Tag Archives: Pandora

Outfit: The most feminine dress

Wearing: Dress: De la vali via Luisa Via Roma, Bag: Chloe, Shoes: River Island, Sunglasses: Celine, Earrings: Soru Jewellery, Necklace: Pandora, Necklace: Ania Haie

I am such a Gemini when it comes to dressing. Honestly, how some people have signature style it amazes me. I know there are some things I tend to buy but I can be one day in ripped jeans and hoodie and another day in a super feminine dress like this. I love to play with different styles but always love feminine pieces and this dress is a great example.

Firstly the shape is incredible and so flattering and I love it is transparent without looking too cheap or anything. This piece is all about small touches that create a perfect dress. I mean that little cross in the cleavage is everything.

Whatever you decide to wear whether it is shorts, leather skirts or floaty dress the main thing is to feel like yourself. There is no point to push yourself to something that you would not like wearing. And I believe if you follow that rule you cannot go wrong.

Jsem na sto procent blizenec, co se mody tyce. Pokazde obdivuju lidi, kteri maji styl, ktery vzdy poznate. Ja jsem schopna jeden den jit v mikine a roztrhanych dzinech a druhy v tak zenskych satech jako tyhle. Kazdopadne velmi casto miluju veci, ktere jsou zenske a tyto saty jsou typickym prikladem.

Prvni vec, ktera me dostala na tomtou kousku je strih, ktery hrozne lichoti postave. A libi se mi pruhledna spodni cast, ktera presto nepusobi vulgarne. A v neposledni rade male detaily jako krizek ve spicce vystrihu. Zkratka nadhera.

At uz se rozhodnete si oblect kratasy, kozenou sukni ci rozevlate saty, hlavni je, ze se v danem obleceni musite citit dobre. Nema smysl se do neceho nutit a hlavni je zustat sam sebou. A kdyz se toho budete drzet, nemuzete slapnout vedle. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Givenchy Biker Boots

Boots: Givenchy via Luisa Via Roma, Jeans: Topshop, Bag: Lulu Guinness, Top: H&M, Necklace: Pandora, Cardigan: Shein

For those who follow my new Youtube channel it is not going to be surprise I finally got my hands on these stunning Givenchy boots. I have revealed these in my latest unboxing video.

And I will not going to lie and say that I instantly fell in love. They are cool, edgy, timeless and super comfortable. I was quite worried as they do not seem to be a soft type of boot that will adapt however they took me by surprise. And they were comfortable even when I wore them first time. It is not the case that I just jump in the cab and walk in to a coffee shop and that’s it. I actually walk around while pushing the pram. Just a dream pair of boots.

I ordered these at one of my favourite online shopping destinations Luisa Via Roma. They must have fantastic buyers as the selection of brands is really varied but at the same time very often you can buy the latest IT items that are sold everywhere else.

I know I will wear these to death and especially with London weather … you may wear these all summer no problem. They also do have other colours so definitely check them out.

Pro ty, kteri sleduji ma videa na youtube nebude prekvapenim, ze jsem si konecne poridila tyhle uzasne kotnickove kozacky od Givenchy. Ty jsem nedavno odhalila v tomto videu.

Nebudu vam lhat a musim prohlasit, ze to byla laska na prvni pohled. Jsou cool, nadcasove a navic (to je priorita) strasne pohodlne. Kdyz jsem je poprve vyzkousela, trosku jsem se bala. Je to takova ta pevna bota, co pusobi trvde, ale byla jsem prijemne prekvapena, protoze i pri prvnim noseni byly extremne pohodlne a chodim v nich docela daleko. Neni to tak, ze skocim do taxiku, projdu se do restaurace a tim to padne. Mam je na nohou treba cely den. 

Ja jsem si tyhle poridila na e-shopu Luisa Via Roma, coz je jedna z mych oblibenych nakupnich destinaci online. Jejich buyers maji uzasny vkus a najdete tam jak mene proflaknute znacky, tak i casto IT kousky, ktere jsou kdekoli jinde vyprodane. 

Opravdu se vidim, ze tyhle boty budu nosit se vsim moznym a hlavne tady v Londyne, kde pocasi nekdy prekvapi i v lete. Navic jsou dostani i v jinych barvach, takze se urcite podivejte.

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Treating my mum to some cake and PANDORA

Mum and I have always had a very special relationship. And I know anybody can say that about their mum however I really do feel that I have an extra special bond with my mum. She can of course be difficult at times but that is normal in relationships of all kinds.

I am a first born and looking back at old pictures for almost five years it was only myself and mum against the world. She tells me so often those were one of the best years of her life (sorry sis LOL). We all know she doesn’t mean it badly but I love to tease my sister.

