Tag Archives: Zara

Outfit: Why am I not going to Coachella?!

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Shoes: Zara, Trousers: River Island, Dress: Storets, Jacket: Storets, Sunglasses: Le Spec, Bag: Chanel

It is Sunday today when I am writing this post and I sit here and scrolling through Coachella posts on Instagram. This is another year where I said I have to go and I didn’t end up going. Last year my girlfriends had the best time there and honestly I feel like I fall asleep to start to do any planning and then end up being surprised that it is time for Coachella. Oh well. Maybe 2019 then?

I feel this year is just going so fast. How is it April already? It is hubby’s birthday soon and my birthday next month and I really feel times is just flying by. And having said that I have barely planned any holidays yet. So it is time to wake up and do something about it. LOL

With Children the flow of time is honestly different. The logistics and planning is totally different to my childless years. It was purely my decision if I fly for few days there and there. I could easily pack into my hand luggage and go. Well, that could be another reason but I am not about excuses…. I like to see myself as more of an action girl so time to do something about it.

Je nedele, kdyz pisu tento clanek a tak jsem cely vikend projizdela Coachella posty na Instagramu. A pro me je to dalsi rok, kdy teda na Coachellu nejedu. Minuly rok jely me dobre kamaradky a silene si to uzily a ja si rikala, ze rok 2018 bude ten, kdy jedu ja. Uprimne mi prijde, ze v tomto shonu totalne vse zaspim a pak se proste jednoho vzbudim a ono uz to vlastne probiha. LOL. 

Rikam to kazdy rok, ale opravdu mi prijde, ze tento silene leti. Jak je mozne, ze uz je duben. Manza ma tento mesic narozeniny a ja pristi a nechce si mi ani verit, ze bude za par dni kveten. A to jsem jeste nenaplanovala zadnou dovolenou. Takze bych se asi mela probrat a zacit neco delat. LOL 

Castecne se priznam, ze je to asi i tim, ze mam dite. Kdyz jsem Liamka nemela, bylo vse me rozhodnuti. Proste jsem se sbalila, vzala si dovolenou a jela. Nemusela jsem se ohlizet na nikoho a nic. Ted je vse trosku narocnejsi a hlavne clovek potrebuje o dost vice veci. No ale ja se nerada vymlouvam, rada se vidim jako akcni clovek. Takze zadne vymluvy a neco s tim udelat. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Is it Christmas Yet?

Pictures by Hazel Hurley 

Wearing: Bag: Bulgari, Boots: River Island, Skirt: New Look, Blazer: Zara, Top: Kit & Ace, Earrings: Zara

It is 5:30 in the morning and I cannot sleep. This is what 14 months of a motherhood does to you. As soon as I took my laptop and wanted to write I hear baby Liam who is ready to conquer the day. Oh, well I guess it is time to wake up properly and start another day. He has never been a good sleeper but I am even happy for how he is now because the start of our journey was tough. He used to wake up 10 times a night and I remember vaguely how hard it was to get 40 mins long intervals of sleep if we can call it this way.

These pictures were taken few weeks ago and now the weather is at the point when I could not wear just a blazer so perhaps a nice long coat throw over the shoulders would work with this. If you want to see more from the shoot you can watch this video.  Are you also amazed how quickly the time flies this year. I feel I am stuck somewhere in March and here we go it is almost Christmas. I wanted to do so many things including finishing my book and I am still on chapter 4. I simply do not have the capacity to do more.

Anyway, I am putting together Christmas content for the blog and youtube so stay tuned but for those who do not want to wait I have created a Pinterest board when I am adding gift ideas. So you may find some inspiration.

Je 5:30 rano a nemuzu spat. Za to muze fakt, ze jsem uz 14 mesicu mama a taky to, ze Liam neni zadny spac, ale jsem rada i za to jak spi, protoze zacatky byly teda krusnejsi. Desetkrat za noc k nemu vstavat byl standard a 40ti minutove intervaly “spanku” taky. Kazdopadne uz ho slysim v jeho pokojicku, takze je opet vzhuru a chce celit novemu dni. Treba to ma po me. LOL Je zkratka k nezastaveni.

Tyhle fotografie jsem fotila uz pred par tydny a nejak jsem se nedostala k tomu, abych je publikovala. Kazdopadne ted uz je mnohem chladneji a musela bych si na sto procent pres sebe prehodit treba dlouhy kabat. Pokud se chcete podivat na video z foceni, mrkenete tady.  Taky vam obcas prijde, ze cas leti nezrizenym zpusobem? Mam pocit, ze jsem se zarazila nekde na jare a nechapu, kam se cely rok podel. Nesplnila jsem tolik veci, co jsem chtela, protoze se proste nemuzu rozkrajet. 

