Wearing: Shirt: Asos, Bag: Chanel, Belt: Gucci, Shoes: Gucci, Skirt: River Island, Sunglasses: Rayban
I feel that ruffle shirts feel somehow powerful. They give your body some hidden confidence and it is always about the feeling isn’t it? The right blazer or right shirt can change how you feel when you walk in to a meeting. I remember that ages ago my friend Caroline bought well fitted Hugo Boss blazer and she said she named it her “power blazer” and took it to all important meetings at work. LOL
And well placed ruffles on a shirt can have the same impact. I really feel this shirt gives me that. And how you feel in clothes can impact results of anything you do. You hold yourself differently and that always help, doesn’t it? Isn’t it great when you discover that certain trend also gives you secretly another level of confidence. Hehe
Mam pocit, ze bluzy a kosile s volany maji takovou skrytou silu. Neco co vam doda trosku sebevedomi a postoj. A vubec obecne mam pocit, ze veci urciteho strihu mohou mit podobnou moc. Pamatuju si, kdyz si moje kamaradka Caroline koupila sako s vyraznymi rameny na sample sale Hugo Boss a nosila sako na vsechny dulezite pracovni schuzky. Mela pocit, ze ji dava sebevedomi a nazvala ho “power jacket”. Haha
A tak se mi zkratka zda, ze spravne strizene veci s volany maji takovou skrytou moc. A to jak se ve vecech citime ma pak za nasledek to jak se citime i navenek. Je skvele zjistit, ze urcity trend vam muze dat i velkou davku sebeduvery. Hehe
Love Glamazon xoxo
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