Outfit: Spring cleaning

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Trousers: River Island, Shoes: Gucci, Jacket: Tobi, Bag: Chanel, Earrings: Soru, Sunglasses: Nelly, Top: Zara

Spring cleaning. We all know how important it is to clear old clothes, things we do not use and just to bring a bit of fresh air to your homes. I love it myself and I did a bit of it but I think I could easily do a second round. There is that feeling afterwards when you finish. You just feel happy, lighter and somehow ready for new to come your way.

I sent one huge box of clothes to my friend in Prague and another one to my mum and my sister and I also have got one big bag going to charity shop. And my wardrobes look still absolutely full.

However, it  does not have to be just about cleaning each corner of your house and throwing out that vase you keep at the back of your cupboard…you can also work on clearing your mind. What a better time to start then now. Long walks in the sunshine, taking in the nature around you and meditate as much as you can. You can always get rid of anything toxic in your life.

Last night I struggled to go back to sleep after Liam woke up for a  bit and some of the thoughts going through my head…I was like go away please. You know that feeling. You wake up 2 am and just thoughts coming your way. It can be small stress and you planning your next day…let me tell you one thing. It is not good for you. So try to be your best positive self at all times.

Jarni uklid a trideni. Vsichni vime, jak je to dulezite se zbavit stareho, veci ktere nenosime ci nepouzivame a prinest svezi vzduch do nasich domovu. Ja miluju ten pocit, kdyz zkoncite a opravdu se clovek citi tak nejak odlehcene.

Ja jsem sama odeslala jednu velkou krabici kamaradce do Prahy a druhou moji mamince a sestre a jeste k tomu vytridila velkou tasku na charitu. A skrine jsou porad preplnene. Hmmm. Takze asi druhe kolo co? 

Ale toto obdobi nemusi byt jenom o uklidu ve vasem hnizde. Jde take o cisteni myslenek a vseho kolem vas. Mate kolem sebe toxicke lidi, strasi vas toxicke myslenky. Tak hura na to. Uprimne vam reknu, ze venku na slunicku a v prirode to jde totiz jednoduseji nez kdekoli jinde. Priroda nabiji a dava odvahu. Ono se mi to rika. Snazim se zuby nehty, ale je to treba. Snazim se vice meditovat a proste odhanet strachy. Je to nekonecna cesta, ale casem snad bude mene trnita. 

Vcera v noci jsem nemohla usnout, kdyz se Liam vzbudil a proste jsem strasakum porucila at jdou pryc a svete div se, oni fakt sli. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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