Tag Archives: Chloe

Outfit: Stop and breathe

Wearing: Dress: H&M, Bag: Chloe, Belt: Pinko, Boots: Lucy Choi

Breath, stop panicking and start again. That is what I said to myself this morning. If you follow me on my social media platform you probably know I have been to Florence and my suitcase did not arrive with me to the airport. I took purposely few days off  after Florence (no meetings scheduled, no shoots scheduled) so I can start to work on the content from Florence. And guess what? All the chargers and cables needed for the work were in the suitcase. Yaaaay. I lost several days of work, lot of time and I was stressed as I am a bit of control freak. Anyway suitcase is back but also I am behind with work. I just wrote down my to do list and I already know it is a bit ambitious especially when you have your toddler with you 24/7.

You can only do the best at any situation so let’s start this week positive and believe we can do it. I managed to edit first vlog from Florence which will go live later on today. Make sure you subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss it. I am also going to do vlogmas this year where for the 12 days I will be doing lot of giveaways and you will be able to win some amazing luxury products.

Nadechnout a nepanikarit. To jsem si musela rict hned po probuzeni. Pokud me sledujete na mych socialnich platformach, tak asi vite, ze jsem se vratila zacatkem tydne z Florencie a bohuzel bez kufru. Naplanovala jsem vse tak, ze jsem si nezorganizovala zadne schuzky a ani foceni po zbytek tydne, abych mohla zpracovat material z Florencie. A hadejte co? Vsechny nabijecky, kabely na fotoaparaty byly v kufru. Ztratila jsem tak nekolik dnu, kdy jsem mohla pracovat a dneska rano jsem si sepsala seznam toho, co musim tento tyden a dneska zvladnout a je toho dvakrat tolik. A samozrejme jak vite, ze zaroven jsem vlastne pres den na Liamka sama.

Ale ve vsem situacich si clovek musi rict, ze pokud venuje maximum usili, nema ceho litovat. Musime zkratka vzdy udelat co je v nasich silach. Ja jsem o vikendu zvladla zpracovat prvni vlog z Florencie a ten bude k shlednuti uz dneska. Tak se urcite prihlaste k odberu na mem kanale, at vam nic neunikne. A taky planuju letos vlogmas, kde bude u kazdeho videa probihat soutez o luxusni kosmetiku a jine uzasne darky. 

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Outfit: Embroidered Boden Jacket

Pictures by Hazel Hurley 

Wearing: Trousers: Couturissimo, Shoes: Gucci: Jacket: Boden ICONS, Bag: Chloe, Top: Kit & Ace

This Boden jacket is a perfect example of when brand makes it right. It is modern but with a bit of vintage touch and the embroidery is simply beautiful. This piece is full of surprises. It is made of wool and so well tailored and the lining is a perfection too. There is nothing I would not love about this stunning jacket.

I have been wearing it so much in the last few weeks and I feel it is so easy to wear. It always gives any outfit touch of luxury. And it goes so well with autumn vibes in these pictures. I hope you like that Liam joined me this time and did his best posing for you too. LOL It was challenging I will not lie as as soon as you put him on the ground he either runs or starts to pick things up and put it in his mouth. Yep story of my life. Hehe

Tahle bundicka od Boden je typickym prikladem toho, kdyz se firme neco podari udelat spravne. Je to takova krasna kombinace noveho a stareho a navic je z vlny. Vysivani je provedene na jednicku a podsivka je take prekrasna. Zkratka kdyz se dari, tak se dari. 

V posledni dobe ji nosim opravdu casto a kazdemu outfitu da vzdy spetku luxusu. Dobre se kombinuje a je to zkratka muj momentalni oblibeny kousek. Minuly tyden jsem si zrovna rikala, ze je treba mozna trosku ubrat, abych zase nechodila jenom v jednom a tom samem.

Kazdopadne snad vas potesi, ze Liam se ke me pridal na foceni. Byla to fuska, protoze je ted ve stadiu, ze kdyz ho clovek da na zem, tak bud zdrha nejvetsi rychlosti hlava nehlava nebo zacne zvedat vse, co mu prijde pod ruku a strkat to do pusy. No co vam budu povidat. Haha 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: In love with my Chloe Nile

Wearing: Trousers: River Island, Bag; Chloe, Shoes: Valentino, Cardigan: Shein, Hat: Asos, Belt: Pinko

I seriously cannot get enough of this Chloe Nile bag. Since I have done the unboxing on my youtube channel (you should subscribe as I started to be very active and you can see much more from my life and lot of beauty and fashion) I have been wearing it so much. I am though thinking my other bags need a chance too. Last weekend I took out my Saint Laurent bag for a spin and now enjoying it so much. It has got a perfect shade for autumn and I simply love it.

This is great thing sometimes to leave your favourite items hidden in the closet as it can feel like you have a new bag. LOL

And can we also appreciate the autumn vibes of these pictures. I just love London at this time of the year so much. I know I keep going on about it on my social channels but it is magical. I am now off to enjoy another autumn day.

Nemuzu se nabazit teto Chloe Nile kabelky. Od te doby, co jsem vydala unboxing video na mem youtube kanale (pokud jeste neodbirate moje videa, zkuste to…pridavam ted docela casto a muzete me tak i lepe poznat) , ji nosim skoro porad. Ale na druhou stranu si rikam, ze musim dat sanci i svym jinym kabelkam. O vikendu jsem po dlouhe dobe vytahla moji Saint Laurent bloggers bag, protoze ma skvely odstin, ktery se hodi presne na podzim. 

Nahodou to neni spatny napad, obcas schovat nektere kabelky ci veci do skrine a nenosit je, protoze kdyz je pak po delsi dobe vytahnete, tak ma clovek pocit, ze je to nova vec. 

A v neposledni rade snad ocenite podzimni atmosferu techto fotek. Ja se nemuzu podzimu v Londyne nabazit, je to nadhera. No a tesim se na dalsi podzimni den, ktery me ceka. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Wish list: Summer Dreams

Summer is only few weeks away and that makes me dreaming. My brain is processing shift and floaty boho dresses, chic belts, comfy but lovely shoes and gorgeous accessories. There are so many options and it also depends on where you are or where you go for holidays. City chic will never be the same as sunny riviera so we need options and endless wish lists. LOL

Leto se pomalu blizi. Mame tady kveten a at chceme ci nechceme, letni nalada snad dorazi za par tydnu. A to znamena, ze ja premyslim o letni mode. V hlave se mi honi rozevlate boho saty, chic pasky, nove hezke boty a taky slunecni bryle. Urcite zalezi na tom kam se chystate a kde budete leto travit. Leto ve meste urcite nevyzaduje stejny satnik jako leto na proslunene riviere. 

Love Glamazon xoxo