Tag Archives: Valentino

Outfit: Merry Christmas

Wearing: Trousers: River Island, Hat: Asos, Shoes: Valentino, Coat: Shein, Bag; Gucci

Another Christmas and this year it is so different. Last year I had a tiny baby at home, slept in 45 minutes intervals, had the biggest eye circles under my eye and was still getting over the whole motherhood thing. This year I have a toddler, one wild toddler but I am definitely more myself.

Although I cannot wait for few days to do just nothing, eat, drink, watch Christmas movies and just chill. My decision to invest all my energy into youtube took lot of energy and I already have one big energy sucker at home but I did not give up. There were lot of youtubers that do not even have children that were planning to film daily vlogs but failed in the end but I worked hard, very hard on it and wanted to do 24 vlogmas videos until Christmas. So yes I am tired and I feel I really deserve few days off and just enjoy Christmas.

So if you guys are into youtube it would mean so much if you subscribe to my channel and thanks in advance for all the support. I wish all of you Merry Christmas and enjoy the holidays.

A jsou tu dalsi Vanoce a tentotkrat je to jine a lepsi. Minuly rok jsem mela doma male miminko a spala maximalne ve 45ti minutovych intervalech, chodila s silenyma kruhama pod ocima a vubec jsem se stale snazila zvyknout si na ty zmeny, ktere materstvi prineslo. Tento rok mam doma prcka, ktery se nezastavi, ma vic energie nez stado koni a ja se citim zase sva. 

Uprimne se nemuzu dockat na tech par dni nic nedelani, i kdyz to ja moc dobre neumim, ale me rozhodnuti se venovat youtube mi vzalo hodne energie, kterou uz tak vysava Liam kazdy den LOL. Letos jsem se rozhodla tocit kazdy den vlogy v ramci vlogmas a to slibilo uz i hodne znamych youtuberu a lidi, na jejich kanaly koukam sama a ejhle, hodne z nich to nezvladlo. Ja uz jsem u konce a nevzdala jsem to, i kdyz to bylo nekdy tezke. A nebudu lhat a jde to videt i na poslednich par videich, protoze jsem proste unavena. A nemuzu se dockat na nic nedelani.

Kazdopadne, pokud vas youtube bavi, budu moc rada, kdyz se prihlasite k odberu. To bude pro me ten nejkrasnejsi darek. Vsem preju Stastne a Vesele a hlavne plne lasky a klidu. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: In love with my Chloe Nile

Wearing: Trousers: River Island, Bag; Chloe, Shoes: Valentino, Cardigan: Shein, Hat: Asos, Belt: Pinko

I seriously cannot get enough of this Chloe Nile bag. Since I have done the unboxing on my youtube channel (you should subscribe as I started to be very active and you can see much more from my life and lot of beauty and fashion) I have been wearing it so much. I am though thinking my other bags need a chance too. Last weekend I took out my Saint Laurent bag for a spin and now enjoying it so much. It has got a perfect shade for autumn and I simply love it.

This is great thing sometimes to leave your favourite items hidden in the closet as it can feel like you have a new bag. LOL

And can we also appreciate the autumn vibes of these pictures. I just love London at this time of the year so much. I know I keep going on about it on my social channels but it is magical. I am now off to enjoy another autumn day.

Nemuzu se nabazit teto Chloe Nile kabelky. Od te doby, co jsem vydala unboxing video na mem youtube kanale (pokud jeste neodbirate moje videa, zkuste to…pridavam ted docela casto a muzete me tak i lepe poznat) , ji nosim skoro porad. Ale na druhou stranu si rikam, ze musim dat sanci i svym jinym kabelkam. O vikendu jsem po dlouhe dobe vytahla moji Saint Laurent bloggers bag, protoze ma skvely odstin, ktery se hodi presne na podzim. 

Nahodou to neni spatny napad, obcas schovat nektere kabelky ci veci do skrine a nenosit je, protoze kdyz je pak po delsi dobe vytahnete, tak ma clovek pocit, ze je to nova vec. 

A v neposledni rade snad ocenite podzimni atmosferu techto fotek. Ja se nemuzu podzimu v Londyne nabazit, je to nadhera. No a tesim se na dalsi podzimni den, ktery me ceka. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Proud memories

Wearing: Jacket: Rails La, Bag: Chanel, Shoes: Valentino, Sunglasses: Dior, Skirt: Pimkie

I never forget how proudly I wore this jacket with Liam’s name for the first time. This jacket will always give me proud and beautiful memories and will always have place in my closet. And I love it. It is a cool piece and I am a sucker for customised anything. And customised things are great as present. The last thing I gave somebody was customised Aspinal diary and my husband loved it.

However, this post is more about memories and today I realised how time flies. I am enjoying every moment with Liam and being a mum is just beautiful. He is going to be ten months!!! 10!! Who would believe. He has got 8 teeth, lots of hair and loves to walk when you hold his hands and now his latest thing is to stand up and crawl :) He loves his food and his dada. Haha It is incredible to watch him growing but if you are a mummy you know what I am talking about.

Nikdy nezapomenu, kdyz jsem si hrde oblekla tuhle bundu s Liamkovym jmenem poprve. A myslim, ze mi vzdy bude prinaset krasne vzpominky na to, kdyz se narodil a zarovne vypada fakt cool. Ja osobne mam rada inicialy na vsem a prijde mi to skvely napad. K vanocum jsem dala napriklad manzelovi diar z Aspinalu s jeho inicialy a moc se mu libil. 

Tento clanek je ale spise o krasnych vzpominkach a o tom jak cas leti. Liamkovi uz bude 10 mesicu. Neskutecne. Roste jako z vody a ja si to vylozene uzivam, ale zaroven bych chtela zastavit cas. Je to milacek, ma osm zubu, strasne moc vlasu a miluje sveho dadu :) A taky jidlo haha No a uz hezky lozi, chodi kdyz ho vedete za ruce a sam si porad stoupa a je strasne zvedavy. Je nadherne to sledovat, ale to vy mamy vite. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Valentino Metallic-Paneled Sneakers

Wearing: Shoes: Valentino via Luisa via Roma, Bag: Valentino, Jeans: New Look, Shirt: Gap, Blazer: Zara, Sunglasses: Chloe

I have had my eyes on these Valentino trainers for a while and they are finally mine. I also could not help it and have filmed an unboxing video which you can watch here on my Youtube channel.

Valentino has been a brand responsible for lot of shopping cravings recently as they have some great bags I would love to have in my closet. I cannot help it as I am the worst when it comes to shopping seduction. LOL

I have been travelling a bit recently and when I got back I had few lovely new pieces waiting for me at home so planning to film a Haul video soon. I must say videos are hard work but also fun and I really enjoy doing them. Stay tuned for more.

Tyhle Valentino tenisky jsem obdivovala uz delsi dobu a jsem rada, ze jsou konecne v me sbirce botu. Jestli mate radi unboxing videa, tak se muzete podivat tady na mem Youtube kanale.

Valentino me trosku stve v posledni dobe a nejenom Valentino, protoze me nuti neustale chtit neco noveho. Kdyz se zadari par modelu kabelek a botu, tak to cloveku jako ja neda spat. Haha 

Asi jak vite, tak jsem v posledni dobe trosku cestovala a po navratu domu me cekalo par moc peknych novych veci, takze premyslim, ze natocim dalsi haul. Youtube je velka prace, ale bavi me to a rekla jsem si, ze tentokrat to hned nevzdam :). 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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