Category Archives: Lifestyle

Home spa with USPAAH

USE CODE INSTAEVA15 to get 15 OFF when using the app

I have always loved having treatments done. I am a number one fan of massages and I thought it would be a lovely idea to organise girly day for myself and my mom when she comes over to visit. There is nothing more fun than a girly day with my mum or a friend.

I have booked us a Sparista via USPAAH application that is very easy to use. The services are available in London but also some surrounding areas and you can choose from 50 different luxury massages and beauty treatments. If you fancy facial, massage or even a hair cut they offer it all.

I am a lover of massages so for me it was an easy choice and mum decided for manicure and pedicure and absolutely loved it. The service was immaculate and I personally love having this done in the comfort of my home. It suits me as a mum. I save time as I do not have to travel and I do not need to organise babysitting which can be a nightmare otherwise. We were both so happy with the outcome and had a beautiful half day together.

And if you want a spa experience you can always create a lovely atmosphere in your house. I always make sure I have candles on and play relaxation music to create the most authentic experience. If you want to try any treatments you can do so and get 15 £ off with code INSTAEVA15.

Vzdy jsme mela rada, kdyz si na sebe muzu udelat cas a jak mozna vite, miluju masaze a kosmeticke procedury. Napadlo me usporadat takovy den pro maminku a pro me v pohodli naseho domova. Maminka je u nas v Londyne na navsteve a ja jsem se rozhodla objednat nam pres aplikaci USPAAH terapistku do domu.

Ja opravdu miluju masaze a maminka neni az tak velky fanousek, tak jsem se rozhodla, ze pro ni bude lepsi manikura a pedikura. A byla nadmiru spokojena. Miluju kdyz muzeme travit cas prijemne a v pohodli domova. Je jasne, ze jako maminka usetrim spoustu casu cestovanim nekam do salonu a take si nemusim delat starost s hlidanim. Vse si necham udelat v pohodli domova. Nerikam, ze salony nemam rada, ale obcas mi to vyhovuje doma a jsem rada, ze nemusim cestovat pres pul Londyna.

USPAAH nabizi pres padesat ruznych procedur a masazi a jestli mate chut na masaz, kosmeticke osetreni, ci nechat se ostrihat, muzete si nechat vse udelat v pohodli vaseho domova. Ja se vzdy snazim vytvorit prijemnou atmosferu a zapalim si vonne svicky a pustim relaxacni hudbu.

A jestli se rozhodnete sluzeb vyuzit, muzete tak ucinit se slevou 15 £, kdyz pouzijete kod INSTAEVA15.

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Luxury Experience in Hampshire – Four Seasons

As a luxury lover I could not decline an invitation to experience visit at Four Season in Hampshire. I am a huge fan of English countryside and together in combination with good food, stunning spa, walks in the fresh air it is even nicer.

It is such an easy staycation for Londoners as it is under 2 hours drive depending on traffic or about an hour on the train. This previously Georgian manor house that was restored into luxury hotel is perfect for families. I was so impressed how children friendly and how prepared the hotel is. They have set buffet for kids which means no waiting and no ordering which was perfect for our constantly hungry toddler. And it is healthy selection and offers plenty of variety including desserts for the little ones.

And even their spa isn’t just about the adults. Children can use separate pool with amazing sharkies reef and other fun stuff. The swimming nappies are by the pool which is the nicest touch ever. I could not believe it to be fair. It is so convenient for the parents and their children.

There are horse riding lessons, currently ice skating experience and lot of beautiful land for walks, flying kites and outdoor playground. However if you fancy pigeons shooting or bird watching these are also available at the hotel. You simply will not be bored.

I can highly recommend to try their Hampshire Herbal massage that is inspired by Jane Austen. Austen lived in Hampshire and used to grow herbs in the garden. Hotel found an inspiration and created massage where they use mint, chamomile and lavender during the massage. It gives incredibly relaxing and aromatherapy feeling. And I cannot forget they have heated massage beds. Well, that was my first let’s say. The therapist was absolutely wonderful and extremely professional.

The wild carrot restaurant has got an incredible decor and stunning views. We were very impressed with the food quality and service. I totally threw away any dieting ideas and went in all the way including delicious glass of Malbec which was my first glass in 2020. And it was so worth it.

Liam also wanted to see the horses so we could not say no to him and overall we truly enjoyed our time at Four Seasons Hampshire. It offers immaculate service, great location, lot of fun activities and incredible hospitality and luxury. What else to ask for?

Thank you for having us.

Jako milovnice luxusu jsem nemohla v zadnem pripade odmitnout pozvanku od Four Seasons v Hampshire. Mam moc rada anglicky venkov a kombinace dobreho jidla, lazni a cerstveho vzduchu je opravdu fantasticka. 

