Tag Archives: Manolo Blahnik

Outfit: Vinyl Trousers and Manolos

Wearing: Trouser: River Island, Bag: Chanel, Blazer: Shein, T-shirt: Zara, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Earrings: Soru

It is 7 am Saturday morning when I am writing this article and I am putting this post together whilst in a super comfortable bed in Nobu Shoreditch. And why am I even mentioning it in an outfit post? It was my first night without Liam. I was not definitely emotional like I hear from girls and women around me and actually it was so nice to feel like the “old days”. Having said that I know when I come back home I will kiss him all over (trust me I always play these scenarios in my head). I miss his little face and cheeky grins.

And what makes me laugh looking at these pictures is I know how much he loves these trousers. I have this theory he likes “kinky stuff”. When I wear these he keeps touching them and looks amazed. And he is not the only one.

I got such an amazing responses from other people and followers on my social media. Well, it is a trend at the end of the day and not for everybody but sometimes it is good to take more risks even if it is just with fashion.

Je Sobota 7 hodin rano a ja pisu tento clanek z pohodlne postele v Nobu Shoreditch. A proc to vubec zminuju v outfitovem prispevku? Byla to moje prvni noc bez Liamka. Uprimne jsem to nebrala tak emocionalne jak znam z vypraveni kamaradek, ale vim, ze az prijdu domu, ze ho opusinkuju a umackam (verte mi prehravam si od vcera ruzne roztomile scenare), ale hrozne jsem si to uzila. Bylo to jako za ‘starych casu”. Ale i presto mi chybi ta jeho roztomila tvaricka a lisacky usmev. Uz se v duchu smeju na to nase “mackaci” setkani za par hodin. 

Mam chut se smat, kdyz se divam na tyhle fotky, protoze si vzdy vzpomenu na Liamka, jak ho tyhle kalhoty fascinuji. Porad je ochmatava a kouka na ne, mam takovu teorii, ze se mu libi takove veci a treba i cervene kozacky nad kolena. LOL

No a vlastne neni sam. Na Instagramu mely tyhle kalhoty velky uspech a take okoli se vyjadrilo pozitivne. Ano je to trend, ktery neni uplne pro kazdeho, ale obcas se vyplati riskovat. I kdyz jenom v mode. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Volume sleeves striped shirt

Wearing: Shirt: River Island, Jeans: Topshop, Bag: Chanel, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Sunglasses: Celine

I stopped counting how many striped shirts I own. Can I just say something to defend myself though? They are so classic and so versatile and you do need options right. Now, this is my latest purchase and it is different as it has got volume sleeves.

However, hands up who seems to buy similar things and then ends up with ten very similar items. My things are blazers, slip dresses, shirts and the list could go on.

Let me know if you are guilty of that too.

Prestala jsem pocitat kolik mam v satniku pruhovanych kosil a to hlavne v modre barve. Na svou obranu mohu jenom prohlasit, ze jsou klasicke, nadcasove a ze clovek obcas potrebuje dobry vyber. Haha. A tohle je muj posledni prirustek a neni to jenom dalsi obycejna kosile. Tato ma totiz siroke a zajimave rukavy. No jak se rika…No nekup to. 

I kdyz spousta lidi nakupuje velmi casto podobne veci. Ja mam slabost pro saty ve stylu nocni kosilky, kozene bundy a nebo treba kosile.

A co je to u vas? 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Velvet T-shirt

Wearing: Top: Asos, Blazer: Zara, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Bag: Stella McCartney, Jeans: Asos

Ok, how many of you has got wardrobe full of tops, shirts and blouses but when you open wardrobe you feel like you have no nice tops? I am one of them. I feel when it comes to tops I tend to stick to basics but then there are days I want something different and can never put a finger on what different actually is. So when I had this state of mind the other day I ordered this velvet t-shirt. And I simply love it.

The colour is cute for spring and summer and I want to simply wear it with everything. Well, I kind of have had velvet t-shirts on the radar however considering it is a trend that will come and go I did not want to splurge too much. So this was a great choice.

