Tag Archives: Celine

Outfit: Volume Sleeve Blouse

Wearing: Boots: Stuart Weitzman, Top: Shein, Skirt: Zara, Bag: Chanel, Sunglasses: Celine

It is strange but at the same time absolutely natural how certain life milestones would change our focus and interests. Since I became mum I am so much in to following other bloggers that have babies. I cannot believe that this shift happened for me almost over night. Although, I follow bloggers that are like me loving fashion and the blog remains fashion heavy. I talked about it with my friend Natasha and tried to explain the image and the focus I am trying to keep and she totally got where I am coming from. She said you wanna be a cool mum blogger and stay more Rachel Zoe rather than typical mum. And that is exactly how I feel. I could not have phrased it better.

Another blogger and is expecting is Zina and I honestly cannot wait to see how her blog is going to shift. She is purely fashion focused but at the same time I know from talking to her how excited she is about her baby boy so she is one to watch out. I have a feeling she will be another one that is going to keep a great balance and I will love her content to bits.

Well, it all basically means that the blog stays more Stuart Weitzman boots and Chanel bags than nappies. LOL

Je zvlastni jak nektere zivotni udalosti dokazi zmenit, to co nas bavi a na co se soustredime. Tak napriklad od te doby, co je ze me mama, ctu hlavne blogy ostatnich blogerek maminek. Ono je to asi i uplne prirozene, ale nikdy by me nenapadlo, ze se muj zajem obrati ze dne na den. Momentalne me uplne nejvice bavi americke blogerky, ktere stejne jako ja zustavaji verne mode, ale presto promitaji sve prcky jak na blogu tak na socialnich mediich.

Tim ale nesklouzly k tomu, ze maji blog z velke casti o tom, ze recenzuji kocarky apod. I to je samozrejme prirozene, ale moda a kosmetika u nich stale prevazuje. Nedavno jsem to probirala se svou kamaradkou Natashou a ona to vystihla presne! “Nechces byt maminovata mamina, spise cool mamina a trochu jako Rachel Zoe”. A tak nejak to citim i ja. 

Dalsi moji kamaradkou blogerkou, ktera je tehotna je Zina. A ja jsem strasne zvedava, jak si s blogovanim a miminkem poradi. Jeji blog je vylozene o mode, ale presto vim, ze se na sveho chlapecka strasne moc tesi. Bude zajimave sledovat zmenu na blogu. Ale myslim, ze to bude vypadat presne jak si myslim, ze si ji pridam na seznam mych oblibenkyn z USA. 

No zkratka blog, kde se budou stale vice resit trendy a moda nez pleny. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Feminine Military

Wearing: Polo Neck: Kit &Ace, Jacket: Zara and another similar , Skirt: Zara, Boots: Dune, Sunglasses: Celine, Bag: Gucci, Earrings: Topshop

Military jackets are so easy to wear with different outfits. You may remember last look was a great example how they can transform your jeans. This time I wore it with simple black look that is rather feminine. There are so many great and affordable pieces of different styles. This one is very similar to mine and I adore the touch of red velvet.

There is no doubt they are the IT jackets of the season and you wont regret purchasing one as they will be handy during the Christmas party season. They have a power to transform your little black dress or black trousers. They look fab with lace and other colours.

So what more to ask for right?

Saka a bundy ve vojenskem stylu jsou skvelym kouskem na kombinovani. Mozna si vzpominate na muj posledni look, ktery je typickym prikladem toho, jak tento kousek dokaze zmenit dziny. Tentokrat jsem se rozhodla trosku zmenit klasicky cerny outfit. Tento styling je vice zensky a presto vojenske sacko neubralo na jednoduchosti ci sex appealu.

Momentalne je k dostani spoustu modelu, ktere jsou cenove dostupne. Tohle je napriklad jedno z tech levnejsich na trhu a strasne se mi libi detaily z cerveneho sametu. V jednom kousku se misi nekolik podzimnich trendu. A budou se urcite hodit i na nadchazejici vecirkovou sezonu. Nazdobi male cerne ci klasicke cerne kalhoty a budou vypadat skvele i s krajkou. 

Proste trefa do cerneho! 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Metallic Leather Top

6 Pictures – Rebecca Spencer
Wearing: Bag: Gucci, Coat: Armani Exchange, Polo neck: Kit & Ace, Boots: Mango, Earrings: Mango, Top: Zara, Sunglasses: Celine

Layering can be fun. I absolutely love classic polo necks as they are the best way how to layer in winter and colder weather. There are endless options from layering them with dresses, different tops, knits or blazers. They keep the outfits chic and warm. All the boxes are ticked.

My latest version of layering was with this gorgeous metallic faux leather top. I got this one on sale in the summer and it came handy to wear it on one sunny autumn day.

Vrstveni je zabava. Kdyz se ochladi miluju klasicke rolaky, protoze s nima se v horsim pocasi pracuje nejlepe. Napada me tolik kombinaci a to uz treba si rolaky dat pod saty, ruzne bluzky, topy, svetry a nebo saka. Dodaji vasim kombinaci chic nadech a navic vam bude teplo.

Moje posledni kombinace byla s timto metalickym topem z umele kuze, ktery jsem si poridila ve slevach. A vidite jak se da vynosit i na podzim. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Outfit: Lace Bell Sleeves Jumper

7 Pictures by Rebbeca Spencer
Wearing: Jumper: Asos, Boots: Mango, Belt: Mango, Skirt: H&M, Bag: Bulgari, Sunglasses: Celine

Lace Bell sleeves jumper! What a dream. It meets so many requirements – trendy, warm and being black it suits anything and everything. I am now obsessed with pleated skirts more than ever. Firstly great way how to hide a bit of baby weight (I was told a big lie that breastfeeding will make me skinny) and it looks great. So I wear my pleats in all possible ways – chic, elegant or even more edgy with sneakers.

And I am still madly in love with Bulgari bags. This red baby just pops out so much. It always makes the outfit. And with party season coming I know it will be the IT bag of many parties. Touch of luxury is always needed right?

Svetr s krajkovymi zvonovymi rukavy je proste sen! Splnuje tolik pozadavku – trendy, zahreje a navic je cerny takze se bude hodit ke spouste vecem. Ja jsem ted docela posedla skladanyma suknema. Castecne je to tim, ze vyborne schovavaji kila po porodu (ten kdo tvrdil, ze kojenim zhubnu pekne lhal), ale i tim, ze vypadaji skvele. Nosila jsem je vzdy, ale ted snad uplne nejvic. Styluju je do chic stylu, elegatniho, ale taky vice cool treba s teniskama jako tady.

A taky me jeste neomrzela moje nova laska k Bulgari kabelkam. Tahle cervena je tak vyrazna a vzdy je stredem pozornosti kazdeho outfitu. Myslim, ze to bude oblibena kabelka v nadchazejici party sezone. LOL

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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