Tag Archives: Givenchy

Outfit: Bring on the knits

Pictures: Natasha Ndlovu

Wearing: Boots: Givenchy, Sweater: Shein, Skirt: Zara, Bag: Stella McCartney, Sunglasses: Dior

Weekend is here so three times hooray. This has been another week full of exciting things happening. On Tuesday when I wore this gorgeous knit and leather skirt I was going on a lovely tour alongside other bloggers at Sloane Street. We started our day in April’s Cafe at Boutique one and continued to stores like Chloe or Hermes. We also had the privilege to explore private Cadogan Gardens. It was a lovely day although tiring. I had Liam with me and it was perhaps a bit too long for him and too boring. Good news is we managed and at least now I appreciate Liam’s baby sitter even more than before. She just could not help on this occasion.

Well, these things make you stronger I guess. The more I am looking into things I firmly believe things happen for a reason and they bring you some sort of knowledge or message. And the people you meet are there from some reason too. Nothing is a coincidence in life.

Tak a mame tady opet vikend a za sebou dalsi tyden plny skvelych veci. V utery, kdy jsem mela na sobe tento outfit jsem absolvovala takovou navstevu Sloane Street. Po boku dalsich blogeru jsem byla pozvana do nekolika butiku a take privatnich zahrad Cadogan. Byl to opravdu prijemny den, ktery zacal v kavarne April’s, ktera je soucasti Boutique one a pokracovali jsem do obchodu jako Chloe ci Hermes. Nebudu lhat, ze to bylo narocne. Mela jsem sebou Liamka a predstavte si rocniho prcka v obchodech nekolik hodin v kocarku. Ale zvladli jsme to. 

Ja ted pevne verim, ze tyhle veci me ale maji posilit. Vsechno co se v zivote deje, je z nejake duvodu a my si z toho mame neco odnest. A lide, kteri nam prijdou do cesty nas maji neco naucit nebo pomoci nas dovest na spravnou cestu. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Back to School

Pictures by Natasha Ndlovu 

Wearing: Blazer: Zara, Shoes: Givenchy, Bag: Pinko, Sunglasses: Dior, Skirt: River Island, T-shirt: Zara

Whilst I was enjoying the heat of the last August days some people are slowly getting ready for autumn. And they are right. As soon as we stepped in to September the mornings are chilly and although the temperatures during the day are still good it lacks that summer air. Maybe that is something I carry from childhood but I felt every time on 1st September when we had a first day back at school the nature just shifted. I used to wear jacket in the morning but on the way back home I carried it in my hands. LOL

And that is another point kids are going back at school and although Liam is still few years away from school I cannot ignore all the inspirations on my favourite online shopping sites encouraging mummies to shop. Perhaps you are one of them and you feel you need few cool items for those daily school runs. I am sure the West London mums were busy grabbing their favourite items in local boutiques and there are some of us shopping online like it is Christmas. Well, whatever makes you happy.

And guess what am I up to today? LOL Shopping of course.

Zatimco ja si v tomto outfitu uzivala posledni teple dny mesice srpna, tak jini se pomalu chystaly na podzim. A dobre udelali. I kdyz denni teploty nejsou tak nizke, rana uz jsou kazdopadne chladnejsi a i ja se poohlizim po nove vybave na podzim a take podzimnich trendech. Navic zacina skola a spousta maminek a to hlavne v zapadnim Londyne se na to poctive pripravuje formou nakupu. LOL

Jenom dneska rano po otevreni par oblibenych e-shopu jsem si vsimla nekolik inspiraci pro mamy – Zpatky do skoly. Zive vidim maminky v Notting Hill jak lovi posledni trendy v oblibenych buticich, aby jejich vybava do “skoly” byla presne tak jak ma byt. A vite co? Proc ne. Ja mam take neustale pocit, ze si musim obnovit satnik a nedeli jsem stravila surfovanim po internetu a vyhledavanim oblibenych trendu na nadchazejici sezonu.

A hadejte co mam v planu dnes? No prece nakupovat. LOL 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Casual Pool Style

Wearing: Shoes: Givenchy, Shirt: River Island, Skirt: Zara, Sunglasses: Rayban

Holiday style for me is a lot about flowing dresses, gorgeous airy skirts. As that is a great opportunity to wear pieces which may not be as suitable for the city. However sometimes you just feel you do not want to dress up at all. For those time I always pack simple denim pieces, shirts, t-shirts.

I love to wear simple outfits like this especially on nights when I feel like I do not want to wear makeup, dress up or anything like that. And now even more when I have a child. The long rituals when you have time and peace to do perfect makeup is long gone. Now these things are done in a rush or in phases. I am not going to lie as sometimes I do miss quiet times and my beauty rituals however when Liam smiles at me I would not change. I totally forget that I am quickly painting my nails after I had shower hoping the varnish will dry as quickly as possible.

And that is perfectly normal and fine to juggle everything and not feeling you want to look million dollars sometimes.

Styl na dovolene je pro me hodne o rozevlatych satech, romantickych kouscich, boho kouscich a zkratka vecech, ktere se az tak uplne nehodi do mesta. I kdyz ne pokazde ma clovek chut se extra strojit a tak si balim i jednoduche kousky jako denim, tricka a kosile. A obcas se opravdu hodi. 

Obzvlaste v ty vecery, kdy se vam nic nechce. Nechce se vam delat makeup, vlasy a zkratka vubec nic. A takove dny alespon v mem pripade nastanou. A ted kdyz mam dite snad jeste vice. Pripravy na veceri uz davno nejsou ve stejnem duchu, ze mam klidny ritual v koupelne, ale spis vse v rychlosti a na faze, protoze Liam a kterekoli jine dite je proste priorita.

Musim se priznat, ze mi klid na pripravu casto chybi a nebavi me si lakovat nehty po sprse v koupelene a doufat, ze lak co nejdrive zaschne. Ale tak to proste je a kdyz se na vas skvrne usmeje, tak to nejak vse odplyne. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Red Skirt Ala Biker Chic

Wearing: Skirt: Pimkie via Asos, Boots: Givenchy, Jacket: Swagga & Soul, Bag: Bulgari, Top: H&M, Sunglasses: Rayban

Combining feminine with more tough pieces like biker boots or biker jacket has been around for a long time. It does not surprise me as it looks brilliant, easy and convenient as most of us has got both in the wardrobe. I can openly say that these boots have been my best investment this year so far. I get so much wear out of them and they are very comfortable. I simply love them.

And if you want to add a bit of luxury to your collection there is a Dior Dioramaclub sunglasses giveaway on my Instagram (evglamazon). It is not a long chain giveaway and you just simply have to follow my account, the e-shop that is sponsoring this, like a photo and tag two friends. Easy. Good luck to everybody.

Kombinace spise zenskych a na druhou stranu tvrdsich a maskulinejsich kousku jako biker kozacky ci kozena bunda v motorkarskem stylu jsou hodne popularni. A take uz se nosi opravdu dlouho. Ja se vlastne nedivim, protoze to vypada super a navic vetsina z nas ma takove veci v satniku. Priznavam se, ze zatim tyhle boty jsou asi nejlepsi investici tento rok. Nosim je skutecne porad a jsou strasne pohodlne. Proste je mam moc rada. 

A pokud si chcete poridit trosku luxusu, tak na mem Instagramu (evglamazon) probiha prave giveaway o bryle Dior Dioramaclub. Neni to zadna retezcova giveaway staci sledovat muj Instagram, e-shop, ktery bryle venoval, likovat fotku a oznacit dva pratele. Myslim, ze to je jednoduche. Hodne stesti. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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