Category Archives: Lifestyle

5 Steps I have been doing to lose weight

I learnt over the years how to love my body. I went from somebody that controlled every calorie and worked out constantly until reaching burning out syndrome to  somebody that is all about balance and small steps.

However with age things are not going as easy as it was before and especially after I had a child. Certain parts are less toned than others so I decided to push a little bit harder before summer. And of course it is natural to fail here and there however as I said balance is a key. I have been focusing on 5 simple steps that are helping me to get that bikini body.

  1. Hot water with Lemon – This is an old trick that always makes a difference. I have always been doing it however in the last few weeks I have increased the amount and I also drink few cups a day. It helps to detoxify your body and speeds up metabolism. Very cheap and simple step how to get flatter tummy.
  2. Weight and Fitness Vitamins – I used to be a huge fan of food supplements and then I had a long break until now. This is the easiest thing you can do for yourself is to get some good food supplement that will intensify your workouts and diet. I have been using Fat and Carb blocker from Super Smart. And I have also been using Appetite Control Formula. Now is the best time ever as they will really make a difference before holiday. I eat one pill of each with breakfast and then lunch. I have noticed results already during 3rd week of using them. The Appetite Control vitamin is brilliant and my cravings have been reduced massively especially in the evenings. You can get these 15 % off with a discount code GLAM1805 (not valid on products that are already in some promotion offer).
  3. Dry body brushing – If you want to minimise cellulite to create more toned image of yourself body brushing is the way. I have been always quite lazy to do this but again it is the easiest and cheapest method however with summer approaching fast I have been doing this daily before bath or shower. The skin definitely feels softer and I know that increasing blood circulation can only benefit me. And you can also start to use body peelings regularly.
  4. Working out – I used to be an absolute workout freak. I used to teach spinning and on some weeks that would mean 8 classes in 7 days. Wow. Now with a child things are little bit more tricky however I have been working out at home or running with a buggy. I can highly recommend Kayla Itsines workouts that are short and effective. If you have not tried Jillian Michaels 30 day shred that is also life changer if you want to lose weight urgently before holidays. I also go running with a buggy or take long walks and added weekly challenges e.g. squat challenge, pelvic workouts etc. It is about doing that extra to push yourself a bit more.
  5. Get enough sleep, do not think about losing weight too much and eat clean – Another quite tricky thing if you have a child is to get enough sleep. I used to use Liam’s naps purely for work and now in the last few weeks I have been trying to nap with him a bit more. He is an early riser and I am talking 5 am sometimes even earlier so if I want to make sure I sleep the naps are required. And remember do not feel guilty if you slip or have a big dinner here and there, bit of ice cream or lot of wine. The guilt is the worse and it is key that you feel good about yourself. The cleaner you eat the better. Just try to cut processed food and eat fresh. You will achieve results much faster than just counting calories and they will also be more permanent.

So please join me on my little fitness journey and let me know how you get on. The discount offer on the Super Smart supplements is valid until end of June 2018. Good luck everybody.

If you want to see more about my journey watch my video here.

Po letech muzu rict, ze jsem zacala mit rada svoje telo. To je pro nekoho, kdo mel posedlost vahou a hubnutim opravdu velky zlom. To vite, ze to obcas resim, ale kdo me zna pred par lety pochopi. Nemluvila jsem o nicem jinem a cvicila jako silena. Byla jsem takova dietova kralovna, ktera stejne koncila tak, ze nebyla az tak hubena a mrzuta z hladu. LOL 

Kazdopadne ted uz vim, ze je vse o balancu a ze nic se nema prehanet. Je dulezite byt spokojeny a stastny. Ted po diteti jsem se pred dovolenou rozhodla trosku zabrat, i kdyz se mi uprimne moc nechce. Radsi bych si sedla kazdy vecer ke sklence vina a dala si hamburger LOL. Ale techto par kroku a zmen me nezabije a jsou vlastne uplne jednoduche. Jak rikam, balanc je dulezity. 