When I was growing up she has always supported my choices. As a teenager I was scouted to be a model and during those years of my life she was such a huge support. When I made the choice to start blogging, my mum was by my side with nothing but encouragement. She invested so much in me and sacrificed a lot for me to pursue my fashion dreams. Our mutual love of fashion is a topic we have discussed over and over again, my mum has a great style herself.

Her fashion choices inspire me a lot. Although our styles are very different, there is one thing I definitely learnt from her. Getting older does not mean that you have to stop wearing the clothes you love. And then there is the love of shopping that we share. Whether I look back at the time when I lived in Czech or now when she comes to London to visit me, there is always shopping involved. It is like our special ritual. And this ritual is always followed by coffee and something delicious to eat. Just what girls like.

With Mother’s Day approaching I really wanted to treat my mum to something special when I last visited my homeland. As I mentioned in my previous post, I have collaborated with PANDORA jewellery to celebrate the occasion. I gifted her a beautiful jewellery set which I hope will remind her of my appreciation of her each and every time she wears it. Sticking to traditions, we also enjoyed delicious cake and flowers, just like the old days. I am so pleased I could include my beloved mum to be a part of the PANDORA DO campaign as she does represent strong, fashionable and supportive women. And although she hates being photographed, she knew how much this campaign meant to be, once again supporting me in what I do and what I love and let me to photograph her for this lovely occasion.

Thank you mum.

Vzdy jsem mela se svoji maminkou hodne silny vztah a byla mi vzdy spise kamaradkou. Je jasne, ze se obcas chytneme, to je ale normalni v kazdem vztahu. Obcas mi i rika, ze kdyz jsem byla hodne mala, asi do ctyr let to bylo jeji nejkrasnejsi obdobi v zivote (sorry segro haha). Urcite to tak nemysli, ale bavi me sestru timto trosku skadlit. 

A moje mama me take vzdy podporovala ve vecech, ktere jsem se rozhodla delat. Kdyz jsem byla mladsi byl to modeling a ted je to blogovani. A pokud to nebylo na ukor skoly, mela jsem v ni stoprocentni podporu. A navic uz i v ranne puberte me sama vedla k mode. Kdyz se me lide ptaji, kde se ta laska k mode vzala, je to urcite od moji mamy a taky babicky. Ta ma ve skrini pomalu vice dobre padnoucich kostymu nez jakakoli jina zenska, co znam. A moje maminka je na tom uplne stejne a take mame spolecnou vasen a to je nakupovani. A jestli me naucila jedne veci, je to urcite, ze zena se ma o sobe starat v kazdem veku a muze se oblekat mladistve (tim nema ale na mysli leopardi minisukne v sedesati letech, ale spise mladistve a stale vkusne). 

Jeste kdyz jsem zila doma a taky pokazde, kdyz jsme spolu at uz v Cesku nebo v Londyne, dokazeme travit treba cely den nakupovanim. A k tomu samozrejme vzdy patri i cas na kavu, jidlo ci dobry zakusek. A tak s blizicim se svatkem matek, kdyz jsem byla naposledy v Cesku jsem se rozhodla zopakovat nasi tradici a darovat ji take neco predem ke svatku matek. Vybrala jsem tuto sadu od PANDORY, koupila ji krasnou kytici a nezapomela ani na kavu a neco sladkeho. 

A jelikoz momentalne spolupracuji s PANDOROU na jejich kampani DO jsem moc rada, ze i moje mama mohla byt jejich soucasti. Je to totiz jedna z nejsilnejsich zen, ktere potkate a ty prave tato kampan oslavuje. A i kdyz se mama strasne nerada foti a nekde takto presentuje, tak to pro me i tentokrat udelala a podporila me v tom, co me bavi. 

Dekuju mami. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Unconditional Love with Pandora

It would be hard to count how many times I have heard the phrase ” You don’t know what love is until you have a child. Pure and unconditional love forever”. And until last August I did not know what people were talking about, however when my son Liam was born it finally clicked. I felt the type of love that is hard to describe with words.

I must admit, Motherhood is one of the hardest jobs I have ever done and I say it to all mums out there! We deserve a medal for being mums, we should be put on a pedestal and be worshiped. I know I have only been doing this “job” for few months and I still have a lot of years ahead of me but am now experiencing all the first moments with Liam.

It seems we have done so much together already – first Christmas, first snow, first flight, first fashion week and so much more. I took him to our first fashion event when he was only 12 days old and that will always be remembered. There is one special day approaching fast though and that is Mother’s day.

This year it will be myself who sees their child coming with a bunch of flowers, presents and big smile on their face. Obviously for the next few years Liam will need my husband’s help. I remember when I was little our dad would help us with buying presents for mum (or in other words paid for things we pointed fingers at). And as my husbands has learnt over the years he knows I love to pick my own presents (I know not very romantic but it saves time and no need for exchanging things afterword’s).

