Tag Archives: River Island

Outfit: Feel Powerful in Gingham Ruffle Shirt

Wearing: Shirt: Asos, Bag: Chanel, Belt: Gucci, Shoes: Gucci, Skirt: River Island, Sunglasses: Rayban

I feel that ruffle shirts feel somehow powerful. They give your body some hidden confidence and it is always about the feeling isn’t it?  The right blazer or right shirt can change how you feel when you walk in to a meeting. I remember that ages ago my friend Caroline bought well fitted Hugo Boss blazer and she said she named it her “power blazer” and took it to all important meetings at work. LOL

And well placed ruffles on a shirt can have the same impact. I really feel this shirt gives me that. And how you feel in clothes can impact results of anything you do. You hold yourself differently and that always help, doesn’t it? Isn’t it great when you discover that certain trend also gives you secretly another level of confidence. Hehe

Mam pocit, ze bluzy a kosile s volany maji takovou skrytou silu. Neco co vam doda trosku sebevedomi a postoj. A vubec obecne mam pocit, ze veci urciteho strihu mohou mit podobnou moc. Pamatuju si, kdyz si moje kamaradka Caroline koupila sako s vyraznymi rameny na sample sale Hugo Boss a nosila sako na vsechny dulezite pracovni schuzky. Mela pocit, ze ji dava sebevedomi a nazvala ho “power jacket”. Haha 

A tak se mi zkratka zda, ze spravne strizene veci s volany maji takovou skrytou moc. A to jak se ve vecech citime ma pak za nasledek to jak se citime i navenek. Je skvele zjistit, ze urcity trend vam muze dat i velkou davku sebeduvery. Hehe 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Powder Silk Blouse

Pictures: Natasha Ndlovu 

Wearing: Bag: PINKO, Skirt: River Island: Blouse: Boden, Shoes: Gucci, Sunglasses: Rayban

Silk is that gorgeous material everybody loves to have in their wardrobes. I mean it feels great on your skin, it looks great and although it can be a nightmare to look after it and wash it…people somehow still treasure it. This new powder shade blouse is exactly that piece that will have a proud place in my wardrobe.

I spent a lovely weekend with my family and celebrating Liam’s first birthday. Can you believe he is one? I could not even believe when I saw him proudly sitting on his new bike he got as a present from us. I actually decided to capture last week in the vlog and that is my first attempt to create weekly vlog so you may watch it here.

Hedvabi je ten material, ktery maji lide radi. A proc taky ne. Je hrozne prijemny na tele, vypada vyborne, pusobi lehce a prestoze je obcas narocne jej prat a starat se o nej, ja hedvabi opravdu miluju. A myslim, ze nejen ja. Tahle bluzka v pudrovem tonu si zaslouzi misto v mem satniku. Bude se dobre nosit a kombinovat. 

Vikend se u nas nesl v rodinnem duchu a Liamek oslavil sve prvni narozeniny. Snazila jsem poprve vytvorit vlog, kdy budu natacet cely tyden. A cele video muzete videt tady. Nechce se mi ani verit, ze uz ma rok. Opravdu to leti. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Volume Sleeves

Wearing: Bag: Gucci, Skirt: Zara, Top: Asos, Shoes: River Island, Sunglasses: Dior

Volume puffball sleeves are definitely a feature that will get you an attention. And plus they can work to your advantage if you have wider hips right? Perfect way how to optically balance your figure. Although, if you love your body it does not matter if you are certain shape or size. You carry anything with confidence and big smile.

There has been enough of judging of what people look like, wear or how they behave. The truth is that you cannot please them all and there will always be somebody that does not like certain things but on the other hand there will be things you like. The key is not to worry and focus on yourself. And that is why I am wearing puffball sleeve top. I simply love it.

Velke rukavy jako tyhle budou mit za to, ze vas nikdo neprehledne a take mozna dokazou slouzit vyborne k balancovani postavy. Co treba vybalancovat sirsi boky? I kdyz na druhou stranu pokud nekdo ma rad sve telo, tak je jedno jak vypada a dokaze s usmevem nosit to na co ma chut. 

Myslim, ze hodnoceni bylo dost. Stejne se vsem nemuze libit vse a vsichni a na druhou stranu se vzdy najde neco ci nekdo, kdo se libi vam. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: I’ll be there in a prosecco

Wearing: Skirt: River Island, Shoes: River Island, Sunglasses: Rayban, Top: River Island

I’ll be there in a prosecco! Yes, what a perfect slogan t-shirt for somebody that loves being punctual and also loves a glass of bubbles. Slogan pieces are fun at least for me and this was a great summer choice for me. It evokes lot of things I love sea, sun, summer, warm weather and fun. And people should surround themselves with things that make them happy and do things that make them happy. That should be a philosophy of your life. The whole world will be happy place then.

Talking about things that make me happy. How gorgeous is this stunning Saint Laurent bag? I can totally see it with this outfit. There is also a white version and I cannot decide which one is better. One is for sure this navy one is definitely more practical. LOL

I’ll be there in a prosecco! Super triko se super napisem a to obzvlast pokud jste jako ja a mate radi dochvilnost a take sklenicku bublinek! Tricka se slogany me bavi a nejen tricka. Tohle u me navic evokuje leto, slunce a plaz a proc si neporidit neco, co vam pripomina veci, ktere milujete.  A lide by se meli obklopovat vecmi, ktere miluji a delat jenom veci ktere miluji. To by mela byt filozofie kazdeho. Svet pak bude veselejsi a radostnejsi. 

A kdyz uz se bavime o vecech, ktere nam delaji radost co rikate na tuto krasnou Saint Laurent kabelku? K tomuto outfitu jako delana a dokonce je i v bilem provedeni. Nemuzu se rozhodnout, ktera je lepsi. Jedno vim jiste, ze tato tmava je urcite praktictejsi. Alespon neco vim jiste. LOL 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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