czech so stay tuned and in case you missed my last video which is a full week of outfits you can watch it here and make sure you hit that subscribe button.

Nechce se mi verit, ze prvni mesic roku 2018 je uz pomalu za nama. Cas tak leti. Jeste jsem se nestacila ani nadechnout a ceka me s Liamkem prvni cesta a to do Ceska. Ano zadna tepla destinace, ale je potreba se ukazat i “doma”. Myslim, ze si to uzijeme a hlavne se jedeme podivat na moji novou neter, ktera se narodila pred Vanoci. 

A s prvni cestou prichazi i starosti a dilema. Tak co si sebou vzit, jak se sbalit do jednoho kufru, jak to s malym zvladnu v letadle dve hodiny, kdyz mi sedi na kline a neposedi? Ale tak vyzvy nejsou spatne. Clovek si vlastne pak uvedomi jak to bylo jednoduche. Dneska se snazim balit prakticky a radsi vydrzim dva tydny s jednou kabelkou, jenom abych si usetrila nervy na letisti. 

A clovek si pak vice vychutnava momenty, kdyz je jednou za cas sam v restauraci, ci si vypije kavu, kdyz mrne spi apod. To neznamena, ze sve deti nemame radi, ale jenom si vice vazime tech momentu, ktere nam daji trosku klidu. Ja pevne verim, ze maly bude v letadle spat a vse to opet zvladneme.

A snad se mi podari v Cesku natocit i vlog. Pokud jste jeste nevideli posledni video o tom, co jsem nosila cely tyden, muzete se podivat tady. A urcite se prihlaste k odberu videii. Dekuju. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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