I also remember so clearly way before I got pregnant that I used to say to my other half ‘do not ever let me to stop being who I am when I have a child’. I was scared of the image of being a tired mum that forgot she loved fashion, heels and great lipsticks. Sometimes it can be hard but I am so happy I am managing to juggle everything. Honestly, when you think about it women do so much. That’s why I was so pleased when PANDORA approached me to be part of their #Do campaign, which is all about celebrating female empowerment. This got me thinking about all the things I still do as a mum: I still love running my blog, still wearing fabulous clothes and even when I feel very tired I try to put on at least a bit of lipstick. It makes me feel good when I am pushing the pram and have had more than a few sleepless nights. Women are strong creatures and I know we can do it all, even when at times it feels really hard.

My first Mother’s Day is really special this year, so I have chosen some special pieces from PANDORA to remember it by. There is nothing nicer than to look at gifts you received and have them connected to a special memory. I want to be able to wear these things forever and what better to choose than an iconic PANDORA Essence bangle with some gorgeous charms. I can sometimes be very classic and traditional when it comes to jewellery, so to compliment this I went with the Essence generosity and Essence love charm. I love to mix different tones of jewellery, so combined the rose bracelet together with silver which went perfectly. I am also a huge fan of cute necklaces and discovered the stunning and symbolic Family Tree necklace – a great piece to be gifted on this special day. I just know I will be able to wear all these items with anything- from my work white shirt to distressed jeans and simple t-shirt and that is what I am all about when it comes to style- timeless elegant and versatile!

Myslim, ze by pro me bylo tezke zpocitat kolikrat jsem slysela pred tim nez jsem se stala mamou tuhle vetu: ” Nevis, co je skutecna laska do te doby nez mas sve vlastni deti”. A do te doby jsem to nejak nechapala. Dnes uz tomu rozumim a zcela s tim souhlasim. Je to bezvyhradna laska, ktera se tezce da popsat slovy. 

Materstvi je ale zaroven nejtezsi prace, kterou jsem kdy delala a kazda mama si zaslouzi obrovskou medajli. A myslim, ze ani tatinci to nepochopi. Jenom mamy. I kdyz mam za sebou pouze sest mesicu, teto tezke “prace” tak mam pocit, ze toho mame za sebou tolik. Prvni Vanoce, prvni snih, prvni modni udalost a Fashion week. Liamka jsem si vzala na prvni modni akci, kdyz mu bylo dvanact dnu. A na to nikdy nezapomenu. Byla jsem pekne na nervy, hormony se mnou cloumaly, ale nakonec jsem si to uzila a mam na to krasnou vzpominku. 

Zive si tak vzpominam, ze dlouho predtim nez jsem otehotnela jsem manzelovi rikala, at mi nikdy nedovoli, aby me materstvi zmenilo. Myslim v tom slova smyslu, ze se nebudu o sebe starat a ze zmaminovatim. To byla moje nocni mura, ze bych se mela vzdat mody, krasnych botu a oblibenych rtenek. Je to narocne, ale jsem rada, ze se snazim, abych zvladla vsechno. Kazda takova vec mi totiz udela radost. Kdyz mam za sebou neprospanych noci a tlacim kocar, tak dat si na rty novou rtenku me zase povzbudi. Zkratka to jde. 

A tentokrat nas ceka nase dalsi prvni udalost a to den Matek. Tento rok a i ty dalsi jsem konecne ja ta druha, opevovana a obdarovana a Liamek ten, kdo mi s usmevem na rtu prinese darek ci kyticku. No vzpominam si na detstvi, ze obdarovaval (jinymi slovy platil) spis tatinek a ja a sestra jsme tak mozna ukazaly prstem, co si pro mamku predstavujeme, ale to nevadi. Muj muz vi, ze stejne se me musi vzdy zeptat, co presne chci. Ja radsi neco co opravdu chci, nez spatne prekvapeni. LOL A tento rok je poslu pro darek do Pandory

Mam rada, kdyz se po case na veci podivam a mam je spojene s prilezitosti a vzpominkou a to si preju prave letos ke svatku matek. A taky je krasne, kdyz je za darky i symbolika. Napriklad tento privesek rodinny strom je krasna symbolika a k teto prilezitosti jako delany. A jelikoz mam rada klasiku, tak nesmim zapomenout na ikonicky naramek a tyhle dva koralky – Essence generosity a Essence love. Skromnost mi moc nejde co? Kazdopadne se tyhle kousky budou hodit k tolika vecem, at uz treba k vice formalni bile kosily nebo kozene bunde a roztrhanym dzinum. Mam rada veci, ktere se daji dobre kombinovat a neomezuji me. 

At uz si prejete jakykoli darek, snad bude Den Matek a i ty dalsi svatky nezapomenutelne. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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