Tag Archives: lifestyle

Will it be just before and after pandemic?

Tracksuit: Femme Luxe, Boots: Allsaints, Hat:Nike, Bag: Polene, Coat: American Vintage via Brand Alley, Earrings: Zara

I do not know how about you but I am dreading a little bit the return to normality. I know it will not be fully as it was before for a while. Or the question is more if it will be ever the same as before? Is it going to be one of those things that will create before and after pandemic?

Anyway, I simply got used to so many things that resonate with comfort. Whether it is spending lot of time in the comfort of home, the comfort of deliveries, the comfort of online shopping, the comfort of online workout classes and really everything that has been huge part of our lives in the last year. Comfort is my second name and I realised how easy it is to get used to it. I am not rushing anywhere all the time. PR events are organised over zoom and although I miss social contact I quickly got used to it. For any event I can just put on cute top and keep on comfortable trousers and the travel is from sofa to my laptop on the table which takes just seconds.

Do I miss going out and seeing friends? Yes big time but also it feels like I forgot how to dress up and my body feels great in tracksuits and leggings. This tracksuit is the newest addition and it is from Femme Luxe. I have it in a different colour but this creamy one is perfect for spring. The cut is perfect, it has that oversized feel and I am over the moon with the fabric. It looks great after several washes too.

Do not get me wrong I am lusting to go on holiday and go to Czech to see my family but at the same time it feels almost not natural in my head. I start to feel dressed up in anything that does not scream comfort and although I do create content for social media I often catch myself in the baggiest trousers and top. I am excited for social life but at the same time I am seriously worried that I simply got lazy.

Comfort just became huge part of our lives. I mean who is missing the ugly side of everyday life. I bet not many of you miss the packed tube or crowds of people waiting to get served in a tiny sandwich shop. Well, let’s just hope we manage to find a lovely balance when we slowly go back to things as we know them before.


Ja nevim jak vy, ale trosku se bojim navratu do reality. Obecne si teda myslim, ze normalita jako takova nenastane ihned. Vse uz bude jine, otazkou je jestli na porad ci na jak dlouhou dobu? Ja pevne doufam, ze bude zase normalni si zajit do kina ci do narvaneho klubu ci proste jenom na Vanocni msi do kostela bez omezeni, rezervaci, gelu ci masek. Jenom jsem si za ten roz zvykla na pohodli. At uz je to pohodlne obleceni, donaska do domu, nakupy jenom online, zoom eventy a vsechno je to zkratka o pohodli vaseho zivota a domova. Usetri to spoustu casu, spoustu planovani a cestovani a dokonce i cviceni je jenom z domu. Nedavno jsem byla fotit s fotografkou a uprimne me to celkove strasne vysalo. Ze by si moje odvyklo na ten muj shon pred pandemii?

Dalsi vec je oblekani. Nejak jsem si zvykla na vice pohodlne outfity, nic komplikovaneho a hlavne na teplakovky. I kdyz mam spoustu krasneho obleceni, casto se pristihnu, ze saham opet po leginech ci teplacich. Tohle je muj novy prirustek a mam ji v tmavsi barve. Byla jsem moc spokojena s materialem a s tim jak vypada a sedi, ze jsem si poridila dalsi barvu.

Samozrejme snim o cestovani, o tom jit ven na veceri s prateli bez rousek a omezeni, o plazi a ceste na Moravu. Snim o tom, ze pujdu do kina, divadla a do galerie. Je toho tolik. Zaroven mi predstava krasnych satu a nejake poradne akce prijde jako vzdalena predstava. Na pohodli si clovek zvykne velmi rychle. Prestoze tvorim obsah a oblekam se na tvorbu, foceni ci videa, tak se v beznem zivote velmi casto pristihnu ve vytahanych dzinech a XL tricku.

Pohodli se zkratka stalo soucasti naseho zivota. A ve spouste vecech to ma sve vyhody. Myslim, ze spouste z nas nechybi narvane metro v dopravni spicce, kdy vam dychaji dalsi tri lidi na zada. Snad se nam podari najit prijemny balanc az se pomalu budeme vracet k beznemu zivotu jako pred pandemii.


