Category Archives: Lifestyle


Wearing: Shoes: Balenciaga, Belt: Black & Brown, Bag: Allsaints, Sunglasses: Le Specs, Jumpsuit: Storets, Blazer: Zara Man

I have lived in London for a very long time and after so many years I sometimes may take things for granted. However, I know there are so many fabulous things you can do in London for free. And last week when I was being tourist in my own city it kind of reminded me that London has so much to offer. And there are great things you can do for free and it will cost you perhaps only a tube fare. My recent visit to Natural History museum inspired me to actually list three things I like to do in London for free. Of course there are more but I may be doing even a full video about this on my channel.

  1. Stroll via Southbank from Tower Hill – Southbank is always fun and it is such a nice walk with so much to see. Firstly there is no limit how far you go or where you start. I personally love to get off at London bridge, walk through Borough market, stop at the different street artists and pay a quick visit to Tate Modern. You can walk all the way to London Eye, take great pictures for your Instagram, soak in the atmosphere, admire the street artist and check out modern art in Tate museum. So much to do and it is all free!
  2. Natural History Museum and Luxury window shopping – I love Natural History museum and I must say I have been few times with Liam as it is great for kids. The building itself is so stunning and the entry is free (optional contribution to charity). There is so much to see and to learn, it is great for adults and children and because it is in such a nice area of South Kensington you can go and check out some luxury shops for inspiration. You can walk to Harrods and Harvey Nichols, you can check out shops and boutiques in South Kensington and just enjoy the vibes of West London.
  3. Saatchi Gallery and Stroll around Chelsea – Saatchi gallery is one of my favourites in London. Yes some of the really good exhibitions you have to pay for but they still offer a lot for free. I love where it is situated and I love the atmosphere of the area. If you want relaxed afternoon I highly recommend it and then perhaps explore the Chelsea shops and gorgeous street with crispy white houses.

V Londyne ziju uz opravdu dlouho a obcas si uvedomim, ze nektere veci beru uz jako samozrejmost a Londyn si neuzivam se vsim vsudy. Ale je dulezite se zastavit a uvedomit si, jake mam stesti, ze tady bydlim. Toto multikulturni mesto toho tolik nabizi a dokonce vas hodne z tohoto nebude ani nic stat. A ted kdyz tady mam pres leto rodinu, tak s nima prochazim Londyn a pripadam si jako turista. A nedavna navsteva Natural history museum mi pripomela, ze se tady toho da dost delat a nebude vas to stat vice nez listek na metro. Je to samozrejme vice nez tyto tri veci, ale premyslim, ze o tom natocim cele video na svuj youtube kanal. 

  1. Prochazka po Southbank – Prochazka podel reky Temze je jedna z mych oblibenych aktivit tady v Londyne. Zacinam vetsinou bud u Tower Bridge nebo London bridge a zalezi na tom kolik mam casu. Ale muzete se projit klidne az k Londynskemu oku. Po ceste narazite na spousty poulicnich umelcu, coz mam moc rada a muzete se take zastavit v Tate Modern, kde pokazde narazite na nejakou vystavu zdarma. Je to idealni kombinace  umeni a prijemne atmosfery u reky. 
  2. Natural History Museum a prohlidka Luxusnich nakupnich domu – Natural History Museum mam osobne moc rada, vstup je zdarma (dobrovolny dar na charitu je mozny hned u dveri) a je tam opravdu hodne zajimavych veci k videni. Tato navsteva je poucna, zabavna pro deti a vy si ji take urcite uzijete. Navic v okoli South Kensington je spousta krasnych luxusnich butiku, muzete se pak projit po okoli ci navstivit nedaleky Harrods a Harvey Nichols. Nemusite si nic kupovat, ale muzete nacerpat inspiraci a pokochat se. 
  3. Saatchi Gallery a prochazka po Chelsea – Saatchi galerie je jedna z mych nejoblibenejsich v Londyne. Ano je sice proflakla, ale libi se mi prostredi a atmosfera. I kdyz nektere lepsi vystavy maji poplatek, vzdy je moznost nejake vystavy, kde se nemusi platit. Po galerii si muzete jit projit Chelsea, nasat atmosferu, projit si krasne a uhledne ulice plne velkych bilych domu, ktere jsou typicke pro zapadni Londyn. 


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Improving my house with affordable art

Improving your home is a continuous and endless process. Most things require time and decent budget. I love to look up inspiration and I could spend hours each day looking through images of perfect houses and their interiors.

We bought our place in December last year and the process has been slow but step by step we are improving things and that is what matters. One thing that you can do right away and does not have to cost a fortune is to decorate your walls. I have partnered up with Poster Store that have beautiful selection of amazing posters of all kinds. You will love their beautiful posters and it will really make a difference to any of your rooms at home.

