Tag Archives: Gucci

Outfit: SO VOGUE

Picture: Derek Bremner for APT

Wearing: Bag: Gucci, Sunglasses: Rayban, Coat: Topshop, Skirt: River Island, Shoes: Cara , Earrings: Adore 

Vogue is the fashion bible isn’t? And it has always been (at least for me). If you follow me properly on my other platforms you may remember how much I love my Vogue cup which I got at Vogue festival. Simply everything so Vogue. So when I got my hands on this t-shirt I could not wait to wear it and what better time to chose than LFW.

It is that piece I will wear all over again and that item you can dress up and down. I think this outfit has got so much going on and it features number of current trends.  I am really into this coat and everything in this outfit really.  I find fashion week is that time of the year you can do go a bit wilder than usual.

Vogue je takova modni Bible. A vzdy byla. Pokud me sledujete na jinych platformach, mozna si vzpomenete na muj oblibeny Vogue kelimek, ktery jsem si pred par lety poridila na Vogue festival. Zkratka vse Vogue. LOL A tak kdyz jsem si poridila tohle tricko, nemohla jsem se dockat, az si jej oblecu. A kdy jindy nez na LFW? I kdyz jsem si jista, ze to bude kousek, ktery budu nosit opravdu casto. 

V tomto outfitu se misi hned nekolik trendu, ale rekla jsem si proc ne? Fashion week je jedno z obdobi, kdy se clovek muze trosku vyradit pokud ma chut.  Strasne se mi libi tento kabat a vubec vsechny kousky jako dohromady tak jednotlive. Nektere dny, kdyz nemam chut, tak jdu v dzinech a pokud mam vice prehlidek a naladu, rada se s modou trosku pohraju. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Chunky knits and embellished shoes at LFW

Pictures: Derek Bremner for the APT

Wearing: Shoes: Russell & Bromley, Jeans: Topshop, Jumper: Zara, Hat: Asos, Bag: Gucci, Earrings: Adore

I am not sure what it is but so many of my friends from the blogging industry have started to skip fashion weeks including LFW. Just like that it does not even exist. And yes it seems less busy this season. However, it has got it’s advantages as you can wear outfits that are less out there, you do not have to suffer in super high heels. Well, at least not the whole week.

I am actually enjoying the relaxed vibes and focusing more on content creating rather than running like mad around the city to get to another show or presentation. I was thinking all day yesterday whether to go to the Missguided LFW party hosted by Jourdan Dunn and I changed my mind at least 10 times. In the end my body said NO. And I am happy as I finally feel a bit energetic this morning. And remember what I promised myself? You can read about it here. It is all about saying YES to yourself more.

Nevim cim to je, ale spousta mych pratel z blogoveho sveta prestalo chodit na fashion weeky a dokonce i ten Londynsky, i kdyz bydli tady. Nejsem si jista, cim to je, ale kazdopadne je to videt na atmosfere. Ja sama to tuhle sezonu beru zlehka a opravdu premyslim, ze pristi sezonu to vidim treba na den ci dva. I kdyz  to ma vyhodu v tom, ze nemusim mit kazdy den super outfit a muzu si chodit v pohodlnem odevu. Vcera jsem cely den resila, zda jit na LFW Missguided party, ktera zacinala az v 11 vecer a poradala ji modelka Jourdan Dunn. Mela jsem za sebou uz dva dny vecernich akci a jedine na co jsem myslela, byla postel. A co myslite, udelala jsem dobre? Po par dnech se citim trochu odpocate. 

I kdyz na druhou stranu si uzivam uvolnenejsi atmosferu a je to prijemna zmena, ze neletam po Londyne jako ustvana zver, abych se dostala na dalsi show ci presentaci. A hlavne vite, co jsem si slibila? Muzete si precist tento clanek.  Prece musim rikat vice ANO sama sobe. To je dulezite. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Feel Powerful in Gingham Ruffle Shirt

Wearing: Shirt: Asos, Bag: Chanel, Belt: Gucci, Shoes: Gucci, Skirt: River Island, Sunglasses: Rayban

I feel that ruffle shirts feel somehow powerful. They give your body some hidden confidence and it is always about the feeling isn’t it?  The right blazer or right shirt can change how you feel when you walk in to a meeting. I remember that ages ago my friend Caroline bought well fitted Hugo Boss blazer and she said she named it her “power blazer” and took it to all important meetings at work. LOL

And well placed ruffles on a shirt can have the same impact. I really feel this shirt gives me that. And how you feel in clothes can impact results of anything you do. You hold yourself differently and that always help, doesn’t it? Isn’t it great when you discover that certain trend also gives you secretly another level of confidence. Hehe

Mam pocit, ze bluzy a kosile s volany maji takovou skrytou silu. Neco co vam doda trosku sebevedomi a postoj. A vubec obecne mam pocit, ze veci urciteho strihu mohou mit podobnou moc. Pamatuju si, kdyz si moje kamaradka Caroline koupila sako s vyraznymi rameny na sample sale Hugo Boss a nosila sako na vsechny dulezite pracovni schuzky. Mela pocit, ze ji dava sebevedomi a nazvala ho “power jacket”. Haha 

A tak se mi zkratka zda, ze spravne strizene veci s volany maji takovou skrytou moc. A to jak se ve vecech citime ma pak za nasledek to jak se citime i navenek. Je skvele zjistit, ze urcity trend vam muze dat i velkou davku sebeduvery. Hehe 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Powder Silk Blouse

Pictures: Natasha Ndlovu 

Wearing: Bag: PINKO, Skirt: River Island: Blouse: Boden, Shoes: Gucci, Sunglasses: Rayban

Silk is that gorgeous material everybody loves to have in their wardrobes. I mean it feels great on your skin, it looks great and although it can be a nightmare to look after it and wash it…people somehow still treasure it. This new powder shade blouse is exactly that piece that will have a proud place in my wardrobe.

I spent a lovely weekend with my family and celebrating Liam’s first birthday. Can you believe he is one? I could not even believe when I saw him proudly sitting on his new bike he got as a present from us. I actually decided to capture last week in the vlog and that is my first attempt to create weekly vlog so you may watch it here.

Hedvabi je ten material, ktery maji lide radi. A proc taky ne. Je hrozne prijemny na tele, vypada vyborne, pusobi lehce a prestoze je obcas narocne jej prat a starat se o nej, ja hedvabi opravdu miluju. A myslim, ze nejen ja. Tahle bluzka v pudrovem tonu si zaslouzi misto v mem satniku. Bude se dobre nosit a kombinovat. 

Vikend se u nas nesl v rodinnem duchu a Liamek oslavil sve prvni narozeniny. Snazila jsem poprve vytvorit vlog, kdy budu natacet cely tyden. A cele video muzete videt tady. Nechce se mi ani verit, ze uz ma rok. Opravdu to leti. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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