Tag Archives: Zara

Outfit: Electric Blue Jacket

Wearing: Bag: Chanel, Boots: Daniel, Jacket: Shein, Sunglasses: Rayban, Necklace: Mantra, Skirt: New Look, T-shirt: Zara

Sometimes when reaching for new clothes I pretty much go with my gut feeling. I grab things quickly just because they feel right. And that was the case when I got this electric blue jacket. I believe it was that striking blue shade that draw my attention and the material and it is perfect for somebody like me that likes to combine high-street with designer pieces.

And also am I the only one that is loving the spring atmosphere in the air and the blossoming trees?

I am planning few trips at the moment but it is mainly to see the family. The first stop will be Ireland and then Czech again so hopefully some exciting content is coming. And fingers crossed for lovely whether too although you cannot rely on Ireland when it comes to weather. LOL

Nekdy, kdyz si kupuju nove obleceni, tak casto se spoleham na prvni pocit a rychle hodim veci do kosiku. A tak to bylo, kdyz jsem si vybrala tuhle modrou bundu. Zaujala me jak vyrazna modra barva, tak i material a je to opravdu vyrazny kousek, ktery se hodi presne k memu stylu, protoze rada kombinuju levnejsi a drazsi modu.

A mimochodem doufam, ze nejsem jedina, kdo si uziva prichodu jara a rozkvetene stromy. Tedy alespon tady v Londyne. Momentalne planuju cestu do Irska pak opet do Ceska, takze doufam, ze pocasi bude co nejlepsi. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: PINKO Greens

Wearing: Shoes: PINKO, Bag: Lulu Guinness, Shirt: PINKO, Blazer: Zara, Sunglasses: Celine, Jeans: Zara, Tights: Calzedonia

When I say PINKO Greens I am not talking about the healthy greens in your glass or on your plate. I am simply talking about shade of greens in my outfit. I guess it is fair to say that the shoes and the Lulu Guinness backpack are the highlight of this combination and definitely most striking pieces.

I have been wearing the backpack so much that it ended up in my monthly favourites video which you can see here. I just love the whole combination of this look and it somehow has got very edgy feel. I am not edgy when it comes to fashion but every now and then it is great to try things like this.

Kdyz jsem clanek nazvala PINKO Greens, tak jsem nemela na mysli zdrave zelene smoothie nebo salaty, ale zkratka zelene odstiny v posledni kolekci znacky PINKO. Troufam si prohlasit, ze dominantou tohoto outfitu jsou boty a muj novy batoh

Ten jsem nosila v posledni dobe tak casto, ze jsem ho nakonec musela zminit i v mem poslednim Youtube videu. Nikdy by me nenapadlo, ze se takto zamiluju do batohu. LOL Cela kombinace mi prijde dost edgy a i kdyz nejsem vylozene trendy ci edgy, co se oblekani tyce, tak obcas me bavi takoveto outfity nosit. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Outfit: Sequins and Flares at LFW

Pictures: Comb 

Wearing: Bag: Stella McCartney, Shoes: Zara, Dress: Zara, Jacket: Swagga & Soul, Sunglasses: Rayban, Jeans: Mango

Looking back at this outfit I feel Rachel Zoe vibes. Flares, sequins, leather jacket however when I was dressing I did not think of that all. I simply liked the sequin dress and as it is quite short I opted for comfort over fashion week and decided to layer it over white flared jeans.

It may look brave that I only wore leather jacket in the winter however it is not as cold and I was also taking taxis everywhere. I cannot believe that Monday has come so fast. I am in charge of the baby again so today is probably going to be the last I am doing something around LFW. I am going to pop in to an event with Tom Ford and that will be then end for me for this season.

Yay. Another season and lot of great fashion. Although this time a bit different as I a mum. A bit harder I am not going to lie but still amazing.

Kdyz se tak divam na tento outfit, okamzite se mi vybavi Rachel Zoe, ale pritom kdyz jsem se oblekala, tak me to ani nenapadlo a nebyl to ani zamer. Zkratka se mi libily tyhle saty a protoze je fashion week a zaroven jsem chtela pohodli a nemyslet na to, zda jsou saty dostatecne dlouhe, hodila jsem si je pres kalhoty. 

Myslim, ze jsem byla odvazna si dat jenom kozenou bundu, ale uz jsem byla po par dnech (plus nocich, kdy vstavam k malemu) tak unavena, ze jsem se rozsoupla a vsude jezdila taxikem. Marniva zena co? A bylo asi 13 stupnu, takze se to docela dalo. LOL 

Jsme v udivu, ze je opet pondeli. Uz mam zase Liamka na starosti ja, takze se mnou jeste dneska zajde na akci Tom Ford a timto dnem asi fashion week zabalime. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Colour Block Knitwear


Wearing: Coat: H&M, Bag: Stella McCartney, Sunglasses: Celine, Shoes: Zara, Jumper: New Look, Trousers: New Look, Shirt: Gap

When I think of colour blocking my mind always takes me to Sex and the City and some of Samantha’s outfits. Well, you can play with colour blocking in less bold way in case you are not brave enough or it is just not your thing. How about colour blocked jumper like this one?

In general if you like certain trend but you are not ready yet start with small steps. You can buy a bag in certain colour or perhaps leopard print shoes before you find the courage to wear a coat in that print. Small steps will help you to feel more comfortable and perhaps one day you will be a colour blocking queen.

Pokazde, kdyz si reknu colour blocking tak se mi vybavi nektere outfity Samanthy ze Sexu ve Meste. Pokud nemate na barevnou divocinu az takovou kuraz, tak se da vyradit i jednoduse, treba si poridit svetr jako mam na sobe ja. 

Obecne plati, ze pokud se neceho bojite, tak to vemte pomalu. Libi se vam urcita barva, ale bojite se? Co treba satek ci kabelka v te barve, at si zvyknete. Nebo treba leopardi potisk? Nez si koupite kabat, tak zkuste neco mene vyrazneho jako napriklad boty. A treba z vas jednoho dne takhle postupne bude colour blocking kralovna.

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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