I have been playing with the idea that I will get rid of the mirror in our bedroom as it is not good for your feng shui and put in some pictures. However even with paintings and posters you have to be careful what you put up. You can look up yourself what are dos and don”ts. I went with my intuition and I knew I needed blue tones to compliment the rest of the room. I also love natural stones so I knew choosing a photo of blue agate must be a right choice. Blue Agate has got healing power and is really good source of energy. In general you should avoid pictures of water but I felt that the photo of the blue leaves and the drops on them have something magical and calming. Like the amazing feeling after a storm. Both pictures make me feel good and that is the key.

There were two other areas in the house that needed a bit of love and the first one was a second staircase that leads to a guest bedroom and guest bathroom. As the first staircase has a gorgeous black and white gallery wall with family pictures I knew I wanted to continue with the black and white theme. I picked things that make me happy like favourite places in the world as well as the beautiful images in black and white. I feel the house now has a lovely flow.

And the last but not least was our bathroom where I needed something elegant and simple and I went for two black and white images in gold frames.

I am so happy with how everything looks now and I have great news as I currently have 30 % discount code glamazon30 for the Poster Store (The discount is valid until the 15th of June and it applies to the posters only (excl. Selection Poster).

Vylepsovani vaseho domova je vlastne takovy nekonecny proces. Vetsina techto veci si zada cas, trpelivost a take slusny rozpocet. Ja osobne rada vyhledavam inspiraci a divam se na krasne domy a interiery a dokazala bych tak travit hodiny. 

S manzelem jsem koupila nas dum loni v Prosinci a priznavam se, ze celkovy proces a vylepsovani jde pomalu. Ale jde to a to je hlavni. Jedna z veci, kterou ale clovek muze udelat hned a nebude vas to ani nic moc stat je povesit si na steny hezke obrazy, plakaty ci fotografie. Ja jsem se spojila s firmou Poster Store, kteri maji opravdu krasnou nabidku fotografii a plakatu a da se tam urcite vybrat neco pro kazdeho. 

Uz dlouho jsem premyslela, ze si do loznice nedam zrcadlo, ktere tam bylo v predchozim byte. Neni to dobre pro feng shui a kdyz uz se rozhodnete pro obrazy ci fotografie i tady je treba byt opatrny. Mozna se podivejte co se do loznice a jinych mistnosti doporucuje. Ja jsem se ridila hodne intuici, ale jako prvni me zaujal modry achat, ktery ma jako nerost pozitivni dopad na zdravi. Ja miluju nerosty a krystaly a prestoze je to jenom fotografie, jsem si jista, ze ma urcite lepsi energie nez jine symboly. Jelikoz jsem chtela dalsi obrazek v podobnych tonech, vybrala jsem tyhle barevne listky s kapkami deste. Voda jako takova se nedoporucuje, ale tato fotografie na me pusobi prijemne.

Dalsi dve mista v dome, kterym neco chybelo, byly toaleta a take schodiste do druheho patra. Na schodisti v prvni patrem jsem nedavno vytvorila galerii cernobilych fotografii rodiny a tak jsem chtela i na dalsich schodech neco v cerne a bile. A rozhodla jsem pro tyto fotografie. Jsou to mista ktere mam rada a veci, ktere mi delaji radost.

No a na mensi toaletu jsem is prala neco jednoducheho a elegantniho a pro zmenu jsem v tomto pripade zvolila zlate ramy.

S vysledkem jsem moc spokojena. A pro vas mam super slevu 30 % na produkty z Poster store se slevovym kodem Glamazon30 (vztahuje se na plakatky krome specialniho vyberu) a plati do 15. cervna. 


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3 Books to start with to learn about Law of attraction

Wearing: Dress: Allsaints, Shoes: Castaner, Belt: Black & Brown, Blazer: River Island, Sunglasses: Celine, Bag: Zara

Law of attraction has been all over social media. I am amazed by how many influencers have been talking about it, using it to achieve their goals and changing their lives to the best possible way of life. So many people are still very sceptical about if that works, what it is and some even laugh. Well, we all chose what we want so nobody is forcing others to believe it or live by it.

I discovered law of attraction 11 years ago. I know shocking. It was at the time when I had my first professional job in London and started to read the Secret. I wish I got other books in hand right after it.  Secret is only that first introduction to this spiritual world and you need to educate yourself so much more. As not everybody can read just this and then nail it. The key to everything is your subconscious mind and your ego not so much and that could be a hurdle for lot of people.

Anyway, if you are at the very beginning of learning how it works and you want to start using the law of attraction I would recommend to start these three books. They are easy to read, will motivate you and will get you excited. They will start your journey and help you to understand this new positive way of life.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne – This book is almost a dummy guide to it all. It is the beginning of everything and will help you with the introduction. You will be motivated to find out more, you will be motivated to change. However, not all knowledge can be written in one book so you need to follow up and educate yourself more. You need more detail and you need to know how to actually change a way of thinking. This is definitely a great book to start with.

