Tag Archives: Fashion

Outfit: When boots can talk!!!

Photos: Dela Fard 

Wearing: Boots: Nicholas Kirkwood, Trousers: H&M, Blazer: Zara, Belt: Zara, Bag: Azurina Store, Sunglasses: Le Specs

End of January and this is one post since start of the year. Well, I have been working hard but weather and other people’s availability wasn’t that favourable for creating images outside. London has been very moody with dark skies but luckily we got some sun so I rushed and used it to my benefit.

I wanted to summarise January as good and busy. I started 2020 with full force, meetings, filming, events and I loved it. I also as lot of people sticked to dry January and I feel amazing. I have been working out, I was meditating, eating well (with some cheat days) and I genuinely feel good about myself and I see results. Sadly I did not have enough time to read books. You know I love good positive thinking books but I want to read more and even if time isn’t there I am planning to do more reading. I have discovered this Rare Bird Books club and you can sign up and receive monthly selection of books. The value seems great so cannot wait for my February delivery. It is such a fun way to treat yourself each month.

And I also have some new additions to my shoe collection and those are these incredible Nicholas Kirkwood boots. What an incredible and interesting boot!? I am totally in love as they are so unique they really finish off any outfit.

So I am ready for next month and have high hopes for you February! So let’s do it.

Je konec ledna a ja vlastne nepsala zadne clanky, coz je smutne, protoze na blog se chci opravdu soustredit. Ale musim rici, ze Londynske pocasi opravdu foceni nepralo, skloubit pro me foceni, Liama, praci a hlavne diar fotografu spolu s pocasim je nekdy nad lidske sily. Kdyz uz pocasi vypada slibne, jeden nemuze anebo mam jiny program s Liamem. 

Leden bych shrnula jako produktivni a skvely. Rok 2020 jsem zacala v plne sile, mela jsem dost schuzek, tocila videa, chodila na akce a uzivala si kazdou minutu. Navic jsem tento mesic zcela vyradila alkohol, cvicila, meditovala, snazila se jist lepe (az na par dni) a je mi opravdu dobre. Citim a vidim vysledky na sve postave a take mam vice energie. Na jednu vec mi cas moc nezbyval a to je cteni. Je to opravdu o case, ale kdyz clovek chce, najde si ho, i kdyby to byla pul hodiny kazdy den. Ale objevila jsem super predplatne na knihy Rare Bird Book Club, kde vam kazdy mesic poslou za predplatne knihy. A ja myslim, ze je to skvely zpusob jak se rozhoupat. 

A v neposledni rade vam chci predstavit nejnovejsi prirustek do me designerske kolekce botu a to jsou tyhle neskutecne kozacky Nicholas Kirkwood. Je to temer umelecka bota a opravdu zajimavy model. Kazdemu outfitu prida neco extra a ja je hodlam nosit opravdu casto. Nejsou urcite na behani s kocarem, ale mela jsem je tento tyden na prehlidce a urcite se budou hodit i na tydny mody. 

Kazdopadne jsem pripravena na dalsi mesic a snad bude jeste lepsi nez prvni mesic v roce 2020. 

Tak jdeme na to! 



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Brand of the moment – Bottega Veneta

Picture source – Pinterest

Every real fashionista on the planet is probably aware that if there is one hot brand and hard to get pieces it is a current collection of Bottega Veneta. It has always been a beautiful brand and their iconic clutches always been on the spotlight. However with the recent influence of ex Celine Daniel Lee you can tell it is currently the IT brand.

Influencers, celebrities are carrying the oversized pouches and eagerly trying to get them in all colours. The plain and quilted mules are also constantly sold out and waiting lists are longer than my hair. The ready to wear is also in demand and basically Bottega Veneta is the brand that everybody wants. It is what Dior or Gucci was few seasons ago.

I am just waiting how quickly will the high-street brands start to bring Bottega Veneta inspired pieces to their stores. I guess it will not be long. So if you fancy a piece yourself you can shop some great pieces below.

Kazdy spravny modni milovnik vi, ze Bottega Veneta je momentalne na vrcholu modnich domu. Ano, vzdy to byla takova klasika a ja si i pred lety prala jejich ikonicke psanicko, ale nyni kdyz jejich kreativni reditel prinesl nadech modniho domu Celine, se dostala uplne na vrchol.

