Tag Archives: Celine

Please Santa

I have been a bit quiet here but that is purely that most my energy and time is going into vlogmas on my youtube channel. So if you have not subscribed yet and you would like to win amazing prizes you know what to do.

Anyway as every year I put together a little wish list of things I would love to find this year on Christmas day. Well, you know it is not about materialistic things but you know what I mean. I think sunglasses in general are a great present. I love changing mine and I have been wearing my classic Celine shadow so much so thought would be great to try the Celine Thin Shadow. And you know how much I have been craving some nice velvet Saint Laurent bag. Well, we always want something right? Here is a little wish list and you may find some things you like too or you could perhaps purchase for your loved ones.

Trosku to tady utichlo, ale to je hlavne tim, ze veskera energie i cas jde do vlogmas na mem kanale na youtube. Kazdy den muzete vyhrat krasne ceny, takze pokud jste se jeste neprihlasili k odberu, urcite to nepromeskejte.

Kazdopadne jako kazdy rok jsem Vam chtela ukazat, co bych si prala od Jeziska. Vim, ze to neni o materialnich vecech, ale proste mam rada hezke veci a tyhle by mi udelaly velkou radost. Ja si treba osobne myslim, ze slunecni bryle jsou super darek, ja opravdu moc nosim moje klasicke Celine shadow a zjistila jsem, ze existuje i novejsi model thin shadow a ty me zaujaly. Jenom uz z toho duvodu, ze ty klasicke nosim opravdu porad. A jak asi citite z mych insta stories a take vlogu, tak jsem si opravdu udelala zalusk na nejakou hezkou kabelku Saint Laurent a idealne sametovou. Zkratka ty prani nikdy nekonci co? LOL 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Outfit: Wear your dress a top

Wearing: Blazer: Tobi, Dress worn as top: Tobi, Jeans: Zara, Shoes: Gucci, Sunglasses: Celine, Bag: Pinko


Weekend is over and another busy week ahead. I am sitting down on Monday to write and that is pretty much the only day when I have time to actually write, film, edit. The rest is full of events, planning, packing and work. Time really flies doesn’t it? Can you actually see I am holding Christmas cup on these pictures? How does it happen that another year is almost gone and I feel I did not get a chance to even catch a breath?

Anyway, party season is ahead of us and we can buy some great pieces like this velvet blazer and this cool dress ( both from Tobi) which I decided to wear as a top. I love this time of year and as you can see the right things can work for the evening but also the day.

Well, let’s get ready and get on with the week. And if you have not watched my latest video yet you can find it here. There is so much content coming up and exciting giveaways so make sure you subscribe so you do not miss out on anything.

Vikend je za nama a dalsi nabity tyden pred nama. Dneska kdyz pisu tento clanek je pondeli a je to jediny den v tydnu, kdy vubec budu mit poradne cas psat, tvorit, editovat. Zbytek tydne je temer jako vzdy hekticky, plny akci a prace. Cas proste leti nezrizene rychle. A vsimli jste si, ze drzim v ruce Vanocni kelimek? Kam se cely tento rok vubec podel, mam pocit, ze jsem se nestacila ani nadechnout? 

Kazdopadne mame pred sebe vecirkove obdobi a je na case si poridit nejake hezke kousky. Ja jsem vam chtela ukazat tohle nove sametove sako a take saty, ktere jsem si v tomto pripade dala jako top. Mam rada, kdyz se zkratka daji veci vyuzit nejen na akce, ale i pres den. 

Tak ja se jdu pripravit na blaznivy tyden, balit do Florencie atd. A pokud jste jeste nevideli me posledni video, mrknete tady. A nezapomente se prihlasit k odberu, mam v planu tvorit a tvorit a take poradat souteze o luxusni kosmetiku, luxusni kabelku atd. Tak at vam nic neunikne. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Outfit: Maje Lace Dress

Pictures: Iva

Wearing: Dress: Maje, Shoes: River Island, Bag: Stella McCartney, Sunglasses: Celine

This Maje dress totally stole my heart when I saw it. What a beautiful mixture of all things that I like – bit of boho, feminine, lace and flattering. I knew I had to bring it with me to Greece as it is a perfect holiday piece but I can totally see myself to wear it in the city too. It is one of those good universal dresses that work for many places and occasions.

I am still on holidays and enjoying it to maximum. I am doing things I love and enjoying the nicest things ever. I love morning runs on the beach, light breeze, sun, warm air, lot of good food and wine and just the summer vibes. I think life should just be one long and never ending holiday right?

Tyhle Maje saty me totalne dostaly na kolena. Kloubi se v nich tolik prvku ktere mam rada – zenskost, krajka, trosku boho a take lichotive. Kdyz jsem se balila do Recka,vedela jsem, ze je nesmim doma nechat. Na druhou stranu si je dovedu predstavit i ve meste. Je to zkratka takovy skvely kousek, ktery si najde sve misto. 

Ja jsem jeste stale na dovolene a uzivam si to na maximum a kdo by ne. Na dovolene se mi dostava samych veci, ktere mam rada – slunicko, morsky vanek, ranni beh na plazi, hodne dobreho jidla a vina a vubec letni atmosfera. Myslim, ze zivot by vlastne mel byt jedna velka dovolena ne? 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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Outfit: Volume sleeves striped shirt

Wearing: Shirt: River Island, Jeans: Topshop, Bag: Chanel, Shoes: Manolo Blahnik, Sunglasses: Celine

I stopped counting how many striped shirts I own. Can I just say something to defend myself though? They are so classic and so versatile and you do need options right. Now, this is my latest purchase and it is different as it has got volume sleeves.

However, hands up who seems to buy similar things and then ends up with ten very similar items. My things are blazers, slip dresses, shirts and the list could go on.

Let me know if you are guilty of that too.

Prestala jsem pocitat kolik mam v satniku pruhovanych kosil a to hlavne v modre barve. Na svou obranu mohu jenom prohlasit, ze jsou klasicke, nadcasove a ze clovek obcas potrebuje dobry vyber. Haha. A tohle je muj posledni prirustek a neni to jenom dalsi obycejna kosile. Tato ma totiz siroke a zajimave rukavy. No jak se rika…No nekup to. 

I kdyz spousta lidi nakupuje velmi casto podobne veci. Ja mam slabost pro saty ve stylu nocni kosilky, kozene bundy a nebo treba kosile.

A co je to u vas? 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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