Tag Archives: storets

Outfit: How to shop my Instagram outfits via Liketoknowit

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Shoes: Versace, Trousers: River Island, Jacket: Storets, Bag: Chloe, Sunglasses: Celine

Instagram is a platform that most people love and where lot of people look for inspiration including me. I can openly say that I rarely look how I would style things in magazines. I go online and social platforms to look for the best places to eat, trending items, travel destinations and pretty much everything else.

Interestingly although so many people use Instagram including my friends I get to ask often what is that Liketoknowit and what is that little heart in the circle on my photographs. Well Liketoknowit is an app that is part of Reward style. Reward style is one of the largest affiliate networks that gathers influencers and enables us to get a tiny commission if  we influence a sale of a product. Trust me the price of the item we are wearing or promoting does not change. So you are not affected. In my opinion if I find something I love thanks to other influencer I am absolutely up for giving them a small reward (and plus it does not come out of your pocket anyway). That is called business. I may have not found the item at all so it is perfectly fine.

If you want to know what I am wearing on my Instagram pictures or are curious about other influencers you can usually tell either by hashtags or the little heart in a circle on the pictures. That means that the influencer is using Liketoknowit. You can simply download liketoknowit app and follow me there (evglamazon) and every time you like my outfit or certain item just take a screenshot of the Instagram image. You can go back to it anytime and save time asking over and over again where is the skirt from, what lipstick are you wearing etc.

You save so much time and energy by one download and by following your favourite people on the Liketoknowit app.

So happy shopping!!

Instagram je aplikace, kterou spousta lidi miluje a hleda v ni inspiraci a to vcetne me. Muzu vam otevrene rict, ze uz se temer vubec nedivam na to jak nastylovat obleceni a na novinky v mode a kosmetice v casopisech. Na Instagramu vyhledavam zajimava mista, dobre restaurace, trendy, typy na styling, kosmetiku a taky destinace na dovolenou. 

A prestoze tolik lidi Instagram pouziva, tak i moji pratele se obcas zeptaji, co je to to Liketoknowit a jak to funguje a taky co je to male srdicko v kolecku, ktere mam tak casto na fotografiich. Liketoknowit je system a aplikace, ktera spada pod tzv. Reward style, coz je affiliate platforma. Reward style shromazduje influencery a diky nim pokazde, kdyz influenceri ovlivni prodej urciteho produktu, ziskavaji influenceri maly podil z prodeje. Opravdu se jedna o par korun za produkt, takze takove ty obavy jak nekteri maji, ze kdo vi kolik jim za to tricko da ci neda, mit clovek nemusi. Pokud to teda nekoho trapi. Cena produktu se pro nakupujiciho vubec nemeni. To male procento, ktere influencer dostane jde z kapsy firmy, ktera produkt prodava. Ja osobne jsem stastna, kdyz diky nekomu objevim neco super, takze to, ze mu firma zaplati par korun z toho, ze me ovlivnil v nakupu je v naprostem poradku. 

A jak tedy na to? Pokud pouzivate Instagram a chcete vedet co mam ja, ci jini blogeri na fotografiich, tak je to zcela jednoduche. Fotografie oznacene v rohu dole malym srdickem v kolecku jenom znaci, ze influencer pouziva Liketoknowit a ze se muzete dozvedet, kde dane produkty koupit. Takze si muzete stahnout na mobilu aplikaci Liketoknowit a pokazde, kdyz se vam nejaky outfit libi udelat screenshot dane fotografie. V aplikaci liketoknowit staci sledovat influencera, v mem pripade me najdete jako evglamazon a u kazde fotky z instagramu vzdy najdete i linky na jednotlive produkty. 

Je to opravdu jednoduche, rychle a prakticke. Sledovatele pak nemusi psat v komentarich odkud je ta sukne, odkud je kabelka atd. Tyhle dotazy a komenty jsou casto prehlednutelne a navic diky jednomu stahnuti aplikace si muzete uz navzdy usetrit cas a uz se nemusite ptat se vsech vasich oblibencu odkud jsou jednotlive produkty. 

Takze happy shopping.

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Why am I not going to Coachella?!

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Shoes: Zara, Trousers: River Island, Dress: Storets, Jacket: Storets, Sunglasses: Le Spec, Bag: Chanel

It is Sunday today when I am writing this post and I sit here and scrolling through Coachella posts on Instagram. This is another year where I said I have to go and I didn’t end up going. Last year my girlfriends had the best time there and honestly I feel like I fall asleep to start to do any planning and then end up being surprised that it is time for Coachella. Oh well. Maybe 2019 then?

I feel this year is just going so fast. How is it April already? It is hubby’s birthday soon and my birthday next month and I really feel times is just flying by. And having said that I have barely planned any holidays yet. So it is time to wake up and do something about it. LOL

With Children the flow of time is honestly different. The logistics and planning is totally different to my childless years. It was purely my decision if I fly for few days there and there. I could easily pack into my hand luggage and go. Well, that could be another reason but I am not about excuses…. I like to see myself as more of an action girl so time to do something about it.

