Tag Archives: Gucci

Outfit: Wear your dress a top

Wearing: Blazer: Tobi, Dress worn as top: Tobi, Jeans: Zara, Shoes: Gucci, Sunglasses: Celine, Bag: Pinko


Weekend is over and another busy week ahead. I am sitting down on Monday to write and that is pretty much the only day when I have time to actually write, film, edit. The rest is full of events, planning, packing and work. Time really flies doesn’t it? Can you actually see I am holding Christmas cup on these pictures? How does it happen that another year is almost gone and I feel I did not get a chance to even catch a breath?

Anyway, party season is ahead of us and we can buy some great pieces like this velvet blazer and this cool dress ( both from Tobi) which I decided to wear as a top. I love this time of year and as you can see the right things can work for the evening but also the day.

Well, let’s get ready and get on with the week. And if you have not watched my latest video yet you can find it here. There is so much content coming up and exciting giveaways so make sure you subscribe so you do not miss out on anything.

Vikend je za nama a dalsi nabity tyden pred nama. Dneska kdyz pisu tento clanek je pondeli a je to jediny den v tydnu, kdy vubec budu mit poradne cas psat, tvorit, editovat. Zbytek tydne je temer jako vzdy hekticky, plny akci a prace. Cas proste leti nezrizene rychle. A vsimli jste si, ze drzim v ruce Vanocni kelimek? Kam se cely tento rok vubec podel, mam pocit, ze jsem se nestacila ani nadechnout? 

Kazdopadne mame pred sebe vecirkove obdobi a je na case si poridit nejake hezke kousky. Ja jsem vam chtela ukazat tohle nove sametove sako a take saty, ktere jsem si v tomto pripade dala jako top. Mam rada, kdyz se zkratka daji veci vyuzit nejen na akce, ale i pres den. 

Tak ja se jdu pripravit na blaznivy tyden, balit do Florencie atd. A pokud jste jeste nevideli me posledni video, mrknete tady. A nezapomente se prihlasit k odberu, mam v planu tvorit a tvorit a take poradat souteze o luxusni kosmetiku, luxusni kabelku atd. Tak at vam nic neunikne. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Outfit: One shoulder shirt

Wearing: Shirt: Tobi, Bag: Aspinal of London, Boots: Boden, Belt: Gucci, Jeans: Asos

Who doesn’t love Friday? Weekend ahead, that Friday atmosphere in the air knowing you have two sweet days ahead called Saturday and Sunday. And this week I attended the private screening with Aspinal of London and watched the brilliant movie The murder on the orient express. What a fantastic start of the weekend! The movie was great, perfect choice for this season and great cast. I just wish I was in better frame of mind. I had super hectic day, arrived late and my mind was non stop. I must blame full moon for this as I do feel it can affect us to this level.

For this occasion I have picked very casual yet lovely outfit. All it needs is one cool piece like this one shoulder shirt. I got this shirt on Tobi and love it so much. And today I am glad it is Saturday. Sometimes you just have to go to bed and wait for another day.

Kdo by nemiloval patek? Je pred nama vikend a takova ta patecni atmosfera ve vzduchu. A fakt, ze nas cekaji dva dny volna vykouzli na tvari usmev nejednomu cloveku. A tento tyden jsem si zprijemnila patek akci, na kterou me pozval Aspinal of London a to privatni promitani filmu Vrazda v Orient Expresu. Film je skvely, jen to byl takovy hekticky den (trosku to davam za vinu uplnku), ze jsem prisla na akci pozde, zadychana a nejak jsem se nemohla soustredit. 

Na promitani jsem vybrala jsem si velmi jednoduchy a pohodlny outfit, kteremu asi vevodi tahle zajimava kosile se spadnutym ramenem. A reknu vam, ze jsem rada, ze je sobota a dalsi den. Nekdy je treba se proste vyspat a zacit znovu. 

