Tag Archives: River Island

May 2020 be the best year yet

Wearing: Bag: Fendi, Earrings: Missoma, Top: River Island, Trousers: Zara, Coat: H&M, Boots: River Island 

Here we are again we are closing the door behind another year and this time even another decade. It sounds quite scary to think that. I usually write about things I have achieved but to be frank this time I can do the summary just for myself. Instagram is flooded with Instagram stories of each blogger sharing what they have achieved and I am all up for celebrating success. However, I feel like it can give you more if you sit down and write down everything you are proud of just for yourself. It helps you with positive start and realise that you are GOOD ENOUGH.

The only few things I will mention is that I loved spending time with my son Liam, I started to write for ELLE and the book I have contributed to was published. So I can finally say I am a writer too although my other book is still in the process. Strangely at start of the year I had no idea about number two and three and see what life can throw your way.

2019 for me was a year of searching, learning and thinking. I really want to focus 2020 more on me, feelings, dreams but still give plenty of time to my family. I want to chose well what I spend my time on and who with. I want to surround myself with the people that inspire me, love me and I love them and give me joy. I want to spend time on activities that I love and make me feel good. And I mainly I want to be myself. I am so tired of all these profiles and people on social media that are not themselves. You have to own who you are, be true to yourself and that is what matters.

So may 2020 be the best year yet for all of us.

A je to tady. Zavirame dvere za dalsim rokem a tentokrat nechci clanek jako predchozi leta, kdy jsem shrnula, co mi rok prinesl. Tentokrat si sve uspechy a radosti sepisu sama pro sebe. Uz jenom z toho duvodu, ze kazdy bloger na Instagramu ma desitky stories, kde oslavuje sve uspechy. A to je v poradku, ale mam pocit, ze socialni online svet je v tyto dny zaplaveny a ze opravdu staci si v tichosti sepsat, co nam radostneho predchozi rok prinesl. A to udelam i ja. Pomuze nam to vstoupit pozitivne do dalsiho roku a desetileti. 

Jedine tri veci ktere zminim jsou, ze jsem milovala kazdicky moment s Liamem, ze me bavi pozorovat jak se meni, roste a jak nam dokaze vykouzlit usmev na rtech i v ty pochmurnejsi dny. Dalsi veci ktere zminim jsou, ze jsem zacala psat pro digitalni verzi Ceske ELLE a take jsem se stala spoluautorkou teto knihy. Tyto dve veci by me na zacatku roku 2019 ani ve snu nenapadly. A podivejte, co zivot dokaze cloveku hodit pod nohy. 

2019 byl rok, kdy jsem hodne premyslela, analyzovala, cetla motivacni knihy a hledala to, co me naplni. Snazila jsem se najit odpoved na to, zda jsem na spravne ceste, hodne meditovala a kladla si hodne otazek. A zjistila jsem jednu vec, ze chci v zivote mit ty lidi, kteri me posouvaji dal, maji me radi a ja mam rada je, inspiruji me a davaji mi neco pozitivniho. Chci dal pracovat na svych snech, ale chci take travit kvalitni cas se svou rodinou. Chci rozdavat radost, inspirovat a byt proste stastna. A hlavne chci byt sama sebou. Uz jsem unavena ze vsech tech profilu a lidi na socialnich mediich, co maji nasazenou masku, neukazuji svou pravou tvar a statisice lidi jim to vlastne veri. Chci byt sama sebou a byt na to pysna.

A Vam preju, at je rok 2020 ten nejlepsi. 



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Outfit: Things are as they are meant to be

Wearing: Top: River Island, Shorts: River Island, Shoes: Castaner, Sunglasses: Chloe, Bag: Chanel, Earrings: Zara

I could sit here and write about leopard print, wedges, round sunnies or really anything about this outfit and fashion. However today I feel I want to write about life. I just go with my intuition.

Sometimes in life we want things, we have dreams, ideas and plans. And I am a huge believer in law of attraction however my theory is that certain things in life just happen and no matter how positive you are there are hurdles and tests coming your way.

I believe we all have purpose in life and even if these hurdles appear whatever it is … could be money issues, illness, attracting wrongs partners, arguments in your family you can get over them easier if you stay positive. If you use law of attraction and stay happy most of the time you get through these hurdles easier.

I also believe things are as they are meant to be. Some people have certain things in their twenties, some in their forties….some wait for success for 20 years and some become rich and well known over night. Things are exactly as they are meant to be and we all have different timings for different things.

So stay happy and positive, stay true to yourself, spread love and smile and things will happen they may just take longer.

Mohla bych tu sedet a tak jak delam velmi casto mluvit o leopardim potisku, slamenych botach, kulatych slunecnich brylech, ale dneska radsi napisu o zivote. Jdu proste s tim, co mi intuice rika. 

Ja jsem obrovsky zastance zakonu pritazlivosti. Opravdu funguje a mam to vyzkousene. Neni jednoduche s tim pokazde pracovat, je to umeni kontrolovat myslenky a vytisnit z hlavy a tela strachy a myslim, ze je to celozivotni boj, ale kdyz se to podari, veci se opravdu zacnou dit.

Na druhou stranu verim, ze urcite veci jsou dane a zivot prinasi uskali, oskliva prekvapeni a starosti a ty jsou dane. Ale diky zakonu pritazlivosti z nich vybruslite ven a zvladnete vse lepe a s usmevem. Je tezke, kdyz nastanou problemy at uz financni, ci milostne ci zdravotni se usmivat 24/7, ale na druhou stranu si rikam, ze lidem nic jineho nezbyva. Jedine co v ten moment muzu zmenit je postoj. 