Je nedele, kdyz pisu tento clanek a tak jsem cely vikend projizdela Coachella posty na Instagramu. A pro me je to dalsi rok, kdy teda na Coachellu nejedu. Minuly rok jely me dobre kamaradky a silene si to uzily a ja si rikala, ze rok 2018 bude ten, kdy jedu ja. Uprimne mi prijde, ze v tomto shonu totalne vse zaspim a pak se proste jednoho vzbudim a ono uz to vlastne probiha. LOL. 

Rikam to kazdy rok, ale opravdu mi prijde, ze tento silene leti. Jak je mozne, ze uz je duben. Manza ma tento mesic narozeniny a ja pristi a nechce si mi ani verit, ze bude za par dni kveten. A to jsem jeste nenaplanovala zadnou dovolenou. Takze bych se asi mela probrat a zacit neco delat. LOL 

Castecne se priznam, ze je to asi i tim, ze mam dite. Kdyz jsem Liamka nemela, bylo vse me rozhodnuti. Proste jsem se sbalila, vzala si dovolenou a jela. Nemusela jsem se ohlizet na nikoho a nic. Ted je vse trosku narocnejsi a hlavne clovek potrebuje o dost vice veci. No ale ja se nerada vymlouvam, rada se vidim jako akcni clovek. Takze zadne vymluvy a neco s tim udelat. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: What is a great feeling?

Wearing: Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Jeans: Mott & Bow, Blouse: Storets, Jacket: Storets, Sunglasses: Victoria Beckham, Bag: Aspinal of London

What is a great feeling? It means different things to different people. I am currently trying to write this with sleepy Liam leaning against me on the sofa and he is almost gone. I love moments like this. There is just something so strong and so impossible to describe about the connection with your child especially during moments like this. Them seeking that comfort with you and the security you give them.

On the other hand a new bag of dreams can lift my spirit quite high but I will not lie the first memory always gives me that extra any other thing cannot give. However, there are many things that can bring you happy moments. I am currently loving longer days, more sunshine, birds singing early in the morning and also anything at Dior LOL.

With spring coming everything just seems more positive, better and plus Easter according to traditions should bring new and happy things. Winter is over and it is time to start fresh.

Co je to dobry pocit? Pro kazdeho to znamena neco jineho. Ja se snazim momentalne napsat tento clanek, zatimco Liam sedi vedle me na pohovce, opira se o me svym malym telickem a klizi se mu oci. Miluju chvile jako tyhle. Je to nepopsatelne a nedokazu ani najit slova. Ale je to neco nadherneho, kdyz se unavi a pak hleda uteseni u vas a chce se proste schoulit nekde blizko. 

Na druhou stranu, kdyz si konecne poridim vysnenou kabelku, tak muj pocit stesti je v tom momentu taky hodne vysoko. Ale v porovnani s tim prvnim v zadnem pripade tak velky. A hlavne ten prvni se nikdy neomrzi. 

I kdyz ted s prichazejicim jarem je spoustu momentu, ktere mi delaji radost. Jsou to hlavne delsi dny, kdyz rano venku zpivaji ptaci, vice slunicka a taky cokoli u Diora. LOL 

Celkove s jarem prichazi i vice radosti a navic Velikonoce jsou podle tradic zacatkem noveho. Takze zacneme s cistym stitem. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: How to dress up a simple jumper?

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Boots: Emilio Pucci, Bag: Chloe, Skirt: Storets: Sunglasses: Dior, Jumper: H&M

Simple jumpers like the one I am wearing are my favourite things for winter. I love to layer them, I love to wear them with jeans, leggings, leather trousers or short skirts however there are ways how to dress them up. It is simply unique plain piece that offers lot of ways how you can style it.

This is exactly that styling when you can dress up something as simple as a plain jumper in camel colour. However the same look would great with other colours too whether you pick red, blue, green or yellow jumper. Just take a ruffle more dressy skirt and lovely boots and a new look is there. I think it is a great way how to play around with different boots and some cool girls could even wear it with trainers.

And with weather hopefully getting better you can soon throw on leather jacket or blazer for a perfect spring look. I cannot believe spring is behind the corner and Mother’s day on Sunday. I am off for a weekend in Cotswolds but already celebrated in advance with some of my favourite brands. If you want to find out more you can watch my latest video.

Jednoduche svetry jako tento, co mam na sobe jsou mym oblibenym zimnim kouskem. Daji se velmi dobre vrstvit a nosit k dzinum, leginum, kozenym kalhotum, kratkym suknim a vubec ke vsemu. Je to zkratka ten kousek, ktery je sice jednoduchy, ale hodne jej vynosite diky univerzalnosti.

A tento styling je presne ten, ktery vas svetr trosku pozdvihne. Staci jej doplnit hezkou volanovou sukni a k ni treba kotnickove kozacky. A svetr nemusi byt jenom v odbobne velbloudi barve, muzete si vybrat treba cerveny ci modry. Staci jenom pridat hezkou delsi sukni a podpobny styling je na svete. A uz se snad bude lepsit i pocasi. 

Hned jak bude tepleji, staci misto kabatu kozena bundicka ci sacko a perfektni jarni styling je na svete. Nechce se mi verit, ze uz je brezen a v nedeli svatek matek tady v UK. Ja se chystam na vikend do Costwolds, tak to oslavime tam, ale uz jsem mela mensi predvoj diky krasnym akcim, ktere poradali Jo Malone a Guerlain. A pokud chcete videt vice, muzet tak ucinit v mem posledni videu

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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