Vanoce jsou za dvermi a ja zacinam pomalu pracovat na materialu na blog a youtube. A pokud se vam nechce cekat, vytvorila jsem inspiracni nastenku na svem Pinterestu, kde pridavam napady na darky. Tak treba vam neco padne do oka. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Wear your dress a top

Wearing: Blazer: Tobi, Dress worn as top: Tobi, Jeans: Zara, Shoes: Gucci, Sunglasses: Celine, Bag: Pinko


Weekend is over and another busy week ahead. I am sitting down on Monday to write and that is pretty much the only day when I have time to actually write, film, edit. The rest is full of events, planning, packing and work. Time really flies doesn’t it? Can you actually see I am holding Christmas cup on these pictures? How does it happen that another year is almost gone and I feel I did not get a chance to even catch a breath?

Anyway, party season is ahead of us and we can buy some great pieces like this velvet blazer and this cool dress ( both from Tobi) which I decided to wear as a top. I love this time of year and as you can see the right things can work for the evening but also the day.

Well, let’s get ready and get on with the week. And if you have not watched my latest video yet you can find it here. There is so much content coming up and exciting giveaways so make sure you subscribe so you do not miss out on anything.

Vikend je za nama a dalsi nabity tyden pred nama. Dneska kdyz pisu tento clanek je pondeli a je to jediny den v tydnu, kdy vubec budu mit poradne cas psat, tvorit, editovat. Zbytek tydne je temer jako vzdy hekticky, plny akci a prace. Cas proste leti nezrizene rychle. A vsimli jste si, ze drzim v ruce Vanocni kelimek? Kam se cely tento rok vubec podel, mam pocit, ze jsem se nestacila ani nadechnout? 

Kazdopadne mame pred sebe vecirkove obdobi a je na case si poridit nejake hezke kousky. Ja jsem vam chtela ukazat tohle nove sametove sako a take saty, ktere jsem si v tomto pripade dala jako top. Mam rada, kdyz se zkratka daji veci vyuzit nejen na akce, ale i pres den. 

Tak ja se jdu pripravit na blaznivy tyden, balit do Florencie atd. A pokud jste jeste nevideli me posledni video, mrknete tady. A nezapomente se prihlasit k odberu, mam v planu tvorit a tvorit a take poradat souteze o luxusni kosmetiku, luxusni kabelku atd. Tak at vam nic neunikne. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Outfit: Vinyl Trousers and Manolos

Wearing: Trouser: River Island, Bag: Chanel, Blazer: Shein, T-shirt: Zara, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Earrings: Soru

It is 7 am Saturday morning when I am writing this article and I am putting this post together whilst in a super comfortable bed in Nobu Shoreditch. And why am I even mentioning it in an outfit post? It was my first night without Liam. I was not definitely emotional like I hear from girls and women around me and actually it was so nice to feel like the “old days”. Having said that I know when I come back home I will kiss him all over (trust me I always play these scenarios in my head). I miss his little face and cheeky grins.

And what makes me laugh looking at these pictures is I know how much he loves these trousers. I have this theory he likes “kinky stuff”. When I wear these he keeps touching them and looks amazed. And he is not the only one.

I got such an amazing responses from other people and followers on my social media. Well, it is a trend at the end of the day and not for everybody but sometimes it is good to take more risks even if it is just with fashion.

Je Sobota 7 hodin rano a ja pisu tento clanek z pohodlne postele v Nobu Shoreditch. A proc to vubec zminuju v outfitovem prispevku? Byla to moje prvni noc bez Liamka. Uprimne jsem to nebrala tak emocionalne jak znam z vypraveni kamaradek, ale vim, ze az prijdu domu, ze ho opusinkuju a umackam (verte mi prehravam si od vcera ruzne roztomile scenare), ale hrozne jsem si to uzila. Bylo to jako za ‘starych casu”. Ale i presto mi chybi ta jeho roztomila tvaricka a lisacky usmev. Uz se v duchu smeju na to nase “mackaci” setkani za par hodin. 

Mam chut se smat, kdyz se divam na tyhle fotky, protoze si vzdy vzpomenu na Liamka, jak ho tyhle kalhoty fascinuji. Porad je ochmatava a kouka na ne, mam takovu teorii, ze se mu libi takove veci a treba i cervene kozacky nad kolena. LOL

No a vlastne neni sam. Na Instagramu mely tyhle kalhoty velky uspech a take okoli se vyjadrilo pozitivne. Ano je to trend, ktery neni uplne pro kazdeho, ale obcas se vyplati riskovat. I kdyz jenom v mode. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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