The Power by Rhonda Byrne – I started to understand more when I read The Power. It has got more guidance on how to change your way of thinking. How to attract money, health. It has more tips on how to deal with negative thoughts and this is the start of your journey. You know about the law of attraction from the Secret and now it is time to start to introduce it to your life. If I am having a bad period in my life or I feel I went off my path I grab this book and read it again. I find it more motivating than Secret and it explains things into more detail.

You are a Badass by Jen Sincero – This is one of my favourite self-help books I have read. It is written in a fun way, more modern, more current and it gives lot of tips. This is also a book which shows how much your subconscious mind works and how it is a key to everything. This book motivates me so much and I know I will read it again and again. At the back of the book the author also gives tips on other great books and most of them I loved reading too. This book is almost like a more modern version of the Secret with more detail and that is what you need to understand it more in depth.

These three books are a great intro to the whole Law of attraction way of living. There are so many other good books but if you read these three you are then ready take things to the next level. You are about to discover the most wonderful new world.

Zakon pritazlivosti je vsude kolem nas a v posledni dobou se s nim roztrhl velky pytel. Socialni media, blogeri a vsichni kolem v poslednich par mesicich rozjeli obrovskou kampan na to jak zlepsit svuj zivot, jak dosahnout svych cilu, jak se uzdravit apod. Nekdo je porad skepticky, nekdo se tomu dokonce i smeje, ale kazdy jsme na sve ceste v jine pozici, v jinem bodu a ti co neveri, nejsou jeste pripraveni se na tuto cestu vydat.

Ja jsem objevila Zakon pritazlivosti pred jedenacti lety, az se mi nechce verit, ze uz tak dlouho. Mela jsem svoji prvni profesionalni praci, byla ekonomicka krize a dostala se mi do rukou kniha Tajemstvi. Dnes si rikam, ze kdybych tenkrat vedela, ze potrebuju hned dalsi a dalsi knihy, abych vse pochopila do detailu, vse bude zase jinak. Ale vse je tak jak ma byt v ten spravny cas.

Tajemstvi je super, je to takovy prvni pruvodce a diky tomu vstoupite do spiritualniho sveta a zjistite, ze si vlastne tvorime svuj zivot svyma myslenkama. Jenomze vetsine lidi nestaci si precist jednu knihu, protoze hodne je to o nasem podvedomi a to je ten kamen urazu, kde vetsina ztroskota. A to prestoze jsem knihu cetla, jsem tenkrat nevedela. A tak jsem si rekla, ze jestli jste uplny novacek v zakonu pritazlivosti, ze vam poradim, ktere tri knihy si precist hned na zacatku, aby vam zacalo ono puzzle zapadat krasne do sebe. Tyto knihy vam pomohou objevit novy svet, lepsi svet a zjistite, ze vase myslenky tvori vas zivot. Takovych knih je na trhu opravdu spousta a muzu rict, ze treba posledni rok jsem na beletrii ani nesahla. Jedine co jsem kupovala byly takoveto knihy, protoze me bavi poznavat a ucit se o tom vice a vice. Tyto tri knihy vam pomohou zacit a dokonce si troufam tvrdit, ze je dobre je precist si je v tomto poradi. 

Tajemstvi – Rhonda Byrne – Je to takovy uvod a pocatecni pruvodce. Tato kniha vam predstavi novy svet a vysvetli v zakladech jak zakon pritazlivosti funguje. Myslim, ze tato kniha vas nadchne, namotivuje a bude chtit vedet vice. Je to skvely zpusob jak zacit. Nekterym prijde pritazena za vlasy, ale to je protoze neni az tak detailni. Tajemstvi vam vse predstavi a ukaze vam novy zpusob ziti. Zjistite, ze si vlastne ridime svuj zivot, ale uz neni tak detailni v tom jak vlastne na to. Jak pracovat se svyma myslenka. Jak si veci pritahnout a nebo naopak jak se spatnym vecem vyhnout. 

Moc – Rhonda Byrne – Tuto knihu miluju a doted kdyz mam spatne obdobi po ni sahnu a procitam si oblibene kapitoly. Kniha Moc mi dala vice detailu, vice informaci o tom jak pracovat se svyma myslenkama. Je to takova kniha, ktera krasne navazuje na Tajemstvi a dava vice prikladu jak na to. Jak se poprat s negativnim dnem, jak zahnat spatne myslenky apod. Tato kniha je mi urcite blizsi nez Tajemstvi, dokaze me vice motivovat a pripomenout mi, ze si vlastne ridim vse sama. 

