Tag Archives: Givenchy

Keep it casual

Somebody tweeted me that they would never wear a logo t-shirt. Well, it is a matter of taste, isn’t it? Few years ago I hated logo tops myself but trends come and go and also our perception of things can change so I really started to like them. Anyway, this post is not about logos but more about comfortable and casual wear which I am a huge supporter of.

I love when you can use an item for many occasions and you can do it with comfy items like this. That Marant t-shirt is fab with heels and leather skirt as well as leggings and trainers. And that is what we want, isn’t it? Cost per wear and utilising our wardrobe to maximum.

Jedna ctenarka mi poslala nedavno tweet, ze by si nikdy nedala tricko s logem. Ja se priznavam, ze pred par lety jsem mela podobny nazor. Kazdopadne nas vkus a styl se casem meni a trendy take a ted mam obdobi, kdy se mi treba takove veci libi a hlavne i frci. Tento post ale neni o tom, zda veci maji ci nemaji logo. Je o pohodlnem obleceni jako mikiny a tricka. 

A tak jsem udelala mensi vyber veci, co mi prijdou super a spadaji do teto kategorie. Hlavne mi prijde, ze treba takove tricko marant muzete mit jak k podpatkum tak do parku k teniskam. A o to jde, veci se maji nosit co nejvice. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Outfit: Where is the summer?

Pictures: Barbora 

Wearing: Boots: Givenchy, Skirt: Zara, Top: Kit & Ace, Jacket: Shein, Bag: Chanel

I am calling summer or lets say even proper spring. The weather in London has not been great and I will openly say I was cold wearing this outfit. Even the cashmere polo neck did not keep me warm enough. There are days where I still have to take out some of my winter coats. Oh, man not good.

Luckily, I am planning my press trip to Mallorca now and also going for holidays in Greece next month so new holiday wardrobe needed. You can image how am I spending start of the week. Online shopping as I really want to enjoy summer clothes at least abroad. I am so excited to get a bit of sun and switch off. Although, that can be hardly switching off as I need to work on exciting content for you.

If you want to see my latest additions mainly in my shoe collection do not forget to watch this video.

Volam leto nebo alespon jaro. Nechapu, ze vlastne je kveten a nektere dny nosim zimni kabaty. A muzu vam rict, ze mi byla zima i v tomto co mam na sobe a nezhral me ani kasmirovy rolak a bundicka. 

Nastesti se chystam i s Liamkem na par dni na press trip an Mallorku a v cervnu nas take ceka rodinna dovolena v Recku. Takze pondeli travim hledanim pekneho obleceni na dovolenou, at si tu letni modu alespon trosku uziju. Uz se nemuzu dockat az se nabazim trochu slunecnich paprsku a odpocinu si. I kdyz to asi tezko, kdyz budu cely den travit tvorenim fotografii, tocit a vubec pracovat. 

A pokud vas zajima, co mam noveho v satniku a botniku, muzete se podivat na moje posledni video. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Velvet Hoodie

Pictures by Atosa 

Wearing: Boots: Givenchy, Bag: Lulu Guinness, Blazer: Zara, Sunglasses: Rayban, Jeans: Asos, Hoodie: Asos

Velvet has been around for a while and you can see the trend in so many forms. Whether we are talking gorgeous Gucci bags, loafers, shoes, jackets, blazers but also hoodies. I really loved a gorgeous pink one from Topshop but never managed to get my hands on it. So this black one will have to do the job. I love the relaxed feel it gives to any outfit but also that it keeps you warm.

Yes, spring in London has been non existent and I am still strolling around in my winter jackets on some days. Well, with a velvet hoodie you will be cosy at all times anyway.

Samet frci ve velkem uz nejakou dobu a tento trend najdete ve vsech moznych formach. Hodne lidi si napriklad oblibilo Gucci kabelky a nejen Gucci, boty, ruzne bundicky ci saty, ale jak vidite, najdete i cool mikiny s kapuci. Ja jsem mela vyhlidnutou jednu krasnou z Topshopu, ale byla hned vyprodana. 

A tak jsem se rozhodla pro tuhle cernou. Jaro v Londyne jakoby zapomelo prijit a tak vas zahreje v chladnejsi dny, i kdyz uprimne jeste nosim v nektere dny zimni kabaty. No prirode neporucis. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Guns n’ Roses

Wearing: Boots: Givenchy via Luisa Via Roma, Jacket: Levis, Bag: Lulu Guinness, T-shirt: Missguided, Sunglasses: Rayban, Skirt: Asos

This Guns n’ Roses t-shirt may be more versatile than you think. When I was buying it I never thought I would get so much wear out of it. So considering its price it is pretty good cost per wear. It really goes with lot of things like leather skirt or trousers, jeans and well fitted blazer or even like this with pleated skirt.

And it would be a fab item for Coachella.  It is such a pity I am missing out on Coachella again. There are number of my friends going, staying in a wonderful big house but I guess I need to wait for Liam to be a bit older so he can stay perhaps with my mum. Living in a country where you have no family can be advantage but can bring disadvantages as well. Well, nothing is perfect after all. I am sure there will be many great moments in future anyway.

Tohle Guns n’ Roses tricko se kombinuje lip nez jsem si myslela. Osobne mam rada tyhle tricka s rockovym duchem, ale nikdy by me nenapadlo, ze ho vyuziju tak moc. Libi se mi treba i ke kozene sukni nebo k dzinum a dobre strizenemu sacku a nebo treba takhle k plisovane sukni. A za tu cenu je to opravdu dobry kup. 

A skoda, ze mi letos opet nevysla cesta na Coachellu, tam by se hodilo vyborne. Pevne verim, ze jenom co Liamek trosku povyroste a bude mit rozum, ze ho babicka ochotne pohlida a budu moci jet. Jo, bydlet v zemi, kde nemate zadnou rodinu muze byt super, ale taky to ma sve nevyhody. LOL 

Urcite me takovych skvelych dobrodruzstvi ceka spousty. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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