Na urcite modely jejich psanicek, kabelek a botu je cekaci listina a influenceri prahnou prave po tech, ktere jsou tezce k dostani. A Bottega je vlastne tim, co byla pred par lety znacka Gucci ci Dior. A tak to v mode chodi.

Jenom cekam kazdym dnem, kdy retezce zacnou predstavovat kousky, ktere budou inspirovany prave soucasnou kolekci. A myslim, ze to bude velmi brzo a i tyhle kousky budou ihned vyprodane. Bottega se slavi obrovskemu uspechu a zaziva velky boom a to je jenom dukazem, ze spravny navrhar muze vzdy udelat divy. 


Outfit: Bring on the knits

Pictures: Natasha Ndlovu

Wearing: Boots: Givenchy, Sweater: Shein, Skirt: Zara, Bag: Stella McCartney, Sunglasses: Dior

Weekend is here so three times hooray. This has been another week full of exciting things happening. On Tuesday when I wore this gorgeous knit and leather skirt I was going on a lovely tour alongside other bloggers at Sloane Street. We started our day in April’s Cafe at Boutique one and continued to stores like Chloe or Hermes. We also had the privilege to explore private Cadogan Gardens. It was a lovely day although tiring. I had Liam with me and it was perhaps a bit too long for him and too boring. Good news is we managed and at least now I appreciate Liam’s baby sitter even more than before. She just could not help on this occasion.

Well, these things make you stronger I guess. The more I am looking into things I firmly believe things happen for a reason and they bring you some sort of knowledge or message. And the people you meet are there from some reason too. Nothing is a coincidence in life.

Tak a mame tady opet vikend a za sebou dalsi tyden plny skvelych veci. V utery, kdy jsem mela na sobe tento outfit jsem absolvovala takovou navstevu Sloane Street. Po boku dalsich blogeru jsem byla pozvana do nekolika butiku a take privatnich zahrad Cadogan. Byl to opravdu prijemny den, ktery zacal v kavarne April’s, ktera je soucasti Boutique one a pokracovali jsem do obchodu jako Chloe ci Hermes. Nebudu lhat, ze to bylo narocne. Mela jsem sebou Liamka a predstavte si rocniho prcka v obchodech nekolik hodin v kocarku. Ale zvladli jsme to. 

Ja ted pevne verim, ze tyhle veci me ale maji posilit. Vsechno co se v zivote deje, je z nejake duvodu a my si z toho mame neco odnest. A lide, kteri nam prijdou do cesty nas maji neco naucit nebo pomoci nas dovest na spravnou cestu. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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I designed a dress! Such a surreal moment!

If you told me few years ago I was going to be asked to design a dress I would tell you NO WAY. When I was approached last year by maternity shop Mayarya to be one of the bloggers  to design a dress I still did not believe it. You know with big and long term projects it can be tricky and lot of things can go wrong. It was a long journey however I knew straight away what I wanted. And I am now at the end and the dress is available here. It is honestly such a surreal moment and such an important point in my blogging career. I could not be more grateful.

I knew what I wanted to design straight away. I wanted multifunctional dress you can wear during pregnancy and after and also at all stages but I did not want anything too plain or boring. I wanted a dress that will work for evening and day and you can change quickly just by different styling. That is why I am styling it in two very different ways to show it works with biker boots as well as long line blazer and heels for more formal occasions or an office job. And to explain everything even more I will share the interview I have done for Mayarya.

What/Who inspired the design collaboration with Mayarya?

A while back I came across a stunning dress worn by Miroslava Duma who is a huge fashion icon and a mother. I loved everything about the dress – the colour, the cut, the shape, the material and how versatile it was. And when I was asked to design a maternity dress I knew that dress was going to be my starting point. I wanted to create chic, versatile design that pregnant ladies will get lot of wear out of. I wanted flattering dress and cape dresses are a perfection option in pregnancy. Women gain weight and this dress covers your arms but still gives you some air on a hot day. I chose green as it is my favourite colour but it is also the colour for 2017. It will compliment lot of skin tones and will be a nice change from traditional black.