Je to vyborna mini dovolena asi dve hodiny jizdy od Londyna anebo staci skocit na vlak a jste na miste zhruba za hodinu. Zrestaurovane Georgianske panstvi je dnes luxusnim hotelem, ktery stoji uprostred zelene a je idealni pro navstevu s detmi. Byla jsem nadsena ze servisu, ktery nabizi rodinam. Na obed maji deti prichystany bufet, takze zadne cekani. To se nam vyborne hodilo, protoze nase dite, kdyz ma hlad, tak pres to nejede vlak. 

Pro deti je tam toho opravdu dost. Maji pro ne zvlast bazen, ktery ma skluzavky a jine prvky a dospeli si mohou uzivat sveho bazenu, jak kryteho tak venkovniho. Hotel dale nabizi lekce jizdy na koni, muzete si jit zabruslit, sledovat ptaky, strilet holuby ci si zajit s detma na skvele venkovni hriste.  Muzete si objednat take masaz pro sebe. Ja jsem vyzkousela jejich tradicni bylinkovou masaz. Je inspirovana Jane Austen, ktera v Hamsphire zila a pouzivaji stejne bylinky, ktere kdysi pestovala na sve zahradce. 

Hotelova restaurace Wild Carrot byla take vyborna. Dobre klasicke jidlo s vyhledem ven a krasnym tradicnim designem je vytecnou kombinaci. V takove dny je nejlepsi zapomenout na diety a poradne se do toho oprit. A taky ze jo. Nesmela chybet ani prvni sklenicka vina v roce 2020 a vytecny Malbec nemel chybu.

Dekujeme Four Seasons za jejich pohostinost a uz se tesime na dalsi navstevu.


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May 2020 be the best year yet

Wearing: Bag: Fendi, Earrings: Missoma, Top: River Island, Trousers: Zara, Coat: H&M, Boots: River Island 

Here we are again we are closing the door behind another year and this time even another decade. It sounds quite scary to think that. I usually write about things I have achieved but to be frank this time I can do the summary just for myself. Instagram is flooded with Instagram stories of each blogger sharing what they have achieved and I am all up for celebrating success. However, I feel like it can give you more if you sit down and write down everything you are proud of just for yourself. It helps you with positive start and realise that you are GOOD ENOUGH.

The only few things I will mention is that I loved spending time with my son Liam, I started to write for ELLE and the book I have contributed to was published. So I can finally say I am a writer too although my other book is still in the process. Strangely at start of the year I had no idea about number two and three and see what life can throw your way.

2019 for me was a year of searching, learning and thinking. I really want to focus 2020 more on me, feelings, dreams but still give plenty of time to my family. I want to chose well what I spend my time on and who with. I want to surround myself with the people that inspire me, love me and I love them and give me joy. I want to spend time on activities that I love and make me feel good. And I mainly I want to be myself. I am so tired of all these profiles and people on social media that are not themselves. You have to own who you are, be true to yourself and that is what matters.

So may 2020 be the best year yet for all of us.

A je to tady. Zavirame dvere za dalsim rokem a tentokrat nechci clanek jako predchozi leta, kdy jsem shrnula, co mi rok prinesl. Tentokrat si sve uspechy a radosti sepisu sama pro sebe. Uz jenom z toho duvodu, ze kazdy bloger na Instagramu ma desitky stories, kde oslavuje sve uspechy. A to je v poradku, ale mam pocit, ze socialni online svet je v tyto dny zaplaveny a ze opravdu staci si v tichosti sepsat, co nam radostneho predchozi rok prinesl. A to udelam i ja. Pomuze nam to vstoupit pozitivne do dalsiho roku a desetileti. 

Jedine tri veci ktere zminim jsou, ze jsem milovala kazdicky moment s Liamem, ze me bavi pozorovat jak se meni, roste a jak nam dokaze vykouzlit usmev na rtech i v ty pochmurnejsi dny. Dalsi veci ktere zminim jsou, ze jsem zacala psat pro digitalni verzi Ceske ELLE a take jsem se stala spoluautorkou teto knihy. Tyto dve veci by me na zacatku roku 2019 ani ve snu nenapadly. A podivejte, co zivot dokaze cloveku hodit pod nohy. 

2019 byl rok, kdy jsem hodne premyslela, analyzovala, cetla motivacni knihy a hledala to, co me naplni. Snazila jsem se najit odpoved na to, zda jsem na spravne ceste, hodne meditovala a kladla si hodne otazek. A zjistila jsem jednu vec, ze chci v zivote mit ty lidi, kteri me posouvaji dal, maji me radi a ja mam rada je, inspiruji me a davaji mi neco pozitivniho. Chci dal pracovat na svych snech, ale chci take travit kvalitni cas se svou rodinou. Chci rozdavat radost, inspirovat a byt proste stastna. A hlavne chci byt sama sebou. Uz jsem unavena ze vsech tech profilu a lidi na socialnich mediich, co maji nasazenou masku, neukazuji svou pravou tvar a statisice lidi jim to vlastne veri. Chci byt sama sebou a byt na to pysna.