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5 things you can do for your body and soul this spring

Outfit: Sunglasses: Dior, Bag and Top: Zara, Trousers: H&M, Belt: Vintage

Picture by Iva 

I firmly believe that our soul and body are so well connected that it is a genius mechanism. And that it is why it’s so important to look after both in order to achieve good balance, happy state of mind and feel good.

Spring brings better weather but also lot of people suffer from fatigue, mood swings and our immunity can be weakened. So it is crucial to do the best we can for ourselves. And by that I do not mean just to walk in to Dior and walk out with a new pair of bag (but would be nice cherry on the cake). So here are 5 things I like to do in the spring and that help me.

  1. Meditate in nature – Mediation in general really helps me on a daily basis. 10 minutes can really change how you feel and how you see things. What is also amazing is to meditate in nature and that is just by sitting in a quiet spot and letting your thoughts flow. Just take in what is around you and enjoy that moment.
  2. Take your workout outside – Working out is one of the best things you can do but working outside is another level. It is almost a way of meditation and if you are not that fit even fast walking is good enough, it will help your blood circulation and your mind.
  3. Exfoliate and use sun protection – In spring I am always motivated to look after my body more. I exfoliate a lot so my skin is fresh and bright and I use sun protection. These are the small things that will pay off long term.
  4. Eat your superfood – Spring also offers a lot when it comes to food. We have lot of seasonal food that will benefit you but the intake of superfood is important to support your immune system.
  5. Slow down if you need – Only you know how you feel. You have to do what your body tells you to do. If you feel you need to rest…then do it as you are the one running your life and body and nobody else will do that for you.

Let me know if you have any other tips that help you the most in the spring.

Pevne verim, ze nase duse a podvedomi ovlinuje nase telo a  opacne, je to takovy dokonaly mechanismus, ktery nelze osalit. A tak je dulezite se starat o oboji. Casto to, co je dobre pro nase byti je dobre i pro nase telo a obracene. Nejlepsi je, kdyz dosahnete balancu a citite se dobre a hlavne stastni.

S jarem prichazi lepsi pocasi, ale casto take unava, zmeny nalad a s nejvetsi pravdepodobnosti mame i oslabenou imunitu. Kazdy bojuje po svem a prestoze udelat neco pro sebe a pro radost muze byt, ze si do Dioru zajdete pro novu kabelku, je to hodne o kazdodennich malickostech. Je to o tom si najit cas pro sebe, poslouchat signaly naseho tela a neco pro to udelat. Tady je par tipu, ktere na jare pomahaji v mem pripade. 

Meditace v prirode – Meditace jako takova mi hodne pomaha, ale meditovat muzete uz i tim, ze si sednete v prirode na klidne misto a nechate plout sve myslenky, vnimate vse kolem a nacerpavate energii. Je to opravdova ocista pro telo i dusi.

Cviceni venku – Pohyb je vzdy dobra rada, ale co teprve pohyb venku v prirode. Je to vlastne takovy zpusob meditace, ale zaroven si zlepsite kondici. A staci klidne chuze sviznym krokem a telo vam podekuje.

Starost o pokozku a ochrana pred slunickem – S jarem se mi nastartuje chut se o sebe vice starat a tak si rada delam peelingy, at se mi obnovi pokozka a hlavne je treba se chranit pred slunickem. To vse jsou male kroky, ktere se dlouhodobne vyplati.

Jist vyvazene a dodat telu superfood – Unava jde casto ruku v ruce s tim, co jime. A na jare je dobre vyuzit cerstvych bylinek, ktere rostou a dodat telu to nejlepsi. Muzete si vyhledat ruzna superfoods a zvysit jejich prisun. Jaro nabizi tolik moznosti co se jidla tyce, tak toho vyuzijte. 

Zpomalit, kdyz vam telo da signal – Neni dobre se telu vzpirat. Kdyz telo hlasi stop, poslechnete ho. Jenom vy vite jak se citite, druzi za vas neudelaji to ci ono a nasledujici den, jste to vzdy vy, kdo se musi vzchopit. A tak se nepremahejte, pokud nemate silu. 