Jsi Borec – Jen Sincero – Tohle je jedna z mych nejoblibenejsich knih a vim, ze ji budu cist urcite nekolikrat. Je to takovy moderni pruvodce Zakonem pritazlivosti, da vam vice detailu nez predchozi zminene, nakopne vas, nabudi a budete chtit byt lepsim clovekem. Budete se chtit zmenit a zacit na sobe pracovat. Je to kniha, ktera se skvele cte a prestoze je spiritualni, tak tak nepusobi. Clovek se u ni nenudi a kniha dava konkretni tipy jak na urcite veci. Urcite si ji doporucuji si ji precist hned po Tajemstvi a Moci, protoze tato kniha uzavre takovy ten prvotni krok k vasemu novemu zivotu. 

Tyto tri knihy jsou skvelym zacatkem pro ty, kteri chteji vedet vice. Pokud vas tohle chytne, myslim, ze po precteni jste pripraveni na dalsi, mozna slozitejsi knihy a jste pripraveni na novou cestu. Obcas je to o tom, co se vam dostane pod ruky a co vam Vesmir prinese do cesty, ale ja sama citim u nekterych slozitejsich knih, ze na ne nejsem jeste pripravena. Nektere jsem musela prestat cist, protoze mi v ten moment tolik nedavaly. Tyto tri knihy jsou jednoduche na cteni a mozna, kdyby clovek zacal cist hned neco slozitejsiho, tak knihu zavre a tim si zavre i cestu k tomuto zpusobu ziti. Mozna by si rekl…blbost. Je dobre zacit s necim co se dobre cte a je takove odlehcenejsi. 


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Pictures: Eva

Wearing: Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Jeans: Revolve, Top: Revolve, Blazer: River Island, Bag: Aspinal

I am the type of person that has got huge inner drive to be constantly doing something. I am always on the go, always filling free time with some activity and I find it very difficult to just switch off. I almost feel guilt if my day isn’t productive. I can say I rarely have days when I can say I did nothing. To me doing nothing is really is doing nothing…reading books, watching favourite TV show, having bath, pamper day and so on. However even on those days I always realise I did a lot whether that is work around the house or anything blog related. And I need to constantly find ways to justify why is it ok to have a lazy day and here is why…

  1. Balance is important – Keeping things in balance is important in most areas of our lives. You know it – balance, jing & jang, extremes are not good. So keep balance in between relaxation and work.
  2. Other people do that so can you – Every time I feel guilty again about taking things easy I think about other people and that we all do it sometimes.
  3. Do not force it – Yes sometimes we need to push ourselves for example when going to gym however from my experience if I am tired or not motivated forcing it does not end up well. You do not work as well and the result is not great either.
  4. Tomorrow is another day – If I decide to rest one day I have so much more energy following day that I manage huge amount of work and the quality is great.
  5. Love yourself – Loving yourself means also listening to your body and taking time off.

Jsem typ clovek, ktery ma vnitrni motivaci a nedokazu vetsinu dni zastavit. Musim porad neco delat, jsem rada produktivni a dokonce citim pocit viny, kdyz mam takovy uvolnenejsi a liny den. Nedokazu si pomoci, ale vycitky se casto dostavi. Jsem ten typ, ktery si pise seznam kazde rano s tim, co chci udelat a kdyz nezvladnu vsechno na na seznamu, docela tezce se s tim vyrovnanam. A tak take casto hledam ruzne duvody, abych se presvedcila, ze i takove dny jsou treba a klidne jich muze byt vic po sobe. A prisla jsem na tohle. Priste az si to budu vycitat, tak si prectu tento clanek :) 

  1. Balanc je dulezity – Balanc je dulezity ve vsech oblastech nasich zivotu a tak i balanc mezi odpocinkem a praci! Vyvazenost je tou nejlepsi cestou. Znate to jing a jang, vseho s mirou, rovnovaha….
  2. Delaji to ostatni tak proc ne vy – Tolik lidi v mem okoli ma dny, kdy zkratka vypnou. I prolezeny den u knizky a prochazky v prirode jsou treba.
  3. Neni dobre se nutit silou – obcas je dobre prekonat lenost, ale kdyz vam telo rika stop, musite poslechnout. Rika se, ze kazdy den se ma zit tak jako by byl ten posledni, tak proc se hnat neustale, aby bylo udelano to ci ono. A uz se vam nekdy stalo, ze kdyz se opravdu nutite, tak vysledek neni moc dobry? LOL urcite to znate. 
  4. Zitra je taky den – Moje zkusenost je, ze kdyz si opravdu lenosim, tak dalsi den mam tolik energie, ze stihnu dvojnasobek a ve velke kvalite. 
  5. Sebelaska je dulezita – Sebelaska je dulezita a to znamena, ze budete poslouchat sve telo a date mu vse co je treba a to i den volna.   


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