A Vam preju, at je rok 2020 ten nejlepsi. 



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How to add touch of luxury to your home

Decorating your home is so much fun. Well at least for me but it can be slow process too. I have now recently added couple of items to my newish house in order to make it look more chic and feel more luxury. I love modern glamour but also country style and more traditional home decor however recently it has been modern glamour that has been winning for me.

To be honest these purchases do not have to break the bank as long as you have a clear mind on what you want. You may remember from my birthday youtube video  I got a new dressing table. However it came with a cheap looking and not so comfortable stool. I really wanted something more comfortable, more luxury looking and something that will go with my grey velvet armchair. I found this gorgeous velvet chair in grey colour that is actually originally a dining chair but it works perfectly for the hight of the table and looks so much more glamorous in the room.  They have so many colour options and this could work so well as a nice corner chair or table chairs. These are comfortable and gorgeous. And whilst I was on Cult Furtniture website I also discovered a stunning cushion that goes so well with the armchair that is already in the room. Bingo.

The next place that needed a bit of attention was this sad little corner in our living room. Firstly it was that scary place where people just put stuff that should not be in the living room (husbands just bring whatever and wherever) and it made it look even worse. And another issue was that there was nowhere for people to put a cup or a glass when sitting on the sofa. So I decided to get a small side table for a lap and some cute coffee table books that give that corner little something and will make it more practical.

I chose a gorgeous marble table with gold legs. I believe marble is classy, timeless and will never go out of fashion. This table went into sale and is now sold out but you can have a look at other gorgeous models here. I am so happy how it turned out. I may need to work on dressing the table but It already looks so much better.

Zarizovani domu ci bytu je zabava, tedy alespon pro me. Ale obcas to muze byt zdlouhavy a pomaly proces, at uz je to diky nedostatku casu, penez ci inspirace. Ja jsem v poslednich par tydnech poridila par kousku, ktere dodavaji bydleni nadech luxusu a rekla bych, ze jsou velmi chic. Mam rada kombinaci tradice, venkovskeho stylu a take moderniho glamouru. Ale k modernimu glamouru ted asi tihnu nejvice.

A i prestoze nektere veci vypadaji luxusne, tak nemusi zruinovat vasi kreditni kartu. Mozna si pamatujete z meho narozeninoveho videa, ze jsem dostala  jako darek stolik na makeup. K nemu byla stolicka, ktera byla nepohodlna a uprimne vypadala docela levne. A tak jsem si chtela poridit neco co vypada vice luxusne a take se bude hodit k sedemu sametovemu kreslu, ktere uz v mistnosti mam. A objevila jsem tyhle zidle, ktere jsou puvodne jidelni zidle. Maji velky vyber barev a jsou opravdu pohodlne. Tohoto rozhodnuti nelituju, protoze tento kousek vypada v mistnosti velmi sik a hodi se idealne i k vysce stolu. A kdyz uz jsem tak brouzdala na strankach Cult Furniture, narazila jsem na tento polstar, ktery se mi skvele hodi k tomu kreslu, ktere uz v mistnosti je. Zabila jsem tak dve mouchy jednou ranou. 

Dalsim mistem, ktere potrebovalo trosku lasky byl takovy kout v nasem obyvacim pokoji. Uprimne to byl ten kout, ktery byl smutny, prazdny a kdyz nekdo sedel na pohovce, nemel si kam odlozit piti, knihu ci sklenicku. A navic to bylo takove to nestastne odkladaci misto na veci jako taska a vubec veci, ktere podle meho nazoru do obyvaciho pokoje nepatri (no jo spousta chlapu nechape, ze obyvaci pokoj neni skladiste). A tak jsem se sem rozhodla poridit nejaky stolik, na ktery dam treba lampicku, hezke knihy, kvetiny, svicku a vytvorim prijemnejsi a praktictejsi koutek. 

Dlouho jsem vybirala, ale rozhodla jsem se pro mramorovy stolik. Jsem velky fanousek praveho mramoru, protoze je to nestarnouci klasika a nikdy nevyjde z mody. Muj stolek byl v poslednich par dnech ve slevach, tak uz neni k dostani, ale muzete se tady podivat na jine podobne modely. Uz ted vypada tento kout mnohem lepe, ale chystam se ho treba lepe nastylovat, at je vysledek co nejlepsi.


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