A jake mate na jare ritualy vy? Je neco co vam urcite prospiva? 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

5 not that glamorous habits I have … ooops!!

I used to work with a girl that always said that in her head she can run miles and she looks so good whilst doing it. She can almost feel how fit she is and see her toned muscles in motion. Well the reality was different and we always laughed together. To be fair she was saying it quite a lot and I could see where she was coming from.

Then I was thinking do we sometimes picture ourselves being amazing, looking amazing and other day dreaming “important” stuff? I am sure we are all a bit guilty. The reality is that I do so many things that are not glamorous and it is time to admit those. LOL

They are the small things I wish I wasn’t doing but when the time is precious or I just get lazy I slip back and just keep repeating these things over and over again. And I hope I am not the only on this boat.

  1. Wearing a hairband on my wrist – Yes guilty….I know it is very practical as you always have hair band when you need it but then I end up with so many images even for my website and my socials with it. It drives me mad when I see that silly hairband on my images and it is too late to take off. It is that small detail that can ruin the whole look but I guess it is that bad habit…and very hard to stop. LOL
  2. Drinking water from a mug – It can be seen as it is not a big deal but in my mind I am that glam and chic girl that drinks her water from a nice glass or cool water bottle. However I so often grab a mug at home and guess why? It is easier to wash it than a glass. LOL
  3. Paint over chipped nail varnish – I cannot stand this one but I keep doing it. I love women with lovely manicure and it almost gives me anxiety if I have chipped nail varnish but with busy lifestyle you have times when you simply do not look perfect. Sadly I am often tempted especially in a rush that I just quickly paint over the chipped nails and hope for the best.
  4. Messy handbag – Oh well, I always love to watch those what’s my handbag videos and man I feel bad afterwards….If you look at mine on a good day it is getting closer to those amazing videos but on most days you find the most random stuff from receipts, lot of lipsticks, dummy, snack for Liam and everything is just a big mess.
  5. Not wearing matching underwear – Please tell me I am not alone. I have so many lovely sets and there is no excuse to do this but I keep wearing non matching underwear most time. I always hope that when the colour is close enough it is ok…haha And then when I see in a movie a chic lady with matching underwear I just feel so guilty. LOL

Pred par lety jsem pracovala s holkou, ktera pokazde rikala, ze ve sve hlave umi hrozne dobre behat a strasne ji to jde. Popisovala mi jak se vidi jak bezi strasne daleko a navic u toho vypada naprosto fantasticky, svaly se ji rysuji v pohybu a deset mil je pro ni jako nic. Samozrejme opak byl pravdou a vzdy jsem se s nim smala, rikala to totiz velmi casto. 

A tak jsem se zamyslela a rekla si, ze ja si taky obcas ve sve mysli pripadam skvele a vse mi jde tak dobre. Jsem zkratka denni snilek….jenomze opak je realitou a je treba jit s kuzi na trh. Delam tolik veci, ktere bych nemela verejne priznavat, ale pak se vzdy zastavim a reknu si, ze tyhle zlozvyky bych mela prestat delat.  A tady jsou….

  1. Nosim gumicky do vlasu na zapesti – No ono by to nebyla az takova hruza, jenze ja vzdy zapomenu, ze ji tam mam a pak se hrozim, ze mi to nici fotky. Zadny modni zazrak to totiz neni, ale zase je to prakticke….gumicka je stale po ruce, kdyz je treba.
  2. Piju vodu z hrnku – Ve svych predstavach jsem 24/7 ta elegatni zenska, co si vodu naleva do nejake hezke a chic sklenice, opak je bohuzel pravdou a casto se nachytam, ze zase piju z hrnku. A vite proc? Protoze hrnek se jednoduseji umyva. LOL
  3. Premalovavani nehtu – Jejej…Mam hrozne rada upravene nehty a oloupany lak me desi, bohuzel ne vzdy mam cas vse cele odlakovat a prelakovat a tak casto v casovem skluzu proste chytnu lak a udelam co se nema, prelakuju ty oloupane. Ja vim…zadna bomba to neni, ale co uz nadelam :) 
  4. Neporadek v kabelce – Rada koukam na what’s in my handbag videa a vzdy si rikam, ze do idealu mam hodne daleko. Kdyz me to chytne a vse protridim a uklidim, tak se to da, ale vetsinu dni je to trosku horsi. Rada bych rekla, ze tam nosim sik diare a vse je uhledne, ale vetsinou je to tak 6 rtenek, uctenky, dudlik, svacinka pro Liamka, prazdy papir od nejake raw bar apod. 
  5. Nosim pradlo, ktere neladi – Doufam, ze v tomto nejsem sama. A vlastne na tohle neni v mem pripade ani omluva, protoze mam spoustu peknych souprav a mam jich dost na to, aby mi pradlo vzdy ladilo a presto casto sahnu po tech svych oblibenych a pohodlnych a casto je podprsenka i kalhotky uplne mimo. A pak kdyz koukam na film, kde ma zena krasne ladici pradlo tak me zase hryze svedomi. haha 