  1. Tepla voda s citronem – Tento stary trik zminuju snad v kazdem videu. Teplou vodu s citronem piju rano na lacno. Je to super vec a pomaha se zbavit spatneho v tele a nastartuje metabolismus. Ted pred dovolenou jsem se rozhodla zvysit davky a davam si dalsi alespon jeden salek behem dne. Je to skvely zpusob jak se take zbavit tuku na brise. Coz je po diteti moje kriticka partie.
  2. Potravinove doplnky podporujici hubnuti – Drive jsem uzivala potravinove doplnky ve velkem. Pak jsem prestala a rikala jsem si, ze si telo necham radit samo a spolu s vyvazenou stravou to pujde. Ale ted kdyz jsem se rozhodla zabrat a zacala pouzivat tyto produkty ze Super Smart Vitamins a jsou oba skvele. Pouzivam Fat and Carb Blocker, ktery zabranuje vstrebavani tuku. A takhle kdyz chcete urgentne zhubnout je to opravdu neco, co vam pomuze rychleji dosahnout vysledku. A dalsi vyborna vec je Appetite Control Vitamin, ktery snizuje chute a to hlavne vecer. Davam si jednu tabletu s snidani a druhou na obed a uz treti tyden jsem videla prvni vysledky. Momentalne muzete pouzit slevovy kod na jakekoli vitaminy ze Super Smart a to 15 % – GLAM1805. Tento kod plati jenom na produkty, ktere nejsou jiz ve sleve a je platny do konce Cervna 2018. 
  3. Kartacovani problemovych partii – Dalsi stary a levny trik, ktery zlepsuje krevni obeh a take pusobi dobre na celulitidu. Pokud zlepsite stav sve celulitidy, tak telo pak vypada hned jinak. Je dulezite nechat krev proudit a k tomu staci se na sucho kartacovat treba pred sprchou. Ted uz to delam nekolikaty tyden a uprimne vam reknu, ze jsem nekdy pekne lina, ale vzdy se presvedcim, ze tech par minut me nezabije .
  4. Hybejte se – Ja jsem driv cvicila opravdu hodne a ted s Liamkem je to horsi, protoze nemam hlidani a manzel se vraci z prace opravdu pozde, takze cvicim doma a chodim behat s kocarem. Hrozne se mi osvedcily treninky s Kaylou Itsines, jsou kratke a efektivni. Dale muzu doporucit 30 day Shred s Jillian Michaels, za 4 tydny se vam hodne upravi postava. Ale ted jsem zabrala jeste vic a pridavam si ruzne tzv “weekly challenges” napriklad 100 leh sedu denne apod. Jak rikam je treba trosku pridat, pokud chcete videt vysledky za par tydnu. 
  5. Spanek, nevycitat si nic a jist “ciste” – Spanek je dulezity a to i kdyz chcete hubnout. Liam se budi hodne brzo a driv jsem pokazde kdyz sel spat pres den pracovala, ted se snazim si jit lehnout s nim a je to super. Citim se lip. Dulezite je take nevycitat si kazde sousto a kdyz ujedete nechat to jit. Ja treba mela ted sileny vikend – vecere, vino, dorty LOL ale co, dalsi den muzu zacit zase spravne. A snazte se jist cerstve potraviny, co nejmene zpracovanych produktu. To zabira nejvice a hlavne si vahu udrzite. 

Takze do toho pojdte klidne se mnou, mame jeste par tydnu do prazdnin a to se da hodne zmenit. Slevovy kod na vitaminy plati do konce cervna 2018. Preji hodne uspechu a hodne sil. 

A pokud chcete videt vic, mrknete na moje video na tohle tema. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Mother’s Day trip to dreamy Calcot

Last weekend was a Mother’s Day on Sunday and that was a great opportunity for us to leave London and enjoy fresh air in beloved Cotswolds. So I packed my favourite beauty products and comfortable clothing into my new snazzy Lipault Paris suitcase and headed together with Tadhg and Liam to a breathtaking Calcot Manor. 

And yes it did take my breath away already when we were arriving. I love countryside spa places like this with lot of character and luxury feel. And to all of the pluses Calcot is very children friendly so it is fair to say I found my slice of heaven only few hours drive from London. It can be tricky to find places like this that welcome kids with open arms.

Minuly vikend byl Den Matek (tady v UK) a byla to skvela prilezitost se vydat mimo Londyn na vikend a uzit si cerstveho vzduchu v Cotswolds, kde to mam moc rada. A tak jsem si sbalila pohodlne obleceni a nejake oblibene produkty do sveho krasneho noveho kufru od Lipault Paris a vydala s Tadhgem a Liamkem do nadherneho hotelu Calcot Manor.

Mam hrozne rada tyhle lazenske hotely na britskem venkove. Tento byl kdysi farma a pochazi ze 14 stoleti a zvenci tak i pusobi a vevnitr na vas zapusobi typicky venkovsky luxus. A tak muzu uprimne rict, ze jsem nasla raj na zemi, ktery je par hodin autem od Londyna. A to uz jenom diky tomu, ze deti jsou tady vitane. Spousta obdobnych mist je urcena pouze pro deti coz mi asi momentalne neni moc platne. 

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How to stay motivated even when you are tired?

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Outfit: Bag: Balenciaga, Jumper: River Island, Shoes: Minna Parikka, Coat: Zara, Jeans: Asos

I am confident to say that I am a self-motivated person. I do not need others to tell me to work, I can push myself more and more and somehow I am lucky to have that hidden inner drive.

Of course, I am still a human and  I get days when I am down but all you can do is to get over that feeling and just keep going again in the morning. However, lately I have been experiencing a new thing and that is lack of motivation caused by lack of energy. I experienced being extremely tired in my previous sales job whilst blogging do not get me wrong. However, I was in charge when I can rest. I could plan according to my needs so I somehow always managed to balance it out.

Now I have a completely different biorhythm as it depends on my son when he sleeps and when he doesn’t and also the time I would invest in blogging I need to split in between this job and being a good mum to Liam.

So how do I stay motivated even when I get up 4:30 every day? (yep motherhood at its best LOL)

The absolute number one thing is to write down your dreams, goals and milestones or create a vision board and look at it. Look at it when you wake up, during the day and even on the day when you feel exhausted. This helps so much on a daily basis.