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Outfit: Pink Teddy Coat

Pictures: Derek Bremner for APT

Wearing: Coat: Topshop, Jeans: Topshop, Shoes: Gucci, Sunglasses: Dior, Bag: Aspinal, T-shirt: Levis

When I posted these pictures on my Instagram feed I did not expect this coat to get so much love from you. However, looking back I get it. It looks so cosy but with the classic cut it creates a perfect item for winter right?

I just love jackets and coats but I may need a bigger house soon or throw everything out as I have one designated wardrobe just for coats. LOL I am that kind of person that has emotional ties with her things. And I should not as I have so much (and trust me I feel very lucky) that I could dress five other people. Well, it is time to get better so need to clear and clear and clear.

You can find some of the stuff I am selling on my depop (evaglamazon). Well, time to make some room in my wardrobe. Yeees!

Kdyz jsem dala pred par dny tyhle fotografie na Instagram, tak jsem necekala jak moc se bude tento kabat libit. A ted kdyz o tom zpetne premyslim, to dava smysl. Je to krasny a hlavne teply kousek. I kdyz to neni uplne klasicka barva, diky strihu vypada vice nadcasove.

Bundy a kabaty mam vubec moc rada, akorat to vypada tak, ze zachvili budu potrebovat vetsi dum, jinak se sem nevlezeme. Vzdyt ja mam jenom jednu skrin vyhrazenou na bundy a kabaty. Vite co je u me nejhorsi, ze sem hrozne citove zalozena a lpim na svych vecech. Kdyz neco davam pryc ci prodavam, vzdy mam pocit, ze to budu potrebovat, uplne je mi zalostne. Ale jinak to nejde, musim se polepsit. Diky tomu co delam mam tolik veci, ze bych mohla satit dalsich pet lidi. Takze tridit, tridit a tridit. 

A pomalu zacinam tridit i kosmetiku, pokud si chcete neco koupit, vetsinu veci prodavam na depop a najdete me pod evaglamazon. Jak jinak? LOL 

Love Glamazon xoxo

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Outfit: Midi skirts and Indian Summer

Wearing: Bag: Chanel, Shoes: Gucci, Skirt: H&M, Jumper: H&M, Earrings: Soru Jewellery, Sunglasses: Rayban

If you read this blog and follow me on my social media it will not surprise you when I say I love autumn. It is such a beautiful season, the colours of the trees and there is something charming about streets of London covered with leaves. It is simply magical.

However I still love when September and October brings those unexpected warm days. Those days are sunny but it is a different kind of sun. I no longer want to wear flowery summer dresses as the heat is not strong but it is good enough to wear midi skirts and bare legs. You can sit outside your favourite cafe, sip your coffee and read your book (if your child lets you or if you do not have one LOL). I love autumn evenings with candles, books and cup of tea (or glass of wine LOL)  and you just let your mind go and enjoy every second of this time.

Fashion is just great during this season and thanks to weather being one day sunny and the other more rainy you get to wear some fabulous combinations.

Pokud pravidelne ctete muj blog a sledujete i me jine socialni platformy, asi vas neprekvapi, ze mam moc rada podzim. Je to krasne obdobi, kdy priroda zbarvi stromy a pocasi se meni, ze si muzete uzivat jak dny slunecne tak ty destive s dobrou knizkou v ruce.

Miluju dny, kdy je krasne a sviti slunicko. Jenom s tim rozdilem, ze slunicko uz neni tak silne a nechcete uz nosit letni kousky, spis  tak krasne hreje a muzete vyrazit treba ve svetriku a trictvrtecni sukni. Takove dny mam rada, muzu nosit hole nohy, sedet v kavarne a popijet kavu. A kdyz se zadari a dite usne, mozna si precist i kousek knizky nebo jenom tak pozorovat chod kolem.

A moda v toto rocni obdobi je proste nejlepsi, protoze mate presne takove dny, ktere jsou teplejsi a na druhou stranu chladnejsi, kdy se muzete vyradit s vrstvenim.

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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