A tady prave zakon pritazlivosti pomaha si do zivota pritahnout ty spravne lidi, okolnosti ci finance, aby clovek mohl z problemu lepe vyvaznout. A proto se usmivejte a i kdyz se potrebujete treba vyplakat a vypovidat tak si vzdy vzpomente, ze s usmevem jde opravdu vsechno lepe. 

Ja take pevne verim, ze veci jsou tak jak maji byt a proto ma napriklad nekdo dite ve dvaceti, jiny ve ctyriceti, nekdo se stane slavnym po deseti letech driny a druhy prakticky do mesice…Kazdy ma svuj cas na to ci ono a je to vse spravne. Je to jak to ma byt. Neznamena, ze kdyz nekdo jede na Maledivy poprve ve dvaceti, ze je to spravne ci spatne, zkratka to tak melo byt. 

A proto se snazte usmivat, vzdy najit na situaci neco dobreho a pokusit se byt stastny ted a tady. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Summer style in the city

Wearing: Shoes: Manolo Blahnik via Luisa via Roma, Jeans: Mango, Sunglasses: Chloe, Top: River Island

Summer is one of the best parts of the year and as much as I love the sun and sea spending sunny days in the city isn’t that bad. I love to style my summer pieces for a weekend in the sunshine more than ever. It is fun to combine together typical summer items like this top with more city like mules like these.

And of course once you have your perfect outfit and your perfect basket bag and you bought those flowers for your house you can enjoy sipping Aperol in one of the cute London restaurants and cafes. I just love going out at this time of the year and having fun with Liam around London as he needs to know what this city is all about. Of course minus the Aperol for him :)

Anyway, let’s make sure we enjoy our lives as it offers so much and if you haven’t seen what I have been up to for my birthday there is a vlog up on my channel. And hit that subscribe button no to miss out on more summer fun.

Leto je jedno z nejlepsich rocnich obdobi a i prestoze miluju more a prala bych si travit slunecne dny v nejake krasne primorske vile, tak rada travim letni dny i ve meste. Bavi me kombinovat klasicke letni kousky jako treba tento top s temi co uz mam a prinaset tak trosku Francouzske riviery do centra Londyna.

Bavi me nosit letni topy jako treba tento a treba krasne nazouvacky. A kdyz uz ma clovek svuj perfektni outfit, koupil si venku kvetiny do vazy, tak se muze zastavit na sklenicku Aperolu nebo treba dve. A o tom tyhle dny jsou. Uzivat si zivot na plno. Ja se snazim s Liamem delat neco porad a hlavne kdyz je krasne. Musi prece poznavat.

A pokud vam nahodou uniklo moje video z narozenin, muzete se podivat tady na mem kanale. A nezapomente se prihlasit k odberu, ceka nas dovolena a taky pobyt v Cesku. Tak at vam nic neunikne. Zacala jsem pridavat i videa v Cestine jednou tydne. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


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Outfit: Spring cleaning

Pictures: Hazel Hurley

Wearing: Trousers: River Island, Shoes: Gucci, Jacket: Tobi, Bag: Chanel, Earrings: Soru, Sunglasses: Nelly, Top: Zara

Spring cleaning. We all know how important it is to clear old clothes, things we do not use and just to bring a bit of fresh air to your homes. I love it myself and I did a bit of it but I think I could easily do a second round. There is that feeling afterwards when you finish. You just feel happy, lighter and somehow ready for new to come your way.

I sent one huge box of clothes to my friend in Prague and another one to my mum and my sister and I also have got one big bag going to charity shop. And my wardrobes look still absolutely full.

However, it  does not have to be just about cleaning each corner of your house and throwing out that vase you keep at the back of your cupboard…you can also work on clearing your mind. What a better time to start then now. Long walks in the sunshine, taking in the nature around you and meditate as much as you can. You can always get rid of anything toxic in your life.

Last night I struggled to go back to sleep after Liam woke up for a  bit and some of the thoughts going through my head…I was like go away please. You know that feeling. You wake up 2 am and just thoughts coming your way. It can be small stress and you planning your next day…let me tell you one thing. It is not good for you. So try to be your best positive self at all times.

Jarni uklid a trideni. Vsichni vime, jak je to dulezite se zbavit stareho, veci ktere nenosime ci nepouzivame a prinest svezi vzduch do nasich domovu. Ja miluju ten pocit, kdyz zkoncite a opravdu se clovek citi tak nejak odlehcene.

Ja jsem sama odeslala jednu velkou krabici kamaradce do Prahy a druhou moji mamince a sestre a jeste k tomu vytridila velkou tasku na charitu. A skrine jsou porad preplnene. Hmmm. Takze asi druhe kolo co? 

Ale toto obdobi nemusi byt jenom o uklidu ve vasem hnizde. Jde take o cisteni myslenek a vseho kolem vas. Mate kolem sebe toxicke lidi, strasi vas toxicke myslenky. Tak hura na to. Uprimne vam reknu, ze venku na slunicku a v prirode to jde totiz jednoduseji nez kdekoli jinde. Priroda nabiji a dava odvahu. Ono se mi to rika. Snazim se zuby nehty, ale je to treba. Snazim se vice meditovat a proste odhanet strachy. Je to nekonecna cesta, ale casem snad bude mene trnita. 

Vcera v noci jsem nemohla usnout, kdyz se Liam vzbudil a proste jsem strasakum porucila at jdou pryc a svete div se, oni fakt sli. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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