What was most important factor to you when designing this piece?

I wanted to create a day to night dress that will be suited for different occasions. Women that are pregnant sometimes do not want to spend too much money on totally new wardrobe so I wanted to create a dress that I could wear to the office with a blazer but when I take it off in the evening it will look glamorous with the right shoes or necklace. This dress is also the type of dress you can grow in to. You can wear it after you had a baby, at early or later stage of pregnancy. One thing I really missed when I was pregnant were pieces I could wear in the office but could use after work. I had so many fashion events a week and wanted to look good with the bump during the day and evening as well.

Tell us why you collaborated with Mayarya and what is special about your piece.

I worked with the brand when I was pregnant and I really liked their selection of dresses. Maternity wear can be lacking style sometimes however every time I checked new arrivals on Mayarya there was always something chic and interesting I found. And it is absolutely amazing I can add a piece to their already great selection of clothes. And it is an absolute dream to be able to design a dress. Definitely one of the goals I have always wanted to achieve in my blogging career.

How would you style this piece? Where do I start? There are endless options. When I was shooting this dress I decided to present two very different stylings to show how easy it is to wear it. I would wear it with a longline blazer to the office and pair of heels, flats, lovely brooch and chic sunglasses. I would also wear it on my holidays for dinner with nice gladiator sandals, scarf in my head and some gorgeous earrings or necklace. What I love about the colour is that you can wear it with accessories of different shades. I can see it with gold or silver, nude, black or tan. And as you can see from my styling you can even try more edgy styling like biker boots,more striking silver hard wear and denim. This is so good for hanging around some cool places in London.

What advice would you give to first-time mothers?

Listen to your heart. There are so many opinions coming to you from everybody but you should always listen to your heart and your baby.

Share your maternity and post-pregnancy must-have item.

Oversized white shirt.

Tell us about your beauty regime. How do you retain an effortless healthy glow juggling baby/kids?

I am very lucky that as a blogger I get access to lot of great products thanks to different collaborations. I feel I am more into beauty since I got pregnant as you really have to start to look after yourself when you are a mum. I would use good products in the morning and evening and also try to eat healthy as much as possible. I would love to say it is due to sleep but at the moment I do not sleep. LOL And I discovered Skin Laundry which is amazing and even after a sleepless night it sorts my skin out.

How do you maintain a healthy balance between family, friends and time with your husband?

It is not going to sound very romantic but definitely due to good planning. I live in London but my family is in Czech Republic where I was born so I have no baby sitting. I take the baby to as many fashion and blog related events and meetings as possible. I bring my friends to events as plus one so we get to see each other and always make sure I spend at least one day a week with my husband. There is lot of going on and I am busier than ever but at the same time I love it.

Kdyby mi pred par lety nekdo rekl, ze navrhnu saty, tak bych si asi klepala na celo. Ale minuly rok me obchod s materskou modou Mayarya oslovil, jestli bych pro ne nechtela navrhnout saty. Za celou dobu procesu a navrhu jsem si to moc nepripoustela, je to velky projekt u ktereho se muze spousta veci pokazit a proto jsem o tom moc nemluvila. A ted se porad musim stipat, jestli je to pravda ci se mi to zda, ale jsem ve finale a saty se daji koupit tady. 

Od sameho zacatku jsem vedela, ze chci multifunkcni saty, ktere se budou dat nosit na vecer i den a hlavne se budou dat nosit behem tehotenstvi a i po porodu. Sama jsem nesnasela utracet penize za veci, ktere si uz pak nikdy nedam. A jak vidite, tyhle saty mam na sobe i ted a vypadaji dobre. A hlavne jsem chtela ukazat, ze se daji na hodne zpusobu at uz s kotnikovyma kozackama a dzinovou bundou ci s prodlouzenym sakem do kancelare. Takoveto tehotenske modely mi opravdu chybely. 

A abych vysvetlila vsechny myslenkove pochody, ktere staly za timto navrhem, podivejte se na vyse uvedeny rozhovor, ktery jsem poskytla prave pro online stranky obchodu Mayarya. 

Love Glamazon xoxo

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