Eva xoxo 

House Decor: Desenio Art Touches in our New House

The time has finally come and after very stressful process of sale and purchase of the property we have moved. It took months to get here and who has ever been buying a property in UK must understand how difficult it can be especially when you are in a chain.

I am so proud we did it and although the move was tough and we did not know until the last minute if we are moving or not we officially got the keys 5th December. I am so pleased as now more fun times are coming. I want to slowly improve the place and make it lovely, cosy and create a lovely home for us.

I had my eye on some Desenio prints for a while however did not have room to play around with their amazing art in our old place. It felt so good to finally be able to pick my favourites when we moved as I know these posters will give me lot of variety and I can move them around the house according my needs. Desenio prints very quickly update any room in the house whether that is your living room, office or simply a bathroom and the selection is huge.

One of my absolute favourites is Dancer One print which I got in the largest size and I absolutely love it. I also got Pink Sky Poster and November Rain 02 in the second largest size. I wanted prints that will work well on its own as well as together and will suit my furniture and deco. And of course I could not resist and had to order Pink Paris Perfume as it is one of their bestsellers and would look awesome in an office, bathroom or simply on a dressing table.

And if you are also huge fan of Desenio like myself there is a Christmas sale on which is always good news. You can get 30% off when spending £60 (expect on frames and on handpicked-/collaboration posters). So you can get affordable art at even better price.

A je to tady po nekolika mesicich dlouheho procesu prodeje bytu a nakupu noveho domu jsme konecne u konce a prestehovali jsme se. Cely proces zacal nekdy v Srpnu a ti, kteri nekdy kupovali nemovitost v Britanii asi chapou nejlepe jak narocne to tady je.

Ale ted uz jsme konecne v novem a i kdyz veci nejsou zdaleka podle predstav, ceka me ta zabavnejsi cast a to vybavovani, vylepsovani a vse okolo designu. Uz nejakou dobu jsem premyslela o plakatech Desenio, ale v mem predchozim byte na ne zkratka uz nebylo misto. A tak jsem si hned prvni tyden po prestehovani s radosti objednala nekolik kusu. Idealne bych je chtela premistovat podle potreby a to se mi na jejich plakatech libi. Velmi casto napriklad potrebuju menit zatisi na toceni videa apod. Nejvice se mi zamlouva fakt, ze jsou cenove dostupne a behem momentu zmeni celou mistnost, at uz je pouzijete v obyvacim pokoji, kancelari ci koupelne. 

Jeden z mych nejoblibenejsich plakatu je kazdopadne tento s nazvem Dancer One a i proto jsem si ho poridila v nejvetsi mozne velikosti.  A plakaty November Rain 02 a Pink Sky Poster jsem si poridila v druhe nejvetsi velikosti. Chtela jsem si vybrat takove, ktere budou vypadat dobre zvlast i dohromady. A nemohla jsem odolat jejich bestselleru Pink Paris Perfume, ktery bude urcite vypadat v kancelari ci koupelne. 

A pokud se vam veci od Desenio libi, prave probihaji Vanocni slevy a muzete si poridit plakaty se slevou 30 % pokud utratite 60 £ a vice (sleva neplati na ramy a specialni kolaborace). 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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