Tag Archives: Celine

Outfit: Red Ripped Jeans

Wearing: Bag: Chanel, Watch: Pinko, Sunglasses: Celine, Jeans: New Look, Blazer: Shein, Shoes: Zara

I am at the point when I feel I need a massive spring clean in my wardrobe otherwise wardrobes are going to burst (or my flat to be specific). I am so bad when it comes to getting rid of things as I always feel I need everything. I also do not have time to sell stuff and zero patience. And if it sometimes gets to that point that I put few bits for sale I cannot handle the messages and requests like – can you measure this part, can you take another picture, can you take the picture on yourself. I just simply have no time for that so selling clothes for me is always a massive fail.

The goal I have now is to update my wardrobe with some new pieces however I need to first do step one in order to do step two. That makes sense.  I really feel urge to bring lot of new things to my wardrobe and go absolutely crazy. So any tips for beautiful new brands and great must have pieces are welcome.

Well, one of my new additions are these cool mum jeans which I adore and even though there is so much going on with them – high waist, colour and ripping I still love them.

And I hope my shopping mania will not stay just with these jeans. LOL

Mam pocit, ze potrebuju vytridit skrine, jinak mi opet prasknou a nebo abych byla presnejsi tak praskne asi cely byt. Jenomze ja jsem uplne ten nejhorsi clovek, co se tyka trideni, protoze mam pocit, ze vse potrebuju a ke vsemu si vytvarim emocionalni vztah. 

Kazdopadne si zaroven chci trosku obnovit satnik a protoze uz nemam veci kam davat, tak potrebuju prave ucinit krok jedna. Nejhorsi je to u me s prodavanim. Nemam cas neco fotit a merit a pokazde, kdyz uz se odhodlam neco nekam dat, tak mi prijde tisic zprav typu – nemuzete to vyfotit na sobe, zmerite mi rukav, jaka je delka a sirka te a te casti a to uz opravdu nezvladam. Nemyslim to ve zlem, ale myslim, ze veci neprodavam draze a kdyz neco hodim na prodej za deset liber tak vlozeny cas do dalsiho mereni a foceni se mi opravdu nevyplati a tak vetsina zkonci stejne na charite nebo u mamky ci sestry v satniku. 

Jeden z mych novych kousku jsou tyhle mum jeans, ktere prestoze maji tolik vyraznych prvku – zvyseny pas, rozthrana latka a vyrazna barva, tak i presto jsem se do nich zamilovala. 

A myslim, ze timto to urcite nekonci. LOL

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Men in Black

Wearing: Shoes: Zara, Bag: Stella McCartney, Trousers: New Look, Top: New Look, Coat: Armani Exchange, Sunglasses: Celine, Watch: PINKO 

When I look at this outfit I think of Men in Black or Matrix. Although that was not an intention. I simply wanted to wear my beloved patent leather trousers and rock t-shirt together and feel comfortable. I have always been a huge fan of these sort of tees. I just find them so versatile and so easy to wear with denim, leather or even more tailored pieces like a well fitted blazer.

And to add a pop of colour I decided to do it with a lipstick which is one of my favourites – shade Candy Yum-Yum. Nothing wrong with a bit of colour even if it is just in this form.

Kdyz se divam zpetne na tento outfit, tak si okamzite vzpomenu na film Men in Black a Matrix. I kdyz to nebyl vubec zamer. Spise jsem chtela docilit trosku rockoveho nadechu. Hrozne rada nosim trika v tomto stylu. Hrozne jednoduse se kombinuji s vetsinou veci jako napriklad dzinovina, kuze a dokonce i klasicke sako. 

A abych tento styl trosku ozivila, rozhodla jsem se pouzit jednu z mych oblibenych rtenek v odstinu Candy Yum-Yum. Trosku barvy prece neni na skodu. I kdyby mela byt jenom na rtech ci nehtech. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: PINKO Greens

Wearing: Shoes: PINKO, Bag: Lulu Guinness, Shirt: PINKO, Blazer: Zara, Sunglasses: Celine, Jeans: Zara, Tights: Calzedonia

When I say PINKO Greens I am not talking about the healthy greens in your glass or on your plate. I am simply talking about shade of greens in my outfit. I guess it is fair to say that the shoes and the Lulu Guinness backpack are the highlight of this combination and definitely most striking pieces.

I have been wearing the backpack so much that it ended up in my monthly favourites video which you can see here. I just love the whole combination of this look and it somehow has got very edgy feel. I am not edgy when it comes to fashion but every now and then it is great to try things like this.

Kdyz jsem clanek nazvala PINKO Greens, tak jsem nemela na mysli zdrave zelene smoothie nebo salaty, ale zkratka zelene odstiny v posledni kolekci znacky PINKO. Troufam si prohlasit, ze dominantou tohoto outfitu jsou boty a muj novy batoh

Ten jsem nosila v posledni dobe tak casto, ze jsem ho nakonec musela zminit i v mem poslednim Youtube videu. Nikdy by me nenapadlo, ze se takto zamiluju do batohu. LOL Cela kombinace mi prijde dost edgy a i kdyz nejsem vylozene trendy ci edgy, co se oblekani tyce, tak obcas me bavi takoveto outfity nosit. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Outfit: Red Patent and Pink at LFW

Wearing: Boots: Stuart Weitzman, Skirt: Stradivarius, Top: Zara, Coat: H&M, Bag: Bulgari, Sunglasses: Celine

Patent everything has been big for some time and I have been wearing my patent black trousers non stop. However, I decided to spice things up and get this skirt. And I was not the only one in a bold piece like that during LFW. I have seen cool red trousers and so much more.

And Bulgari bags were another hit of this season in London. Bloggers naturally turned the serpenti bags into IT bags and people are going crazy about them. No wonder as they are simply stunning. I love my red one to bits and I always get so many compliments. It is a real beauty!

Lakovana kuze a latex se v posledni dobe rozmohly. Jdou videt absolutne vsude a ja sama jsem sve cerne kalhoty nosila v posledni dobe non stop. Na fashion week jsem se rozhodla trosku pritvrdit a poridila si za hubicku tuhle cervenou sukni. A nebyla jsem jedina, kdo se do tohoto trendu osatil. 

A kabelky Bulgari se take objevovaly na kazdem rohu a neni se cemu divit. Blogeri z klasicke Serpenti kabelky udelaly novou IT kabelku. Bulgari zkratka vsadily na marketingovou silu blogeru a vyplatilo se jim to. Ja na svou cervenou krasku nedam dopustit a vzdy dostanu nespocet komplimentu. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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