Here are few other things that i do and help me to stay on track?

  1. Start the day right – no matter how early I am woken up by Liam I start with hot water and lemon and then coffee! I need my dose of caffeine every day.
  2. Start to be active early – I have always been a morning person and sometimes by 8 pm I have done my workout, put on a wash, wrote a blog post and prepared breakfast for Liam and myself. My experience is that the longer you put things off the lazier and more tired you will get.
  3. Try to look good – How you look and what you wear really changes how you feel. Why do you think old school sales people taught the trainees to stand up whilst pitching? Even a small thing like how you carry yourself can change the outcome. So try to put a bit of makeup and nice clothes even at home. I am not saying jeans but a nice lounge set will do the job.
  4. Surround yourself with proactive people – This helps me on the day when I am lost. Even if I am just on the chat with my best friend and she tells me how much she has achieved that day it pushes me.
  5. Do things that make you happy – If I am really struggling I set my day right by doing something I like. It may be a bath, reading a book for a while, put on one episode of favourite series, putting on a face mask. Whatever it is it may set your day in a good direction.

We all have days when we are up and down but we can get over it. It is ok to have a bad day but try to always do your best at any situation.

Muzu pevne rict, ze se dokazu sama motivovat. Nepotrebuju ostatni, aby me hnali do prace a muzu se vyhecovat sama. Mam zkratka stesti, ze jsem takova a ze mam nejaky vnitrni hnaci motor.

Samozrejme jsem jenom clovek a take mam dny, kdy se necitim dobre, mam pochyby a chci se na vse vykaslat, ale vetsinou to do druheho dne prejde a jsem opet pripravena pokracovat. Ale v posledni dobe bojuju s tim, ze jsem extremne unavena a to je potom o hodne tezsi se vnitrne motivovat. Ono drive jsem byla unavena taky a jako cert, ale to jak se zregeneruju bylo pouze v mych rukou. Ted si zkratka nevybiram, kdy se vyspim a jak dlouho, protoze mi to urcuje moje dite a ze je zkratka nepredvidatelne.

A jak se teda motivuju, i kdyz casto vstavam uz pred patou a nejradsi bych zalezla unavou zpet do postele? 

Moji osvedcenou radou je sepsat si vase cile, ceho chcete dosahnout a nebo si vytvorit tzv vision board, na kterou se kazde rano ci jindy podivate. Kdyz jsem opravdu vycerpana, vzdy me to nakopne jit dal. To je pro me snad nejdulezitejsi vec. 

A tohle jsou me dalsi osvedcene tipy, ktere me motivuji a nezustanu cely den na gauci. 

  1. Zacnete den spravne – U me vetsinou nezalezi na tom, jestli se Liamek vzbudi ve 4 ci v 5, kazdy den zacinam teplou vodou s citronem a pak kavou. Davku kofeinu proste potrebuju. Ale tento ritual me naladi na lepsi den.
  2. Zacnete den aktivne a s nadsenim – Nekdy to me brzke vstavani ma vyhody. Casto se podivam na hodinky a kolem osme uz jsem si zacvicila, dala oprat, napsala clanek a pripravila nam hezkou snidani. U me totiz plati, ze kdyz lenosim a veci odkladam, pak uz se den nese ve stejnem tempu.
  3. Snazte se vypadat hezky – To jak vypadate muze ovlivnit i to jak se citite. Ne nadarmo ostrileni lidi v oblasti sales tvrdi, ze kdyz delate cold calling, mate u toho stat. Zmeni to totiz to jak se citite a jak konate. Takze i to, ze si udelate byt slaby makeup a hezky se oblecete ma neco do sebe. I prestoze se nechystate ven, muzete si dat hezky domaci ubor.
  4. Obklopte se lidmi, kteri vas inspiruji a motivuji – Tohle mi pomaha kazdy den. I kdyz nikam nejdu, pisu si s kamaradkama, ktere me nabiji a motivuji.
  5. Delejte veci, ktere vam delaji radost – Kdyz uz to opravdu nezvladam, tak delam veci, co mam rada. At uz je to vana, pletova maska, ctu si, ci si pustim serial. Zkratka udelejte cokoli, co vas nahodi do dobre nalady a doda vam radost a energii. Den se pak nese v uplne jinem duchu.

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Dreamy girly day in Connaught Village/Mother’s Day Tip

Close your eyes and try to picture a perfect day how you could spend it with a loved one. Perhaps a friend, sister or perhaps with your mum. How would you picture a perfect Mother’s day with a woman that always deserves to be treated like a queen? Or maybe do not close your eyes and just keep reading as I want to bring you on such an adventure.

Zavrete oci a predstavte si, jak byste chteli stravit super den s kamaradkou, sestrou ci maminkou. A nebo si proste predstavte super den s mamou na den matek. Jak by to vypadalo, co byste delaly? Nebo je mozne nezavirejte a pokracujte ve cteni, protoze ja takovy den za vas vyzkousela a bylo to uzasne. 

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