Ruce nahoru kolik z vas ma ve skrini dostatecne mnozstvi topu, tricek a bluzek a presto, kdyz se mate obleci, mate pocit, ze nemate nic pekneho? Ja vetsinou inklinuju k jednoduchym topu, ale obcas si rikam, ze to chce neco zajimaveho. Jenze hacek je v tom, ze nedokazu presne rict, co by to tak melo byt. To jsou problemy co? Kazdopadne jsem v jednom takovem momentu objednala tohle sametove tricko. A jsem nadsena. 

Barva je jako delana na jaro a leto a jsem ve fazi, kdy ho chci nosit ke vsemu. LOL Priznam se, ze jsem uz po par sametovych topech pokukovala, ale vzdy me u takove trendove zalezitosti odradila cena. V tomto pripade neni zdaleka tak zavratna, takze jsem rada uvitala nejnovejsi prirustek. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Manolo Blahnik Designs Shoes for Farfetch

When there is a limited edition people go crazy including me. You may remember one of my previous post when I mentioned Farfetch has teamed up with Aquazzura to create a shoe collection. So when I was invited for an intimate dinner alongside three other bloggers to celebrate another amazing exclusive collection I was over the moon. It was the amazing Manolo Blahnik this time who designed gorgeous striking shoes exclusively for them (dreamy I know right). I never forget to mention his father’s family is from Czech (yes had to thrown it in there). And most people will have his shoes connected with SATC of course.

You also know that I am a big fan of Farfetch. It is a great concept that enables variety of shops and boutiques from all over the world to sell there their pieces online. So very often you can find items that are hard to get elsewhere. You never know from which corner of the world your dream bag will come from. I personally got my Isabel Marant wedding shoes from there and I think they came from Latin America. Isn’t that just amazing?

And as expected the exclusive Manolo’s collection sold out very quickly. There are still few pairs left so perhaps you may be lucky those are in your size. I tried on this gorgeous white pair but they were more on the big side so ended up getting different pair which I want to reveal in one of my new videos. The dinner took place in the lovely Lanesborough hotel and I had such a lovely evening with both Manolo and Farfetch team and also Lydia, Claire and Prim (you can also watch this vlog on my new channel). And it was honestly a wonderful event with lot of bubbles, lovely food and great company. And you know I am planning to build up bigger shoe collection so this was like a blessing. I so much prefer intimate events like this as you can get to know the brand better as you spend good quality time with the team.

Manolo Blahnik is one of the best selling brands on Farfetch and there is no surprise as he does create wonderful, great quality designs that make you feel trendy, sexy and classy at the same time. So thank you so much for having me.

Pokazde, kdyz nekdo vytvori limitovanou edici, lide tak trosku sili. Myslim, ze je to v nasi nature chtit neco, co neni jenom tak k dostani. Mozna si pamatuje muj predchozi post, kde jsem zminovala kolaboraci Farfetch a Aquazzura. Takze kdyz se mi v emailu objevila pozvanka na veceri s Farfetch a Manolo Blahnik, tak jsem skakala temer do stropu. Nikdy nezapomenu vsem pripomenout, ze jeho rodina z tatinkovy strany je z Ceska (musela jsem to rict). LOL A vetsina zen jeho boty ma spojene se serialem sex ve meste. 

A kolekce byla temer hned vyprodana, jeste je jich par k dostani, ale musite mit asi stesti, ze to bude vase cislo. Me PR team prinesl tyhle bile, ale byly mi velke, takze jsem si nakonec vybrala jine, ale ty vam ukazu az v nejakem mem novem videu. Na veceri se muzete podivat i v mem poslednim vlogu. Vecere se konala v krasnem Lanesborough hotel, kde nam uazsne hrali na piano a servirovali dobre jidlo. Ja osobne miluju tyto intimni vecere, kde pozvou opravdu male mnozstvi influenceru, protoze mam moznost poradne poznat znacku, popovidat si jak s ostatnima holkama, tak s PR. Krome me byly pozvany jeste Lydia, Claire a Prim. A opravdu jsem si to uzila. Ten tyden byl pro me docela narocny, mela jsem tri podobne akce po sobe. V pondeli recenzi restaurace a nejake akce pres den, ktere jsem musela odmitnout. S miminkem si musim opravdu vybirat kde pujdu. Neda se stihat vsechno.

Kazdopadne moc dekuju jak tymu Manolo tak tymu Farfetch za pozvani, protoze to  bylo zkratka jako sen.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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