Tag Archives: Zara

Outfit: Sock boots trend

Pictures: Derek Bremner for APT

Wearing: Boots: Russell & Bromley, Bag: Aspinal, Sunglasses: Dior, Belt: Temperley: Skirt: Zara, Blazer: Zara

Shall I admit that only two minutes ago I had colander on my head? Well, maybe not but Liam keeps taking stuff out of the cupboards and puts things like pans all over the house. To be honest I find it hilarious even though my place does not look very tidy these days. LOL

Well, that is life with kids and even though one day you wear the latest trends like these sock boots the next day you may end up with a piece of banana on the pocket of your jeans. So unpredictable. LOL

You honestly never know what to expect with kids. I am just heading out and I should defo check if there is no milk in my shoes or something. LOL

Mam se priznat k tomu, ze jsem mela jeste pred chvili na hlave cednik? Asi ne co? Liam porad “kramari” a moje hrnce a veci vubec konci na nejmene ocekavanych mistech. Ochranne pojistky jsem dala spis jenom tam, kam jsem mela pocit, ze to bylo treba, ale ty hrnce mu zkratka nebudu odpirat, kdyz ho to tak bavi.

A to je zivot s detma, ze? Jeden den muzete mit na sobe horky trend jako treba tyhle “sock boots” (premyslim jak se to preklada do cestiny – ponozkove kozacky zni docela uchylne ne? ) a druhy den vyjdete z domu a zjistite, ze mate kousek rozplkleho bananu na dzinech. Haha 

Tak a ted se chystam ven, tak si zkontroluju, zda nemam v bote vylite mleko. S nima clovek nikdy nevi. Hezky den. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Chunky knits and embellished shoes at LFW

Pictures: Derek Bremner for the APT

Wearing: Shoes: Russell & Bromley, Jeans: Topshop, Jumper: Zara, Hat: Asos, Bag: Gucci, Earrings: Adore

I am not sure what it is but so many of my friends from the blogging industry have started to skip fashion weeks including LFW. Just like that it does not even exist. And yes it seems less busy this season. However, it has got it’s advantages as you can wear outfits that are less out there, you do not have to suffer in super high heels. Well, at least not the whole week.

I am actually enjoying the relaxed vibes and focusing more on content creating rather than running like mad around the city to get to another show or presentation. I was thinking all day yesterday whether to go to the Missguided LFW party hosted by Jourdan Dunn and I changed my mind at least 10 times. In the end my body said NO. And I am happy as I finally feel a bit energetic this morning. And remember what I promised myself? You can read about it here. It is all about saying YES to yourself more.

Nevim cim to je, ale spousta mych pratel z blogoveho sveta prestalo chodit na fashion weeky a dokonce i ten Londynsky, i kdyz bydli tady. Nejsem si jista, cim to je, ale kazdopadne je to videt na atmosfere. Ja sama to tuhle sezonu beru zlehka a opravdu premyslim, ze pristi sezonu to vidim treba na den ci dva. I kdyz  to ma vyhodu v tom, ze nemusim mit kazdy den super outfit a muzu si chodit v pohodlnem odevu. Vcera jsem cely den resila, zda jit na LFW Missguided party, ktera zacinala az v 11 vecer a poradala ji modelka Jourdan Dunn. Mela jsem za sebou uz dva dny vecernich akci a jedine na co jsem myslela, byla postel. A co myslite, udelala jsem dobre? Po par dnech se citim trochu odpocate. 

I kdyz na druhou stranu si uzivam uvolnenejsi atmosferu a je to prijemna zmena, ze neletam po Londyne jako ustvana zver, abych se dostala na dalsi show ci presentaci. A hlavne vite, co jsem si slibila? Muzete si precist tento clanek.  Prece musim rikat vice ANO sama sobe. To je dulezite. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Bring on the knits

Pictures: Natasha Ndlovu

Wearing: Boots: Givenchy, Sweater: Shein, Skirt: Zara, Bag: Stella McCartney, Sunglasses: Dior

Weekend is here so three times hooray. This has been another week full of exciting things happening. On Tuesday when I wore this gorgeous knit and leather skirt I was going on a lovely tour alongside other bloggers at Sloane Street. We started our day in April’s Cafe at Boutique one and continued to stores like Chloe or Hermes. We also had the privilege to explore private Cadogan Gardens. It was a lovely day although tiring. I had Liam with me and it was perhaps a bit too long for him and too boring. Good news is we managed and at least now I appreciate Liam’s baby sitter even more than before. She just could not help on this occasion.

Well, these things make you stronger I guess. The more I am looking into things I firmly believe things happen for a reason and they bring you some sort of knowledge or message. And the people you meet are there from some reason too. Nothing is a coincidence in life.

Tak a mame tady opet vikend a za sebou dalsi tyden plny skvelych veci. V utery, kdy jsem mela na sobe tento outfit jsem absolvovala takovou navstevu Sloane Street. Po boku dalsich blogeru jsem byla pozvana do nekolika butiku a take privatnich zahrad Cadogan. Byl to opravdu prijemny den, ktery zacal v kavarne April’s, ktera je soucasti Boutique one a pokracovali jsem do obchodu jako Chloe ci Hermes. Nebudu lhat, ze to bylo narocne. Mela jsem sebou Liamka a predstavte si rocniho prcka v obchodech nekolik hodin v kocarku. Ale zvladli jsme to. 

Ja ted pevne verim, ze tyhle veci me ale maji posilit. Vsechno co se v zivote deje, je z nejake duvodu a my si z toho mame neco odnest. A lide, kteri nam prijdou do cesty nas maji neco naucit nebo pomoci nas dovest na spravnou cestu. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Boho Jacket

Wearing: Jacket: River Island, Top and Earrings: H&M, Jeans: Topshop, Shoes: Zara, Bag: Bulgari, Sunglasses: Rayban

I am in full preparations for my trip to Mallorca next week and also kind of thinking what am I going to do for my birthday there. With all the preps I did not plan any party so far or even dinner with my other half so need to step up the game. And next Wednesday is coming faster than expected. Well, but I have my outfits ready. LOL

Well, can we stop and appreciate how gorgeous is this boho jacket? It is such a great holiday piece however as you can see nothing stops you wear it in the city. I am so over the moon I can finally start to travel as I have been waiting for Liam’s passport forever. So, we are ready to become cool jet setters. Yay

Pomalu planuju vylet na Malorku a premyslim, ze vlastne nemam nic naplanovano na sve narozeniny pristi stredu a v tom shonu jsem ani nic nestihla vymyslet. Vetsinou to nejak oslavim s kamaradkama, takze mozna nejakou veceri budu muset opozdene vymyslet. Hlavne, ze mam outfity na svuj vylet. LOL To je prece dulezitejsi. haha. 

No ale kazdopadne jak se vam libi tato boho bundicka? Prijde mi jako idealni kousek prave na dovolenou, ale jak vidite, da se nosit i ve meste. Vubec nevadi, ze nejblizsi plaz je v Brightonu. LOL 

Ja se obecne tesim, ze uz muzu cestovat. Liam ma konecne pas a tak nam nic nebrani. Hura za slunickem. 

Love Glamazon x


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